How to align 3 files based on first column value


When working with data, it is often necessary to align multiple files based on a shared column. In this article, we will discuss process of aligning three files based on first column value. We will provide an example of three files and guide you through process of aligning them based on first column value.

Why do we need to align three files?

In data analysis, we often encounter situations where we need to combine data from multiple sources. In such cases, it is necessary to align data from different files based on a shared column. This is important because it allows us to analyze data and draw insights from it. In addition, aligning data from different files can help us detect errors and inconsistencies in data.

Example Files

For purpose of this article, we will use three example files that need to be aligned based on first column value. three files are as follows −

File 1: Customer Data

Customer ID




















File 2: Sales Data

Customer ID















File 3: Region Data

Customer ID










As you can see, three files have a common column - Customer ID. We will use this column to align data from three files.

  • Step 1 − Sort files based on common column

The first step in aligning three files is to sort them based on common column - Customer ID. We can do this using any spreadsheet software such as Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, or LibreOffice Calc.

To sort files, follow these steps −

  • Open each file in a spreadsheet software.

  • Select column that you want to sort (in this case, first column).

  • Click on 'Sort Ascending' or 'Sort Descending' button in toolbar.

Make sure that you sort all three files in same order (either ascending or descending) based on common column. This will ensure that data is aligned properly.

  • Step 2 − Copy common column from one file

The next step is to copy common column (Customer ID) from one of files and paste it into other two files. This will create a new column in two files that will contain Customer ID values.

To copy and paste common column, follow these steps −

  • Open first file (Customer Data) in a spreadsheet software.

  • Select entire first column (the Customer ID column).

  • Press Ctrl+C (Windows) or Command+C (Mac) to copy column.

  • Open second file (Sales Data) and select first cell in empty column next to Sales column.

  • Press Ctrl+V (Windows) or Command+V (Mac) to paste Customer ID column.

  • Repeat same steps for third file (Region Data).

Make sure that you paste copied column in first cell of empty column next to corresponding column in other two files. For example, paste Customer ID column from Customer Data file in first cell of empty column next to Customer ID column in Sales Data and Region Data files.

  • Step 3 − Fill in missing values

After pasting Customer ID column in other two files, you may notice that some cells are empty. This is because not all Customer IDs are present in all three files. To align data properly, we need to fill in missing values.

To fill in missing values, follow these steps −

  • Select entire column that contains missing values.

  • Click on 'Find and Replace' button in toolbar.

  • In 'Find what' field, enter a blank space.

  • In 'Replace with' field, enter value from cell above blank cell.

  • Click on 'Replace All' button.

This will fill in missing values with corresponding value from cell above it. Repeat these steps for each column that contains missing values.

  • Step 4 − Check for errors

After aligning data from three files, it is important to check for errors and inconsistencies. One common error is when a Customer ID is present in one file but not in other two files. This can cause problems when analyzing data.

To check for errors, follow these steps −

  • Sort files based on common column (Customer ID) again.

  • Check if each Customer ID is present in all three files.

  • Check if data for each Customer ID is consistent across all three files.

If you find any errors or inconsistencies, you may need to go back and correct them. This can involve filling in missing data or deleting incorrect data.

Additional tips for aligning three files based on first column value

  • Use a spreadsheet program − Spreadsheet programs like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets are ideal for aligning data from multiple files. They have built-in tools that make it easy to sort and filter data, fill in missing values, and check for errors.

  • Use consistent formatting − Before aligning your data, make sure that formatting of first column is consistent across all three files. This will help ensure that data is properly aligned and that there are no errors.

  • Save a copy of original files − Before making any changes to your files, it is a good idea to save a copy of original files. This will allow you to go back and compare original data with aligned data, in case you need to make any corrections.

  • Double-check results − After aligning data, it is important to double-check results to make sure that data is accurate and consistent. This may involve cross-checking data with other sources or running some basic data analysis to verify results.

  • Use a script − If you have a large amount of data to align, it may be more efficient to use a script or program to automate process. There are many tools available for this purpose, such as Python, R, or SQL.


Suppose you have three files − a Customer Data file, a Sales Data file, and a Region Data file. Each file contains data on customers, sales, and regions, respectively, and first column in each file contains a Customer ID. You want to align data based on Customer ID column so that you can analyze data more effectively.

Here are steps to align data −

  • Open all three files in a spreadsheet program.

  • Sort files based on common column (Customer ID).

  • Copy Customer ID column from Customer Data file and paste it in first column of Sales Data and Region Data files.

  • Fill in missing values by using 'Find and Replace' tool.

  • Check for errors and inconsistencies by sorting files based on Customer ID column again and checking for missing or inconsistent data.

  • Save aligned data in a new file for future use.

By following these steps, you can align your data and make it easier to analyze and draw insights from it. This can help you make better business decisions and improve your overall performance.


Aligning three files based on first column value is an important process in data analysis. It allows us to combine data from different sources and draw insights from it. In this article, we discussed steps involved in aligning three files and provided an example of three files that need to be aligned. By following these steps, you can align your own data and ensure that it is accurate and consistent.

Updated on: 14-Mar-2023


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