How does the functools cmp_to_key function works in Python?

Python's functools module offers the cmp_to_key function, a valuable tool for sorting objects according to specific requirements. This function enables the transformation of a comparison function that evaluates two arguments and delivers a negative, zero, or positive outcome into a key function suitable for sorting. By utilizing cmp_to_key, the process of sorting objects based on intricate criteria becomes more straightforward. In this article, we will delve into the inner workings of the cmp_to_key function in Python and examine its practical applications.

What is functools.cmp_to_key function?

The functools.cmp_to_key function in Python is a utility that facilitates custom sorting of objects. It acts as a bridge between comparison-based and key-based sorting methods. While comparison functions in Python compare two values and return a negative, zero, or positive result, many built-in sorting functions expect a key function that extracts values for comparison.

The cmp_to_key function converts a comparison function into a key function. It takes the comparison function as input and returns a key function suitable for sorting. The resulting key function extracts values from objects and utilizes the original comparison function to compare those values.

This functionality enables developers to implement complex sorting criteria, allowing objects to be sorted based on intricate requirements. By utilizing cmp_to_key, one can achieve customized sorting outcomes, considering multiple attributes or incorporating custom logic.

How does the functools cmp_to_key function works in Python?

The functools module in Python provides a versatile function called cmp_to_key that plays a crucial role in the custom sorting of objects. This function is particularly useful when we need to sort objects based on complex criteria or when the traditional sorting methods are not sufficient. In this explanation, we will explore how the cmp_to_key function works and examine its practical applications.

The purpose of the cmp_to_key function is to transform a comparison function into a key function suitable for sorting. In Python, the comparison function takes two inputs and yields a negative value if the first input is deemed smaller than the second, a positive value if it is considered greater, and zero if they are deemed equal. However, several built-in sorting functions in Python require a key function that extracts a value from each object and employs that value for comparison.

The cmp_to_key function bridges this gap by transforming a comparison function into a key function. It takes the comparison function as its argument and returns a key function that can be used with the sorted() function or other sorting methods. The resulting key function extracts a value from each object and uses the comparison function to compare those values.

Follow the steps given below for using functools cmp_to_key −

  • Define a comparison function called compare_lengths that takes two strings as arguments and compares them based on their lengths. The function returns a negative value if the first string is shorter, a positive value if it is longer, and zero if the lengths are equal.

  • Create a list of names called names. To sort this list based on the lengths of the names, we use the cmp_to_key function to convert our compare_lengths comparison function into a key function called key_function.

  • Use the sorted() function and provide the key_function as the key parameter to perform the sorting. The sorted names are stored in the sorted_names list, which we print to display the sorted result.

Below is the program that demonstrates how the functools.cmp_to_key function works in Python −


from functools import cmp_to_key

# Comparison function to compare two strings based on their lengths
def compare_lengths(str1, str2):
   if len(str1) < len(str2):
      return -1
   elif len(str1) > len(str2):
      return 1
      return 0

# List of names
names = ['Alice', 'Bob', 'Charlie', 'Dave']

# Convert the comparison function to a key function
key_function = cmp_to_key(compare_lengths)

# Sort the names using the key function
sorted_names = sorted(names, key=key_function)

# Print the sorted names


['Bob', 'Dave', 'Alice', 'Charlie']

This result demonstrates that the names have been sorted based on their lengths, with the shortest name "Bob" appearing first, followed by "Dave", "Alice", and finally "Charlie".


In conclusion, the functools.cmp_to_key function in Python is a powerful tool that facilitates customized sorting of objects. By converting a comparison function into a key function, it bridges the gap between the traditional comparison-based sorting and the key-based sorting methods. The cmp_to_key function enables sorting objects based on complex criteria, going beyond simple comparisons of values.

It allows developers to define their own comparison logic and apply it to sort objects effectively. This function opens up possibilities for sorting based on multiple attributes, calculations, or even external factors.

Updated on: 24-Jul-2023


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