Function overloading with singledispatch-functools

Function overloading is a popular concept in object-oriented programming where functions can have the same name but different parameters. This enables the developer to write functions that can perform different operations based on the input parameters. However, Python doesn't support function overloading as traditionally seen in other object-oriented languages such as Java or C++. Fortunately, the singledispatch function from the functools module provides a solution for Python developers to implement function overloading.


The functools module is part of the Python standard library and doesn't require any installation. To use the singledispatch function, import it from the functools module −

from functools import singledispatch

The singledispatch function decorates a function that performs the default operation. It then registers other functions for specific types using the register() method. Here's the basic syntax −

def function_name(arg):
   # default implementation

def _(arg):
   # specific implementation for type


The singledispatch function in Python works by registering different implementations of a function for different types of arguments. When the function is called, the singledispatch function determines the type of the argument and calls the appropriate implementation. The default implementation is called if there is no specific implementation for the argument's type.

  • Decorate the default function with @singledispatch.

  • Use the register() method to register other functions for specific types.

  • Invoke it with varied argument types.

  • The singledispatch function determines the type of the argument and calls the appropriate implementation.

Example 1 - Overloaded Function for Integers and Strings

from functools import singledispatch

def my_function(arg):
   print("Standard implementation for type: ", type(arg).__name__)

def _(arg):
   print("Overridden for INT: ", arg)

def _(arg):
   print("This is the implementation for strings:", arg)
x = 1

x = "Hello"

# default implementation


Overridden for INT: 1
This is the implementation for strings: Hello
Standard implementation for type: float

The default implementation prints the type of the argument and specific implementations for integers and strings print a message with the argument's value.

Example 2 - Overloaded Function for Lists and Tuples

from functools import singledispatch

def process_data(arg):
   print("Overridden DATA TYPE-> ", type(arg).__name__)

def _(arg):
   print("Overridden LIST-> ", arg)

def _(arg):
   print("Overridden TUPLE-> ", arg)
process_data([1, 2, 3])
process_data((1, 2, 3))


Overridden DATA TYPE-> int
Overridden LIST-> [1, 2, 3]
Overridden TUPLE-> (1, 2, 3)

Let's say we want to create a function that calculates the area of different shapes - rectangles, squares, and circles.

from functools import singledispatch

def calculate_area(shape):
   raise NotImplementedError("Unsupported shape type")

def _(shape: tuple):
   if len(shape) != 2:
      raise ValueError("Tuple must have 2 vals")
   return shape[0] * shape[1]

def _(shape: float):
   return 3.14 * shape * shape

def _(shape: int):
   return shape * shape

def _(shape: str):
   raise ValueError("Shape type not supported")

# passing tuple [Rectangle]
print(calculate_area((2, 3)))

# passing only one value [Square]

# passing float [Circle]


  • The calculate_area function is decorated with @singledispatch.

  • The default implementation raises a NotImplementedError with the message "Unsupported shape type".

  • The register() method is used to register four other implementations for different types of shapes.

  • The implementation for tuple calculates the area of a rectangle by multiplying its length and width.

  • The implementation for float calculates the area of a circle using the formula pi * r^2.

  • The implementation for int calculates the area of a square by multiplying its side by itself.

  • The implementation for str raises a ValueError with the message "Shape type not supported".

Now let's call the calculate_area function with different types of arguments −

>>> calculate_area((4, 5))
>>> calculate_area(4.0)
>>> calculate_area(4)
>>> calculate_area("rectangle")
ValueError: Shape type not supported
  • The first call with a tuple of length 2 returns the area of a rectangle.

  • The second call with a float returns the area of a circle.

  • The third call with an integer returns the area of a square.

  • The fourth call with a string raises a ValueError as there's no implementation for strings.


The singledispatch function is particularly useful in situations where you need to perform different operations based on the type of the argument. Here are some potential applications −

  • Data validation and manipulation.

  • Formatting data for output.

  • Type-specific error handling.


In conclusion, Python doesn't support function overloading in the traditional sense, but the functools module provides a useful solution in the form of the singledispatch function. By registering different implementations for different types of arguments, the singledispatch function enables developers to create functions that can perform different operations based on the input parameters. This powerful feature makes Python even more versatile for object-oriented programming tasks.

Updated on: 22-Aug-2023


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