Difference Between Windows and Plan 9

Windows and Plan 9 are both operating systems with distinct philosophies, designs, and target audiences. While Windows is a popular proprietary operating system developed by Microsoft, Plan 9 is an open-source operating system originally developed at Bell Labs.

What is Windows OS?

Windows OS, short for Microsoft Windows Operating System, is a widely used computer operating system developed by Microsoft Corporation. It has a long history dating back to its initial release in 1985 and has evolved through numerous versions and updates to become one of the dominant operating systems in the world.

Here are some important features of Windows OS −

  • User-Friendly Interface and Extensive Software Compatibility − Windows OS is known for its user-friendly interface, extensive software compatibility, and broad range of features. It provides a graphical user interface (GUI) that allows users to interact with their computers using windows, icons, menus, and pointers. This intuitive interface has contributed to its popularity among both novice and experienced users.

  • Evolution through Versions and Improvements − Over the years, Microsoft has released various versions of Windows, each with its own improvements and advancements. Some notable versions include Windows 3.1, Windows 95, Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10. Each version introduced new features, enhanced performance, and addressed security issues to meet the evolving needs of users.

    Windows OS supports a wide range of applications, from productivity software like Microsoft Office to multimedia tools, games, and development environments. It offers a robust ecosystem of third-party software, making it a versatile platform for various purposes and industries.

  • Broad Hardware Compatibility − One of the key strengths of Windows OS is its extensive hardware compatibility. It can run on a vast array of devices, including desktop computers, laptops, tablets, and even smartphones. This versatility has allowed Windows to penetrate both consumer and enterprise markets.

  • Built-in Networking Capabilities − Windows OS also includes built-in networking capabilities, enabling users to connect their computers to the internet, share files and printers, and access network resources. It supports various network protocols and provides a secure environment for online activities.

  • Focus on Security − In terms of security, Microsoft has made significant efforts to enhance the protection of Windows OS over the years. Windows includes features such as a built-in firewall, antivirus software (Windows Defender), and regular security updates to address vulnerabilities and protect users from malware and other threats.

  • Continuous Updates and Improvements − With the release of Windows 10, Microsoft introduced a new model of continuous updates and improvements. Rather than releasing entirely new versions of Windows, the company now provides regular feature updates and security patches to keep the operating system up to date.

  • Unified Platform across Devices − In recent years, Microsoft has expanded its focus beyond traditional desktops and laptops. Windows 10 introduced a unified platform across different devices, including tablets and smartphones, allowing for a consistent experience across multiple form factors.

Overall, Windows OS has played a significant role in shaping the modern computing landscape. It continues to evolve, adapt to changing technologies, and provide a familiar and powerful operating system for millions of users worldwide.

What is Plan 9 OS?

Plan 9 is an operating system that was developed at Bell Labs in the late 1980s as a successor to Unix. It was designed to overcome the limitations and shortcomings of traditional operating systems, and it aimed to provide a distributed and networked computing environment.

Here are some important features of Plan 9 OS −

  • Development − The development of Plan 9 began in 1987 by the same team that created Unix and the C programming language. The primary goal was to create a modern and flexible operating system that could take advantage of the emerging networked computing landscape. The name "Plan 9" was a reference to the science fiction film "Plan 9 from Outer Space," which was known for being a notoriously bad movie. The name was chosen as a tongue-in-cheek acknowledgement that previous attempts at operating systems had not been entirely successful.

  • Approach − One of the fundamental concepts of Plan 9 was the idea of treating all resources, including devices and files, as files. This concept, known as the "everything is a file" philosophy, allowed for a unified approach to accessing and manipulating different types of resources. In Plan 9, network communication was also treated as file operations, making it possible to transparently access resources on remote systems as if they were local.

  • File system − Plan 9 introduced a new file system called 9P, which was designed to support distributed computing. The 9P file system provided a simple and uniform interface for accessing files and resources across different machines in a network. This made it possible to seamlessly integrate distributed systems and treat them as a single cohesive environment.

  • Communication − Another key feature of Plan 9 was its focus on communication and interposes communication (IPC). The system provided a set of standardized protocols, known as "Styx," for communication between processes and across networked systems. These protocols allowed different components of the operating system to communicate with each other efficiently and effectively.

  • Security − Plan 9 also emphasized security and made it an integral part of the system design. It implemented strong authentication and encryption mechanisms, ensuring that communication and data transfer were secure and protected from unauthorized access.

Despite its innovative design and unique features, Plan 9 did not gain widespread adoption in the mainstream computing industry. However, it had a significant influence on subsequent operating system development and research. Many of its ideas and concepts have been incorporated into other systems, and its legacy can be seen in projects such as Inferno, a distributed operating system based on Plan 9.

Overall, Plan 9 was a forward-thinking and ambitious operating system that pushed the boundaries of traditional computing. Its focus on distributed computing, uniform resource access, and secure communication laid the groundwork for future developments in the field, making it an important milestone in the history of operating systems.

Difference Between Windows and Plan 9

The following table compares and contrasts the important features of Windows and Plan 9 OS −



Plan 9



Open source

Primary Developer

Microsoft Corporation

Bell Labs (Originally), Plan 9 from User Space

File System

NTFS (New Technology File System)

9P (Plan 9 File Protocol)



9P, Inferno Network Protocol (INP)

Process Model

Monolithic kernel

Distributed, microkernel-based

User Interface

Graphical (Windows GUI)

Command-line (with some graphical elements)


Supports a wide range of software applications and hardware devices.

Designed for compatibility with Unix-like systems

Distributed Computing

Limited support for distributed computing

Native support for distributed computing


Limited scalability due to monolithic design

Designed for scalability and distributed computing


Primarily designed for x86 architecture

Designed for portability across different platforms


Provides various security features and mechanisms

Focuses on simplicity, limited attack surface, and secure design


Commonly used in desktop and server environments

Primarily used in research and academic settings


Windows and Plan 9 differ in terms of their design philosophy, kernel architecture, file systems, software ecosystems, and target audience. Windows focuses on providing a user-friendly and feature-rich environment, while Plan 9 emphasizes simplicity, modularity, and distributed computing. The choice between the two depends on specific requirements and preferences, with Windows being more suitable for general-purpose computing and Plan 9 catering to those interested in exploring novel distributed computing concepts.

Updated on: 13-Jul-2023


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