Difference between TensorFlow and Caffe


TensorFlow is an open-source end-to-end platform to build machine learning applications. It was developed by researchers and developers at Google Brain.

Let us now see the features of TensorFlow −

  • Build and Train models easily − TensorFlow offers multiple levels of abstraction to make it quick for you to choose the correct one. Build and train models by using the high-level Keras API, which makes beginning with TensorFlow and machine learning easy. Eager execution lets immediate iteration and intuitive debugging. For large ML training tasks, use the Distribution Strategy API for distributed training on different hardware configurations without changing the model definition.

  • TensorFlow Serving − It is a flexible and high-performance serving system for machine learning models, designed for production environments. It runs ML models at production scale on the most advanced processors in the world, including Google's custom Tensor Processing Units (TPUs).

  • TensorFlow Extended − TensorFlow Extended (TFX) is an end-to-end platform for deploying production Machine Learning pipelines. If you need a full production ML pipeline, use the TensorFlow Extended.

  • TensorFlow Lite − TensorFlow Lite is a mobile library for deploying models on mobile, microcontrollers and other edge devices. For running inference on mobile and edge devices, use TensorFlow Lite.

  • TensorFlow.js − Train and deploy models in JavaScript environments using TensorFlow.js. TensorFlow.js is a library for machine learning in JavaScript Develop ML models in JavaScript, and use ML directly in the browser or in Node.js.

  • State-of-the-art models − Build and train state-of-the-art models without sacrificing speed or performance. TensorFlow gives you the control with features like the Keras Functional API and Model Subclassing API for creation of complex topologies.

  • Ecosystem of powerful add-on libraries − TensorFlow also supports an ecosystem of powerful add-on libraries and models to experiment with, including Ragged Tensors, TensorFlow Probability, Tensor2Tensor and BERT.

  • Robust ML Production − TensorFlow brings a direct path to production. Even if it is on servers, edge devices, or the web, TensorFlow lets you train and deploy your model easily, irrespective what language or platform you use.

Following are the Advantages of Tensorflow

  • It is a general framework, and can be applied to other domains too.

  • It provides Python, and C++ APIs.

  • It has comprehensive and flexible tools, libraries, and community to build and deploy state-of-the-art Machine Learning applications.

  • It is available on Linux, Windows, Android, iOS, and macOS.

  • It also provides support for reinforcement learning, deep learning, NLP, image recognition, time series, and video detection.

  • It has excellent documentation, and a supportive community for contributors.

  • It provides parallelism in terms of data and models.

  • It supports execution on CPU and GPU.


  • Matrix operations cannot be performed.

  • It takes time to execute operations in comparison to other frameworks.

  • Dynamic typing is prone to errors in high scalability development.


Caffe is an open-source framework developed by keeping expression, speed, and modularity in mind. It is developed by community contributors and Berkeley AI Research.

  • It can be used with CPU and GPU.

  • It is used in research and industrial development applications.

  • It does not have a steep learning curve.

  • It works well with images in deep learning.

  • It is easy to dive into and models can be explored easily.

  • It aims to help developers who want to have first-hand experience with deep learning.

  • It can process more than 60M images in a day.

  • It can be used with Linux, Windows and MacOS.

Caffe vs Tensorflow

Caffe TensorFlow
What? Caffe is an open-source framework developed by keeping expression, speed, and modularity in mind. It is developed by community contributors and Berkeley AI Research. TensorFlow is an open-source end-to-end platform to build machine learning applications and was developed by researchers and developers at Google Brain.
APIs Caffe does not Offer high-level APIs Offers high-level APIs
OpenMP Caffe supports the OpenMP Architecture.. TensorFlow does not support the OpenMP Architecture.
Languages Caffe is written in C++. TensorFlow is written in C++, Python and CUDA.

Updated on: 14-Oct-2022


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