Difference Between SNMPv2 and SNMPv3x

SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) is a protocol that is commonly used for managing and monitoring network devices such as routers, switches, servers, and other network infrastructure components. SNMP has changed over time, with the two major versions being SNMPv2 and SNMPv3.

Read this article to find out more about SNMPv2 and SNMPv3 and how they are different from each other.

What is SNMPv2?

SNMPv2, also known as Simple Network Management Protocol version 2, is a network management protocol that allows network devices such as routers, switches, servers, and other networked equipment to share management information. SNMPv2 extends the original SNMPv1 protocol with upgrades and new functionality.

Given below is a detailed explanation of the essential components of SNMPv2 −

  • Structure and Components − SNMPv2 is based on a client-server approach, with network devices acting as agents to collect and maintain management data. As the manager, a central management system requests and receives data from these agents.

  • Managed Devices − These are the network devices that are being tracked and managed. A Management Information Base (MIB) is a hierarchical database that maintains numerous characteristics and information about the device and its actions.

  • SNMP Agents − SNMP agents are software modules that are installed on controlled devices. They are in charge of gathering and organizing data from the MIB as well as responding to manager requests.

  • Network Management System (NMS) − The SNMP manager is handled by the NMS. It is a software application that monitors and controls the controlled devices. To analyses and administer the network, the NMS sends queries to SNMP agents and analyses the data received.

  • SNMPv2c (Community-Based SNMPv2) − The most common version is SNMPv2c. For SNMP messages, it uses a community string as a type of authentication. The community string functions like a password, granting access to the SNMP data. SNMPv2c, on the other hand, lacks sufficient security features and is regarded as less safe.

  • SNMPv2u (User-Based SNMPv2) − In comparison to SNMPv2c, SNMPv2u introduces a User-Based Security Model (USM) that offers extra security features. However, SNMPv2u is rarely used in practice, and SNMPv3 (described later) is the version that more thoroughly addresses the security concerns.

  • MIB Structure − SNMPv2 MIBs are organized hierarchically, resembling a tree. Every node in the tree represents a MIB variable. The MIB categorizes items into groups, which are identifiable by an Object Identifier (OID). The Structure of Management Information (SMI) standard is used to specify the structure.

What is SNMPv3x?

The latest and most secure version of the SNMP protocol is SNMPv3, also known as Simple Network Management Protocol version 3. It was created to fix the security flaws found in SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c. Because SNMPv3 improves authentication, authorization, and encryption, it is the ideal choice for secure network management.

Let's get into the specifics of SNMPv3 −

  • SNMPv3 User-based Security Model (USM) − Strong authentication and encryption procedures are introduced in this model. The idea of SNMPv3 users is introduced in SNMPv3, which differs from the community strings used in SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c.

  • View-based Access Control Model (VACM) − VACM complements USM by defining which elements of the MIB specific SNMPv3 users can access. It allows administrators to set access policies depending on the identity, security level, and context of the user.

  • Decoding Security Parameters − Using authentication keys, the SNMP engine decodes the security parameters and verifies the message's integrity and validity.

  • Compatibility − SNMPv3 is backward compatible with SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c, which means that SNMPv3 agents can reply to SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c managers' requests. The security features, however, are only available when SNMPv3 is used end-to-end, that is, between SNMPv3 managers and agents.

  • Message Originator and Recipient Validation − To confirm that the message is intended for the correct entity, the SNMP engine examines the originator's credentials (USM user) and validates the recipient's context engine ID.

Difference between SNMPv2 and SNMPv3x

The following table highlights the major differences between SNMPv2 and SNMPv3x −





Lacks data encryption capabilities.

Provides data privacy with encryption support using protocols like AES.

Message Integrity

No built-in message integrity checks.

Ensures message integrity using HMAC (Hash-based Message Authentication Code).


Backward compatible with SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c.

Partially backward compatible, but full security features are only available in SNMPv3-to-SNMPv3 communication.

Message Format

Simpler message format.

More complex message format with additional security-related fields.

Recommended Use

Considered less secure for critical environments.

Recommended for modern networks with a focus on security and privacy.

Trap Handling

No standardized trap authentication or encryption.

SNMPv3 traps can be authenticated and encrypted for enhanced security.

Message Processing

Fewer steps in message processing.

More steps involved due to the additional security mechanisms.

Error Handling

Limited error handling capabilities.

Improved error reporting for easier problem diagnosis.


Weaker security. Uses community strings (SNMPv2c) for authentication.

Strong security. Introduces SNMPv3 users and USM (User-based Security Model) for robust authentication and encryption.


In conclusion, SNMPv3 is a more secure and feature-rich version of the SNMP protocol than SNMPv2. It solves SNMPv2's flaws by implementing strong authentication, data encryption, and enhanced error handling. As a result, SNMPv3 is advised for usage in current network environments where security and privacy are paramount.

Updated on: 10-Aug-2023


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