Difference between Marketing Automation and Email Marketing

According to professionals, running a business without marketing is similar to flying blind. We cannot refute this statement, but we can say that using an inefficient marketing strategy might waste money and fail to achieve its goals. This emphasizes the significance of business owners and marketing managers having a firm knowledge of the many marketing jargons in common use. Companies who want to see an improvement in their lead and conversion rates should use both marketing automation and email marketing immediately. Let's go right in and compare and contrast the two.

What is Marketing Automation?

This alludes to the plethora of available platforms and technology designed to streamline routine tasks and expand a company's reach. Aside from being a time−saver, this also boosts the number of leads acquired. Companies with many product lines that may provide prospects with either a stand−alone or integrated solution, as well as those with longer sales cycles than rivals and consequently more complex lead tracking tactics, might benefit from this.

There are three main types of marketing automation −

  • Market intelligence − The term "market intelligence" is commonly used to describe the process of tracking consumers' online activities via "tags" installed in their browsers. The collected information is then analyzed, and the findings are used to create market segments based on consumer actions.

  • Business Development − The goal of business development is to move leads through the sales funnel from the "awareness" stage to "conversion." Marketers do this by segmenting customers based on their stated interests, ranking leads, and measuring customer behavior.

  • Workflow automation − Automating internal processes, or "workflow," includes digital asset management, the marketing calendar, and financial planning.

The following are some features that should be present in a powerful and effective marketing automation system −

  • Develop several marketing plans and assess their effectiveness.

  • Make use of a variety of pint−sized touch points.

  • Drive interested parties to the point of purchase.

  • In charge of advertising initiatives

  • Maintain a centralized database of customer information.

  • See how successful each campaign has been.

  • Lead Management

Software such as HubSpot, Pardot, HootSuite, MailChimp, and Marketo are all examples of marketing automation software.

What is Email marketing?

In this form of digital advertising, emails are sent to clients to win their trust and expand the brand's reach and loyalty. Using an automated process, this may be done in massive quantities. If you want your email to be interesting, make sure it has a catchy headline, a detailed explanation, relevant images, is easy to read, and ends with a clear CTA.

Companies who are thinking about using email marketing should do the following to get the most out of it −

  • Instead of spamming those who have no interest in your products or services, you should focus on growing your mailing list.

  • Following the rules involves including clear information on how to opt−out of receiving future emails, including the sender's address and identity, and using truthful subject lines.

  • Gain your consumers' trust by proving that you can put yourself in their shoes.

  • Adhere to the schedule precisely.

  • Reward customers for their subscriptions.

There are several benefits to using email marketing, such as −

  • It is faster and less expensive than regular mail.

  • Use it to send a flood of emails all at once.

  • If the targeting is done right, a corporation can increase its chances of success.

However, there are a few drawbacks worth mentioning.

  • Customers may miss certain notifications due to the sheer amount of daily emails.

  • It is crucial for businesses to keep open lines of communication with their customers; otherwise, they risk being seen as dishonest.

Differences: Marketing automation and Email marketing

Both are important forms of advertising that can generate new customers. Both processes are carried out online. However, there are significant differences between the two, which we have highlighted in the following table −

Characteristics Marketing Automation Email Marketing
Definition Marketing automation is a name for a suite of applications and services designed to streamline and simplify common marketing tasks and expand promotional reach across several online mediums. As a form of digital marketing, email marketing involves sending out electronic mails in an effort to increase brand loyalty, trust, and recognition. The customer base as well as the prospect base may be reached via email.
Level of engagement Thanks to marketing automation software, businesses can communicate with their customers in a variety of ways. Media such as the internet, electronic mail, and social media platforms all fall under this category. Email marketing enables interaction with a solitary communication channel.
Personalization Customers' information may be tailored to their unique needs and preferences with more precision and ease thanks to marketing automation. With email marketing, you can customize your customers' experiences on a more fundamental level.
Simplicity Marketing automation is a complex procedure best suited for large organizations. Email marketing is simple to learn and use.
Costs The cost of marketing automation is substantial. The price of email marketing is far lower than other advertising channels.


The phrase "marketing automation" is used to describe a set of related technologies and software platforms whose primary purpose is to speed up repetitive marketing tasks and expand their reach across a variety of online mediums. In contrast, "email marketing" is an online marketing approach that uses email messages to increase brand recognition, client retention, and customer referrals.

A firm that wishes to increase its lead generation and conversion rate would do well to combine marketing automation with email marketing, even though each strategy may be successful on its own. However, businesses may still pick and choose which methods they employ depending on factors such as practicality, purpose, cost, and resources.

Updated on: 29-Nov-2022


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