Difference between Joomla and WordPress

A content management system (CMS) is used to generate and update digital files. CMS allows for web-based posting, content management, version control, and many other features. There are various CMSs, two of which are Joomla and WordPress. Joomla is more adaptable, versatile, and durable than WordPress.

Two open-source content management systems are Joomla and WordPress. The main differentiation between Joomla and WordPress is that Joomla is better suited for e-commerce, social media, and moderate to large businesses. In contrast, WordPress is best suited for small to medium-sized companies, blogs, and smaller e-commerce sites.

WordPress and Joomla are both content administration systems written in the same language; both are free and outstanding. Most people would claim WordPress is the greatest for blogging; however, Joomla has missed out on effective blogging growth, which is significantly superior to WordPress. Several of these extensions are not free. When it involves serious work, you must stick with Joomla since there are virtually no limitations to the kind of websites you may build, ranging from web journals to e-commerce.

Both softwares are powerful CMSs. They allow users to create, update, and manage website content. However, WordPress is easier to operate than Joomla. For beginners, the training in Joomla is much higher. Working with WordPress is pretty simple, despite its equal ability in content management.

WordPress is simple for beginners to understand. However, Joomla CMS is a little less tolerant.There are dozens of free Joomla plugins that allow customers to increase their utility and personalize it as needed. Joomla is backed by a large community in which newcomers are dependent on the advice of more experienced ones.

The first scenario might be on a service such as WordPress.com, while the second could be on a PC running the software package Web journal Equipment, Distributing Stage, and CMS. A nearby computer might be configured to operate as its web server, enabling WordPress to be evaluated or taught by a single user. Features include plugin development and design architecture. When comparing the SEO of both systems, Joomla has a small benefit.

Read this article to find out more about Joomla and WordPress and how they are different from each other.

What is Joomla?

Joomla is an open-source content management system that enables you to create websites and web applications without creating code from scratch. There is no need for the client to have programming knowledge or experience. Building on one's website while linking the backend to databases such as MySQL and PostgreSQL is simple. It supports the development and publishing of web content. The uploaded articles could be organized in any way the user sees fit.

Joomla enables you to create banners and other advertisements. Once established, you may do a variety of clicks and impressions, as well as build any unique URLs you require. When comes to software, Joomla is advanced. It is intended for developers and anyone familiar with networks and technical concerns.

Joomla has evolved to become one of the most extensively used content management systems worldwide. Joomla is an open-source project that is free to use. But just because it is free does not mean it is indeed lacking in functionality. In reality, the user-friendly interface will astonish you with its WYSIWYG function, which generates identical results each time. Another aspect of being happy is the frequent updates.

Joomla is constantly being enhanced with new functionality and features. It becomes easier to use for each new update. Anyone can participate in a Joomla forum as a contributor. Joomla is an open-source project that encourages volunteers and their contributions.

What is WordPress?

WordPress is a free, open-source content management system (CMS) that can dynamically adjust blogs and websites. It is built in PHP. WordPress enables users to create, edit, delete, view, and publish content. As a result, it is simple to set up and operate. Due to its simplicity of use, it is famous among learners. Plugins allow the user to enhance the application. User management operations such as shifting consumer roles, adding and deleting users, and resetting passwords are also supported by WordPress.

Themes include templates, so the user does not need to start from scratch. The user can have photos, audio, and video to make the web pages more visually appealing. WordPress has a user-friendly admin interface and a simple learning experience.

WordPress contains posts and pages by default. Pages are more useful as constant material, informative instead of topical than posts, which are intended for frequent blog posts. While a webpage written in HTML and published to a server is considered "static," WordPress depends on a database to keep and display content. This is known as "dynamic."

WordPress takes significantly less technical knowledge than hand-coding a website from the start. Although dealing with code is still an option, it is possible to build attractive, fully working sites using only the graphical user interface. WordPress can handle websites of any size if the web host package has adequate resources.

Differences between Joomla and WordPress

The following table highlights the major differences between Joomla and WordPress −





Open Source Matters, Inc. created Joomla, a free and open-source content management system for producing web content.

WordPress is a content Management System that is built on PHP and MySQL and it is an open-source platform.


Joomla is not particularly SEO-friendly.

WordPress is better for SEO.


MySQL and other database management systems are supported by Joomla

WordPress supports only MySQL.


Extensions may be used to extend the Joomla application.

Plugins allow the WordPress application to be expanded.

Learning Edge

Joomla is a medium-level learning tool.

WordPress is simple to use and suitable for beginners


Joomla is most commonly used for social networking and e-commerce websites. Similarly, WordPress was first launched as a blogging platform. You may now develop any website you desire using either platform. Joomla can provide greater protection and versatility when managing different types of content for a developer or a user wanting to hire one.

One reason for concern is that Joomla's CMS share of the market is declining, whereas WordPress's is growing. Joomla is not going anywhere anytime soon. However, investing in the leading contender seems logical if you wish to develop your profession on a website.

Updated on: 19-Jan-2023


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