Difference Between HVGA and WQVGA

When it comes to screens, there are all sorts of different acronyms and technical terms that can be confusing. Two of the most common are HVGA and WQVGA. When you're looking for a new phone, you might come across two different acronyms − HVGA and WQVGA. They might seem similar, but they actually refer to two very different display types. If you're looking for a phone or tablet with a high-quality screen, you'll want to go for a device with a WQVGA display.

HVGA stands for High-Definition Graphics Array, while WQVGA is Wide-Quarter VGA. In terms of resolution, WQVGA is four times the resolution of HVGA. Simply put, WQVGA displays offer a higher-quality image.

Read this article to find out more about HVGA and WQVGA and how they are different from each other.

What is HVGA?

HVGA stands for "High-Definition Graphics Array" and is a relatively old display type. It has a resolution of 320×480 pixels, which results in a pixel density of just 120 pixels per inch (PPI). This means that icons and text will appear noticeably jagged and pixelated on an HVGA display.

HVGA displays are great for presenting content in a clear, concise manner. They’re also relatively inexpensive and feature an improved viewing angle compared to other display types. One downside is that HVGA displays are usually heavier and bulkier than WQVGA displays, so if portability is a requirement then HVGA might not be the best option.

What is WQVGA?

WQVGA, on the other hand, stands for "Wide- Quad VGA" and is a newer display type. It has a resolution of 400x240 pixels, which results in a pixel density of just 167 pixels per inch (PPI). This means that icons and text will appear much smoother and sharper on a WQVGA display than on an HVGA one. Since WQVGA displays are higher resolution, they use more power than HVGA displays. That means if you're looking for an energy-efficient display, HVGA might be your best bet.

But, keep in mind that there can be some trade-offs when using an HVGA display. Since they have a lower resolution, the images and text may not look as sharp or crisp as those on a WQVGA display. Ultimately, it's important to consider your needs and decide what works for you.

WQVGA displays are known for their high resolution and sharp images. They’re thinner and lighter than HVGA displays so they offer more portability. The downside is that they’re more expensive than HVGA displays, plus they tend to have a narrowed viewing angle due to their higher pixel density.

The resolution is how many pixels the screen can display. HVGA screens have a resolution of 320 by 480 pixels, while WQVGA screens have a resolution of 400 by 240 pixels. This means that WQVGA screens can display more detail than HVGA screens.

However, the difference in size between HVGA and WQVGA screens is pretty small. So if you're looking for a smaller phone with good resolution, go for an HVGA screen. But if you want a bigger phone with great detail, go for a WQVGA screen.

Comparing the Refresh Rates of HVGA and WQVGA

The refresh rate between HVGA and WQVGA displays is an important factor to consider for gamers or people who rely heavily on video playback. The higher will be the refresh rate, the better will be the image quality.

HVGA displays have a refresh rate of up to 60 Hz, while WQVGA displays have a refresh rate of up to 120 Hz. This means that you'll experience smoother motion with a WQVGA display when compared with an HVGA display - especially when fast-moving images like gaming graphics are involved.

HVGA displays may also blur more easily when it comes to fast motion, as images cannot be updated quickly enough due to their lower refresh rate. On the other hand, WQVGA displays are best suited for displaying high-resolution moving images and more complex graphics.

In the end, it really comes down to what your needs are—if you need a lighter display with superior resolution, then go for a WQVGA display. But if you’re looking for something that’s more affordable that can still provide an acceptable viewing experience then an HVGA display should work just fine!

Differences between HGVA and WQVGA

The following table highlights the major differences between HGVA and WQVGA −




Full form

High-Definition Graphics Array

WQVGA is Wide-Quarter VGA


480×320 pixels

400×240 pixels

Pixel Density

Comparatively higher

Comparatively lower

Refresh rate

60 Hz

120 Hz

Power Consumption

Comparatively lower

Comparatively Higher


WQVGA is a lower-resolution display, while HVGA is a higher-resolution display. HVGA displays offer more detail and clarity than WQVGA displays. If you're looking for the best possible viewing experience, go with an HVGA display.

Updated on: 13-Feb-2023


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