Difference between Freshdesk and Zoho Desk

In today's business world, most companies can't survive without stable and helpful information technology solutions. Firms can benefit from using a CRM system in several ways, including improved customer interactions, scalability in company operations, simplification in marketing and targeting, reduction in overall daily operating expenditures, and improvement in conversion rates.

Two of the most popular customer relationship management (CRM) platforms are Freshdesk and Zoho. Although there are some commonalities between the two, they are distinct. Businesses must determine which system best serves their requirements. Understanding the differences between the two is the first step.

What is Freshdesk?

Customers, including Bridgestone, Hamleys, 7−Eleven, and hundreds more, have chosen Freshdesk because it is one of the best help desk products available.

Some well−known companies are among their customers, although the vast majority are small and medium−sized enterprises. In addition to larger companies, freelancers and new businesses may find Freshdesk a suitable solution due to its permanently free plan. Freshdesk has been quite popular for years because of its simplicity and quick learning curve.

You can also connect Freshdesk with other apps you already use for your company, including Jira, MailChimp, SurveyMonkey, DropBox, Shopify, and more.

There are several features available in Freshdesk, including the following −

  • Ticketing Features − The ticketing tools help organize tasks, set priorities, and delegate responsibilities. They have a group inbox, a detector for when agents are in the same place at once, a ticket field suggester, SLA management, a status generator, a thank you detector, pre−written responses, and automated scenarios.

  • Collaboration Features − They provide for a higher level of efficiency and productivity in group efforts.

  • Omnichannel Features − Email, live chat, the phone, many different social media sites, websites, and even WhatsApp are all components of omnichannel strategies.

  • Field service Features − A scheduling dashboard, time monitoring, client signature capture, mobile field service, service groups, and service tasks are included.

  • Automation Features − Some examples of capabilities under this heading are automated email notifications, intelligent ticket assignment, time−triggered automation, omniroute, and ticket dispatch.

  • Self−service Features − A few examples include a widget for providing feedback, a chatbot, and a support service.

  • Analytics Features − Scheduled reports, customized widgets, customer satisfaction ratings, and curated reports are all options.

  • Customization Features − You may modify your customer service portal, procedures, and agents with these options. Customization options include changing the site's look and feel, making new ticketing forms and URLs, programming new programs, and giving agents new responsibilities.

  • Security Features − Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificates, identity and access management, and bandwidth and IP address restrictions are all examples.

What is Zoho Desk?

Leading companies like McAfee, Godrej, Rogers, Cummins, and many more utilize the excellent support desk software Zoho Desk.

Zoho Desk, like Freshdesk, has a free tier that makes it a viable alternative for small businesses and independent contractors that need to provide basic customer service. Medium−sized companies that are interested in advanced automation features may find Zoho Desk to be a suitable choice.

Zoho has virtually all of the same functionality as Freshdesk but for approximately half the price, making it a far more attractive option for businesses with a significant client base (for the enterprise plan). Zoho Desk may be used with other software packages, like Jira, Trello, Slack, Salesforce, MailChimp, etc.

Among the many functions offered by Zoho Desk are the following −

  • Ticket Management Features − With this, it's much simpler to keep tabs on consumer demands across different labels, divisions, channels, and products. They include a call center, email, social media, and live chat services for several brands and departments.

  • Zia Features − This uses well−crafted AI to generate high−quality support for employees. Some examples of Zia's functionality include Zia voice, Auto−tag tickets, Ask Zia, Zia alerts, sentiment analysis, Zia's dashboard, a reply assistant, and Zia's skill builder.

  • Self−service Features − As a consequence, customers may get their concerns addressed quickly. It has numerous brand−specific help desks, a knowledge library, an embeddable self−service option, and a community.

  • Agent Productivity Features − Modes of operation, groups, the answer editor, CRM integration, mobility, and the effectiveness of tickets are all examples.

  • Automation Features − Ticket allocation, fundamentals, notification rules, workflows, layouts, SLAs and escalations, custom functions, and a blueprint are just a few examples.

  • Extensibility Features − Some examples include− blueprints, APIs, application programming interfaces (APIs), blueprints, and custom functions and integrations.

  • Insights and Impact Features − Such as time tracking, reporting, dashboards, and a centralized hub are provided.

  • Customization − Some examples include the Domain Mapping tool, the Multi−brand Help Centre, and the Layouts & Templates section.

  • Security Features − Involve profiles, roles, sharing, field−level security, and the General Data Protection Regulation.

Similarities: Freshdesk and Zoho Desk

  • Both may be accessed via desktop browsers and mobile apps for iOS and Android devices.

  • Each of these choices comes with a no−risk trial period.

  • Both may be used successfully by small and larger businesses.

  • You can join either service for a monthly fee.

  • You can get both of them for nothing if you need to.

Differences between Freshdesk and Zoho Desk

The following table compares and contrasts the different features of Freshdesk and Zoho Desk −

Characteristics Freshdesk Zoho Desk
Company details Freshworks introduced Freshdesk in 2011. Zoho launched the Zoho desk in 1996.
Pricing Freshdesk is a helpdesk solution with starting prices of $19 per month. The starter plan for the Zoho desk costs $14 per month.
Suitability Freshdesk can be customized to fit your needs regardless of the size or the category of your business. If your company pays a premium on customer satisfaction and responds to numerous client inquiries, Zoho Desk is a viable solution.
Compatible devices Freshdesk is mobile−friendly, allowing access via the web, Android, iOS, and Windows Mobile devices. Zoho desk is compatible with many operating systems, including Windows, iOS (iPhone), Android, and Mac.


In 2011, the parent firm Freshworks launched a help desk service called Freshdesk. While this was happening, in 1996, Zoho debuted the Zoho desk. On the other side, organizations that value customer satisfaction and deal with many client contacts would benefit most from using the Zoho desk. Whereas, Freshdesk is suitable for businesses of all sizes. Both are special in their ways. But despite this, they remain a leading CRM option for businesses everywhere.

Updated on: 29-Nov-2022


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