Difference between DES and AES ciphers

As we know that both DES and AES are the type of symmetric key block cipher which are used in such encryption where only one key (a secret key) is used to both encrypt and decrypt electronic information. The entities communicating via symmetric encryption must exchange the key so that it can be used in the decryption process. Now on the basis of characteristics we can distinguish between AES and DES.

Following are the important differences between DES and AES ciphers.

Sr. No.KeyDES CipherAES Cipher
1DefinitionData Encryption Standard also known as DES is a symmetric key block cipher that was introduced in the year 1977 by IBM. In DES encryption the plain text is divided into two halves and then DES takes input as 64-bit plain text and 56-bit key to produce 64-bit CipherText which is encrypted form of the data.On other hand Advanced Encryption Standard also known as AES is also a symmetric key block cipher that was introduced in the year 2001 by Vincent Rijmen and Joan Daemen. AES takes 128-bit plain text and 128-bit secret key which together forms a 128-bit block which after processing provides 16 bytes (128-bit) cipherText.
2Key Length and RoundsIn case of DES the key length used for encryption is 56 bits and DES involves 16 rounds of identical operations which is independent of key length.On other hand in case of AES key length could be of 128-bits, 192-bits and 256-bits due to which number of rounds could be 10(128-bits), 12(192-bits) or 14(256-bits).
3DesignThe design and architecture of DES is based on Feistal network.While on other hand the design of AES is based on substitution-permutation network.
4SecureAs number of operations is fixed and no permutation combination is allowed in DES so it is easier to break the encryption and hence DES is less secure as compared to AES.On other hand AES is more secure than the DES cipher and is the de facto world standard.
5Operations involvedIn DES operation rounds involved for the encryption are Expansion, XOR operation with round key, Substitution and Permutation.On other hand in case of AES for encryption the operation rounds involved are Byte Substitution, Shift Row, Mix Column and Key Addition.
6EncryptionAs mentioned in above point of definition DES can encrypt 64 bits of plain text.On other hand AES can encrypt 128 bits of plain text.

Updated on: 09-Jun-2020


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