C++ Library - <basic_stringbuf>


It is a stream buffer to read from and write to basic_string objects and objects of this class maintain internally a sequence of characters that they use as their associated input sequence and/or associated output sequence. The internal sequence can be initialized from a basic_string object, or copied to one, using member str.


Below is definition of std::basic_stringbuf.

template < class charT,                           
           class traits = char_traits<charT>,     
           class Alloc = allocator<charT>         
           > class basic_stringbuf;


  • charT − Character type.

  • traits − Character traits class that defines essential properties of the characters used by stream objects.

  • int_type − Integer Type.

  • Alloc − Type of the allocator object used to define the storage allocation model for the basic_string objects. By default, the allocator class template is used, which defines the simplest memory allocation model and is value-independent.

Public member functions inherited from basic_streambuf

Sr.No. Locales & Definition
1 event

Type to indicate event type

2 event_callback

Event callback function type

Public Member Functions

Sr.No. Member types & Definition
1 pubimbue

It is an imbue locale

2 getloc

It is used to get current locale

Buffer management and positioning

Sr.No. Buffer management and positioning & Definition
1 pubsetbuf

It is used to set buffer array

2 pubseekoff

It is used to set internal position pointer to relative position

3 pubseekpos

It is used to set internal position pointer to absolute position

4 pubsync

It is used to synchronize stream buffer

Input functions

Sr.No. Input functions & Definition
1 in_avail

It is used to get number of character available to read

2 snextc

It is used to advance to next position and get character

3 sbumpc

It is used to get current character and advance to next position

4 sgetc

It is used to get current character

5 sgetn

It is used to get sequence of characters

6 sputbackc

It is used to put character back

7 sungetc

It is used to decrease current position

Output functions

Sr.No. Output & Definition
1 sputc

It is used to put character and advance to next position

2 sputn

It is used to put sequence of characters

Protected virtual function overrides

Sr.No. virtual function & Definition
1 setbuf

It is used to set buffer

2 seekoff

It is used to set position pointer to relative position

3 seekpos

It is used to set position pointer to absolute position

4 underflow

It is used to get character

5 pbackfail

It is used to put character back

6 overflow

It is used to put character

Protected member functions

The following protected member functions provide access to these pointers −

Input sequence

Sr.No. Input sequence & Definition
1 eback

It is used in pointer to beginning of input sequence

2 gptr

It is used in pointer to current position of input sequence

3 egptr

It is used in pointer to end of input sequence

4 gbump

It is used to get pointer

5 setg

It is used to set input sequence pointers

Output sequence (put)

Sr.No. Output sequence & Definition
1 pbase

It is used in pointer to beginning of output sequence

2 pptr

It is used in pointer to current position of output sequence

3 epptr

It is used in pointer to end of output sequence

4 pbump

It is used to increase put pointer

5 setp

It is used to set output sequence pointers


Sr.No. Copying & Definition
1 operator=

It is used in stream buffer assignment

2 swap

It is used in swap stream buffers
