Count ways to Change Direction of Edges such that Graph Becomes Acyclic

The goal of the "Count ways to change direction of edges such that graph becomes acyclic" issue is to count the number of configurations where the edges of a graph may be changed so that the graph becomes acyclic. No cycles or loops exist in an acyclic network.A set of edges, or a graph, is given to us as the starting point of this issue. The aim is to find out how many different ways there are to change the orientation of these edges while still producing an acyclic graph.

The code presented utilises a hybrid of backtracking and depth−first search (DFS) to arrive at a solution. Graph cycles may be found using DFS, and all conceivable configurations can be explored with backtracking by repeatedly switching the orientations of edges and testing the resultant graphs for acyclicity.

Methods Used

  • Backtracking


Backtracking progressively builds and explores all viable solutions. This code backtracks over all edge direction configurations. The programme exhaustively investigates all possible solutions by reversing each edge and counting valid acyclic graphs.


  • Add each edge's visited vertex to the recursion stack:

  • if the edge source is the current vertex:

  • if not visited:

  • recursively call dfs with the destination vertex if the recursive call returns true, indicating a cycle:

  • return true unless the destination vertex is in the recursion stack:

  • return true


#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

struct Edge {
    int source, destination;

// Function to check if the graph becomes acyclic
bool isAcyclic(const std::vector<Edge>& edges, std::vector<bool>& visited);

// Depth-first search to detect cycles
bool dfs(const std::vector<Edge>& edges, std::vector<bool>& visited, std::vector<bool>& recursionStack, int vertex) {
    visited[vertex] = true;
    recursionStack[vertex] = true;

    for (const Edge& edge : edges) {
        if (edge.source == vertex) {
            int destination = edge.destination;
            if (!visited[destination] && dfs(edges, visited, recursionStack, destination))
                return true;
            else if (recursionStack[destination])
                return true;

    recursionStack[vertex] = false;
    return false;

// Function to check if the graph becomes acyclic
bool isAcyclic(const std::vector<Edge>& edges, std::vector<bool>& visited) {
    int numVertices = visited.size();
    std::vector<bool> recursionStack(numVertices, false);

    for (int i = 0; i < numVertices; ++i) {
        if (!visited[i] && dfs(edges, visited, recursionStack, i))
            return false;

    return true;

// Function to count the ways to change edge directions to make the graph acyclic
int countAcyclicConfigurations(std::vector<Edge>& edges, std::vector<bool>& directed, int index) {
    int numWays = 0;
    int numEdges = edges.size();

    if (index == numEdges) {
        if (isAcyclic(edges, directed))
            return 1;
            return 0;

    // Change direction of edge and backtrack
    directed[index] = true;
    numWays += countAcyclicConfigurations(edges, directed, index + 1);

    // Restore direction of edge and backtrack
    directed[index] = false;
    numWays += countAcyclicConfigurations(edges, directed, index + 1);

    return numWays;

int main() {
    // Example usage
    int numVertices = 4;
    std::vector<Edge> edges = {
        {0, 1},
        {1, 2},
        {2, 3},
        {3, 0}
    int numEdges = edges.size();

    // Initialize directed array with false values
    std::vector<bool> directed(numEdges, false);

    int numAcyclicConfigurations = countAcyclicConfigurations(edges, directed, 0);
    std::cout << "Number of ways to change edge directions to make the graph acyclic: " << numAcyclicConfigurations << std::endl;

    return 0;


Number of ways to change edge directions to make the graph acyclic: 16


Finally, the supplied code provides a solid answer to the question of how many possible methods there are to reverse the orientation of edges in a graph so that it becomes acyclic. The programme efficiently investigates all potential edge configurations and counts the number of valid acyclic graph configurations using a mix of depth−first search (DFS) and backtracking methods.The DFS method can identify cycles in the graph, guaranteeing that the final setups are cycle−free. The backtracking method makes it easier to systematically test out alternative edge routes, ultimately leading to a more thorough analysis of all viable options.

Updated on: 14-Jul-2023


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