Composition Of Universe


Our universe is 13.8 billion years old, on average. The age of the earliest stars and the rate of the universe's expansion was calculated by scientists to arrive at that number.

Edwin Hubble discovered in 1924 that the speed at which astronomical objects travel apart is a function of their separation. In other words, an item goes away from us more quickly the further it is from the Earth. As a result, Hubble's law was established, supporting the Big Bang Theory.

A balloon experiment with several dots can help explain the Big Bang Theory. The dots' distances grow as we blow air into the balloon, and the cosmos behaves similarly. There is all the matter and energy in the universe. Most of the observable matter in the universe is made up of individual hydrogen atoms and the basic atomic element, which just has a proton and an electron.

Nature of the Universe

The universe includes all that we can touch, feel, experience, measure, or detect. It consists of all forms of life, as well as planets, stars, galaxies, dust clouds, light, and stuff that is invisible to time and light. Our planet earth is 4.6 billion years old, according to the study

Where the Sun and planets originally coalesced 4.6 billion years ago is known as the solar nebula. The collapse of the solar nebula was most likely brought on by a shock wave (also known as a high-pressure wave) from a nearby supernova explosion (i.e, a powerful and luminous space explosion). The Sun, Moon, and other planets that orbit it are created as a result.

Our Solar System

The solar system is made up of the Sun and the asteroids that orbit it. The Milky Way Galaxy, one of the millions of galaxies in the cosmos, and one of the regions of the universe, is where our solar system is located. The planets of the cosmos are those that are found in our solar system.

There are numerous bodies in the solar system, including planets, comets, asteroids, and meteors. These bodies are drawn to the Sun by its gravitational pull, which keeps them rotating around it. Let's now study more about the many heavenly bodies in our solar system.

The Sun

The Sun serves as the solar system's central focus. It is a star that resembles a large ball of flame-filled gas. Its size is almost 100 times that of the Earth. Because it is closer to Earth than any other star, the Sun seems larger. Because of the Sun's ongoing gas explosions, the planet is very hot.


It has no atmosphere and is in proximity to the Sun. It has craters or rugged terrain with large holes. When swiftly moving extra-terrestrial objects struck the Earth, craters like these were created.


Its atmosphere is thicker, and it is almost the same size as the Earth. As the Sun's rays pass through dense, heavy clouds, they warm the planet's surface, but because the clouds stop the heat from dissipating, the planet remains heated.


The Earth is the right distance from the Sun and has the right amount of a gas mixture for life to exist there. On average, 70% of the Earth's surface is covered by water, and the other 30% is made up of land. One Moon orbits the Earth.


As the fourth planet from the Sun, Mars is a frigid planet that circles the Sun. Two moons are present around it. It's a difficult planet. The term “red planet” refers to the colour of the dust that covers its surface.


It is the biggest planet in our solar system. It lacks a solid surface and is primarily made of gases. The planet is called stormy because there is a huge storm that has been raging for thousands of years. There are more than 60 moons around it.


It is the second-largest planet in the solar system. Gases make up a substantial portion of it. Millions of pieces of rock and ice surround it. This ring looks to be sturdy. In total, it has 62 moons.


It is an equatorial gas giant that spins. It is an ice giant since the planet is extremely chilly. There are a total of 27 moons around it.


Like Uranus, it is a cold planet. Due to the storm's swirling, dark blue surface, the planet appears blue. There are 14 moons around it.

Dwarf Planet

Up until 2006, Pluto was categorized as a planet. It is now classified as a dwarf planet. It has total four moons.


The nature of the universe, the solar system, and "what is the universe" have all been covered in this article. The Sun is the centre of our solar system. Our solar system has eight planets and Pluto, a dwarf planet. Because Pluto does not meet the International Astronomical Union's definition of a planet, it is not regarded as a planet.


Q1. What various forms of the universe exist?

Ans. The cosmos can be categorized as “flat,” “closed,” or “open” depending on its form. Although it's difficult to picture these shapes in the universe, they may be likened to flat objects like sheets of paper, closed spheres, or saddles (open).

Q2. The Sun is in the centre of the solar system, but why?

Ans. In the case of our solar system, the Sun was formed with the help of the bulk of the primordial mass. The largest mass continued to be contained within a disc, which later orbited the Sun. We believe that the planets came from this disc, thus it only makes sense that the sun would be in the centre of this event.

Q3. Who was the first person to recognize the entire solar system?

Ans. Italian scientist Galileo Galilei, who was born in 1564, made important discoveries about our solar system and the Milky Way that changed how we perceive our place in the cosmos. Modern astronomy was sparked by Galileo's observations of the Moon, Venus's phases, the moons orbiting Jupiter, sunspots, and the realization that the Milky Way Galaxy is composed of a seemingly infinite number of individual stars.

Q4. Define Universe?

Ans. Everything that occurs everywhere in space is a part of the universe. All celestial bodies, including those visible to the unaided eye like the sun, moon, and stars, as well as many more including planets, asteroids, satellites, comets, meteors, and meteorites. The cosmos is made up of all these celestial bodies.

Q5. What do you think is the largest and smallest item known to exist?

Ans. Astronomers believed the Sloan Great Wall to be the largest known structure in the cosmos for many years. This enormous collection of galaxies and other cosmic debris spans an astounding 1.4 billion light-years. However, they recently discovered something considerably larger. Electrons, protons, and the god particle are the smallest things.

Updated on: 06-Apr-2023


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