Comparison of RPA with Traditional Automation

It is difficult to comprehend the distinctions between traditional automation and robotic process automation without first understanding what each term means. Let's begin by defining certain terms −

A large number of repetitive and rule−based processes may be automated using software called robotic process automation (RPA). Designing and deploying software robots that can imitate human behavior is made possible by RPA technologies. To autonomously carry out a variety of tasks, transactions, and processes across software systems, these tools also make use of pre−defined activities and business rules. Without involving humans, RPA can provide the desired outcome.

Contrarily, traditional automation involves automating any repetitive processes. It combines infrastructure or database−level application integration. Little human involvement is necessary.

Recently, the human race as a whole and our generation identified a significant turning point. A nation recently granted citizenship to a robot. Robots and automation have escaped the constraints of our imagination and entered the realm of reality. Even though we have a long way to go before we can realize what science fiction movies have been able to sell, we are now closer than ever. Up until now, robots and automation have allowed machines to behave and perform like people. However, as we draw nearer to the robots of the future, we are giving these inherently inanimate objects the ability to think like humans.

We are allowing robots to think independently, just like we do, learn from their environment, and act based on experience, rather than imparting our actions along with our flaws and biases. It is already difficult to distinguish between intelligent robots and people!

Businesses of today want to utilise automation, whether it be in its most basic or comprehensive form. Automation means for businesses −

  • creating effective processes.

  • saving labor for jobs that robots still can't do, like decision−making and other tasks.

  • lowering operating expenses.

  • reducing manual mistakes and faults

We enable enterprises to be equipped with this technology of the future by integrating automation into a software solution. Robotic Process Automation (RPA) was a whisper that has now erupted into a shout.

Robotic process automation (RPA) is the application of software with artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) capabilities to handle high−volume, repetitive operations that previously required humans to complete, according to IoT Agenda.

Organizations may utilize RPA to quickly implement low−cost solutions that add efficiency and intelligence to their operations, which has a big influence on their sales and profitability.

RPA vs Traditional Automation

Let's examine how these two differ from one another −

RPA RPA Traditional Automation
There is no need to change the infrastructure or processes already in place. It necessitates certain modifications to the current IT architecture.
It has the ability to automate repetitive, rule−based processes. To execute the tasks, it imitates human movements. The capacity to imitate human behaviour is not included. It solely runs the predefined programmed commands.
Without any prior programming experience, a user can begin using RPA. RPA enables automation with a simple flowchart. Users don't need to remember scripting and language syntax as a result. They only need to concentrate on the features offered by automation. To use Traditional Automation for automating functionalities, users must possess programming skills. The kind of automation tool will determine the programming language requirements. Language syntax and scripting must be remembered by users.
RPA offers simple and rapid installation. Due to the fact that RPA software is process−driven, it takes less time. It may take many months to establish traditional automation. Longer processes include creating tests and feasibility studies.
Without the need for real equipment, RPA enables users to delegate tasks to thousands of virtual machines that can do them. Traditional Automation, on the other hand, makes use of several programming approaches to provide scalability or parallel execution. Parallel execution requires the use of physical machines. These actual devices ought to be able to process information quickly.
RPA has the ability to be tailored to a specific user's needs. To synchronize data and provide automatic responses, it may be linked with a variety of programmes (such as calendar, email, ERP, CRM, etc.). In comparison to RPA, Traditional Automation is seen as a vital and sophisticated technology when it comes to customisation. The restrictions of APIs make it difficult to integrate many systems with Traditional Automation.
RPA might be quite expensive in the beginning. However, in the long term, it saves a tonne of time, money, and effort. In the beginning, traditional automation was less expensive. Long−term expenses, however, end up being far higher.
RPA is a more effective choice because it allows for immediate improvement. More time, effort, and a sizable workforce are needed for traditional automation.
Users can easily update any business flow with RPA thanks to its simplicity. Contrarily, Traditional Automation might compel users to modify various scripts. Because of this, maintaining and updating this technology can be difficult.

Traditional automation and robotic process automation differ by more than a hair's breadth. With classical automation, every task or stage of the operational process might be automated by a machine. RPA, on the other hand, is a type of automation that stays in your system's front end and completes tasks without ever needing to access the back end.

  • RPA bots operate at the UI level and engage with systems exactly as a human would.

  • RPA can be used with various application types because it is system independent.

  • Because it imitates the actions of an agent, robotic process automation enables businesses to act quickly.

  • RPA is adaptable and simple to integrate into current systems.

  • Compared to conventional automation systems, RPA can be quickly implemented.


Traditional automation and robotic process automation are not the same thing. Although they can be employed in certain edge scenarios that are comparable to one another, each solution's technology choices are completely unique.

Robotic process automation can be an alternative to traditional automation for very simple procedures with simply Yes/No choices and judgments that don't need any form of judgment. The automatic comparison of data on several ERP displays, such as the invoice and purchase order screens, is one instance.

RPA, however, always entails acting quickly by capturing the screen and doing tasks identical to those performed by people.As a result, compared to automated solutions that are fully integrated into the system or use APIs, RPA is slower and typically more prone to mistakes.

Updated on: 09-Dec-2022


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