Calcium Nitrate


Calcium Nitrate is strongly soluble in water as well as a source of crystalline calcium & has lesser pH (acidic). Metallic nitrates are all inorganic salts of a certain metal as well as the nitrate anion. The nitrate is a polyatomic ion with a single nitrogen atom linked to three atoms of oxygen and a molecular mass of Ca(NO3 )2 is 164.088gm/mol. In general, nitrate compounds are water-soluble. They are oxidising agents as well. Nitrate compounds can be combustible when combined with hydrocarbons.

What is Calcium Nitrate?

Calcium nitrate is an inorganic substance that has the chemical formula Ca(NO3 )2.

Norges Saltpeter is another name for this chemical. It was synthesised in 1905 in Notodden in Norway, using the Birkeland-Eyde method. It is a salt which comprises calcium, nitrogen, & oxygen. Calcium nitrate is a whitish-grey/ white granular solid that absorbs moisture from the air and is commonly found as a tetrahydrate compound - Ca(NO3 )2.4H2 O. Calcium nitrate is a hygroscopic white solid. It takes the form of a tetrahydrate.

Calcium nitrate is particularly water-soluble. Calcium nitrate tetrahydrate dissolves in water with a high endothermic rate, making it helpful in cooling baths. It is also soluble in both acetone & alcohol, but not in strong nitric acid. Calcium nitrate may be purchased as a fertilizer, most often for hydroponics. It is relatively pure, as opposed to ammonium nitrate, which is frequently mixed with calcium sulphate to minimise its explosive potential. It can, however, be found in conjunction with ammonium nitrate, and this fertilizer is called calcium ammonium nitrate.

Because of its hygroscopicity, it cannot maintain an energetic combination in the same way that other nitrates, like potassium nitrate, can, making it valuable as a safe nitrate ion source. Interaction with the anhydrous substance should be avoided since it can be irritating to the skin.

Structure of Ca(NO3)2Molecules

Calcium nitrate is an inorganic substance that has the chemical formula Ca(NO3)2 where Calcium has a +2 charge and 2 Nitrate ions have a -1 charge making the overall compound neutral.

Preparation of Calcium Nitrate

Calcium nitrate can be produced in several ways. The most frequent technique for producing this molecule involves treating limestone using nitric acid and then neutralising the resulting product with ammonia.

Calcium nitrate is also good fertiliser that may be made using any of the following methods −

  • Calcium nitrate is often produced when CaCO3, also known as limestone, is reacted with nitric acid. The reaction is as follows.

    $$\mathrm{CaCO_3+2HNO_3\longrightarrow Ca(NO_3)_2+CO_2+H_2O}$$

  • When ammonium nitrate is treated with a Ca(OH)2 solution, calcium nitrate is produced. The following is a possible reaction

    $$\mathrm{Ca(OH)_2+2NH_4NO_3\longrightarrow Ca(NO_3)_2+2NH_4OH}$$

Calcium Nitrate Ca(NO3)2Properties

Physical properties

Properties Calcium nitrate
Chemical Formula Ca(NO3 )2
Molar Mass 164.088gm/mol
Density 2.5 gcm-3
Melting Point 561 °C
Smell odourless
Boiling Point 132 °C
Vapour Pressure 49.80 mm/Hg

Chemical Properties

  • By keeping the sodium nitrate in the mixture after introducing the calcium nitrate with sodium carbonate, the calcium carbonate deposit is generated. The chemical equation is provided below.

    $$\mathrm{Na_2 CO_3+Ca(NO_3)_2 → CaCO_3+2NaNO_3}$$

  • It also decomposes when heated, releasing nitrogen dioxide as well as oxygen dioxide. The chemical equation is provided below.

    $$\mathrm{Ca(NO_3 )_2→CaO+1/2O_2+2NO_2}$$

Calcium Nitrate Uses

Consider the following calcium nitrate uses −

  • Calcium Nitrate is widely used in agriculture as both a fertiliser & oxidising agent in the production of matches.

  • In the lighting sector, it is used to make incandescent lamp chimneys as well as fireworks.

  • It is utilised in the pyrotechnic & explosives industries.

  • Employed to enhance crop storage condition by eliminating bitter pit in apples.

  • It can also be used as a raw material in the manufacturing of other nitrate compounds.

  • For odour pollution reduction, calcium nitrate is utilised in wastewater pre-conditioning. The wastewater pre-conditioning in the wastewater system is primarily focused on the establishment of anoxic life. In the appearance of nitrate, the metabolism of sulphates stops, inhibiting the creation of hydrogen sulphide. Furthermore, simple degradable organic waste is absorbed, which might otherwise lead to downstream anaerobic environments as well as odour pollution. The concept also applies to the treatment of extra sludge.

  • Ca(NO3)2 is a well-known coagulant in latex manufacturing, particularly in dipping operations. In addition, the heated former is often immersed in the coagulation liquid, leaving a thin coating of the dipping liquid on the former. When calcium nitrate is dipped into latex, it breaks apart the latex solution's stabilisation and causes the latex to congeal on the former.

  • This chemical is also used in molten salt mixes. Calcium nitrate is also employed as a pack component since its dissociation in water is very endothermic by nature. This compound's tetrahydrate is employed in regeneratable cold packs.


It can be concluded that Calcium nitrate, having the chemical formula Ca(NO3)2, is an inorganic molecule. The tetrahydrate is formed by the anhydrous chemical, which collects the air's moisture. Anhydrous & hydrated salts are both colourless. Calcium nitrate is mostly used in fertilisers, although it also has other uses. It is also used in the pyrotechnic & explosives industries. Nitro Calcite is the term given to a mineral that is a hydrated calcium nitrate that occurs as an efflorescence when manure comes into contact with concrete or calcium carbonate in a dry environment such as tunnels.


1. What type of compound is calcium nitrate?

Calcium nitrate, commonly called calcium saltpetre or anhydrous calcium nitric acid, belongs to the alkaline earth metal nitrates class of chemicals.

2. Is calcium nitrate harmful?

Yes, calcium nitrate can be hazardous to human health. Inhaling this chemical might induce coughing as well as throat pain. Short-term adverse effects of this chemical exposure include dizziness, nausea, headaches, as well as vomiting. Furthermore, prolonged contact with this ionic salt can cause skin redness, rashes, & itching.

3. What is the purpose of calcium nitrate in fertilisers?

Calcium nitrate is classified as a multipurpose fertiliser because it contains both nitrogen as well as calcium. Plants deficient in either of these elements can thus be treated with calcium nitrate. This chemical is very beneficial for nourishing fruit-bearing plants. Ca(NO3)2 can also be employed to cure or prevent diseases in plants.

4. What reaction takes place when calcium nitrate is subjected to a high temperature?

Calcium nitrate produces calcium oxide, nitrogen oxide and oxygen when heated. According to the equation, calcium nitrate decomposes when heated. −

$$\mathrm{Ca(NO_3 )_2→CaO+1/2O_2+2NO_2}$$

5. How is calcium nitrate stored?

Calcium Nitrate is stored alongside other oxidizers in the Oxidizer Storage Facility away from flammable items. It is kept away from incompatible materials in a cold, dry, well-ventilated, lockable storage space.

Updated on: 22-Mar-2024


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