Binary Synchronous Communication (BISYNC)

Binary Synchronous Communication (BISYNC) is a communication protocol that uses synchronous transmission to transfer data between devices. In BISYNC, data is transmitted in fixed-length blocks, called frames, with a start and stop bit at the beginning and end of each frame. The start and stop bits are used to synchronize the sender and receiver, so that they can accurately read and interpret the data in the frame.

BISYNC uses a complex set of control characters to manage the flow of data and to maintain the synchronization between the sender and receiver. For example, the "ENQ" (enquiry) character is used to request that the receiver send a "ACK" (acknowledge) character to confirm that it is ready to receive data. Similarly, the "NAK" (negative acknowledge) character is used to indicate that the receiver has detected an error in the data and is requesting that the sender re-transmit the frame.

BISYNC was widely used in the 1960s and 1970s, particularly in mainframe computers and minicomputers, as well as in control systems and industrial automation. Today it is less common, as it has largely been replaced by more efficient and modern protocols such as TCP/IP.

Binary Synchronous Communication (BISYNC) used EBCDIC or ASCII encoding method for character representation, used 3270 terminals as interface to talk to mainframe and a synchronous communication method which means data is sent in fixed blocks.

Types of Frames

In Binary Synchronous Communication (BISYNC), data is transmitted in fixed-length blocks called frames. There are several types of frames that are used for different purposes. Some common types of frames include −

  • Data frames − These frames contain the actual data being transmitted between devices. Data frames typically include a header and a trailer, which contain information about the data, such as its length and destination.

  • Control frames − These frames are used to manage the flow of data and to maintain synchronization between the sender and receiver. Control frames can include characters such as ENQ (enquiry) and ACK (acknowledge) which are used to request and confirm that the receiver is ready to receive data.

  • Error-checking frames − These frames contain information used to check the integrity of the data being transmitted. For example, a Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) or a Checksum can be used to detect errors in the data.

  • Connection frames − These frames are used to establish and terminate a connection between devices. The control characters used in connection frames may include SOH (start of heading) and EOT (end of transmission)

In addition to these standard types of frames, BISYNC also allows for the use of application-specific frames, which can be defined and used by specific applications to meet their unique needs.

It's important to note that the types of frames used by a specific BISYNC implementation could vary depending on the application and hardware it's used on.

Multiple Block Data Frame

In Binary Synchronous Communication (BISYNC), a multiple block data frame is a type of data frame that is used to transmit multiple blocks of data in a single transmission. This is often used to improve the efficiency of data transfer, as it allows multiple blocks of data to be sent in a single message, rather than having to send each block separately.

A multiple block data frame typically includes a header that contains information about the total number of blocks being transmitted, the length of each block, and other relevant information. The header is followed by the actual data blocks, which are transmitted as a sequence of fixed-length frames. The end of multiple block data frame is marked by a trailer that contains an end of block indicator or a checksum to indicate the end of the block and allow for error checking.

When the receiver receives a multiple block data frame, it uses the information in the header to determine how many blocks of data are being transmitted and to properly assemble the blocks into their original form. The error checking is also performed to make sure the integrity of the data.

Multiple block data frames can be especially useful in situations where large amounts of data need to be transmitted, as they allow for more efficient use of the available bandwidth. However, it's important to note that the use of multiple block data frames can add complexity to the communication process, as the sender and receiver must coordinate the transmission and assembly of multiple blocks of data.

Control Characters for BISYNC

In Binary Synchronous Communication (BISYNC), control characters are used to manage the flow of data and to maintain synchronization between the sender and receiver. Some common control characters used in BISYNC include −

  • ENQ (enquiry)− This character is used by the sender to request that the receiver send an ACK (acknowledge) character to confirm that it is ready to receive data.

  • ACK (acknowledge) − This character is sent by the receiver in response to an ENQ character to indicate that it is ready to receive data.

  • NAK (negative acknowledge)− This character is sent by the receiver to indicate that it has detected an error in the data and is requesting that the sender re-transmit the frame.

  • SYN (synchronous idle)− This character is used as a fill character when no other data is being transmitted. It helps the receiver to maintain synchronization.

  • STX (start of text) − This character marks the beginning of a data frame, signaling the start of the actual data being transmitted.

  • ETX (end of text) − This character marks the end of a data frame, signaling the end of the actual data being transmitted.

  • SOH (start of heading) and EOT (end of transmission) used in connection frames to establish or terminate the connection between devices.

  • LRC (Longitudinal Redundancy Check) or CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) used in error checking frames to make sure the integrity of the data.

The specific set of control characters used in a BISYNC implementation may vary depending on the hardware and application it's used with. And these characters are represented as 8-bit binary code.

Updated on: 08-Feb-2023

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