Best Open Source Text Editors (GUI + CLI) in 2023


Text editors are an essential tool for developers and programmers alike. They enable users to write and edit code with ease and efficiency, making it easier to create and maintain software applications. In this article, we will be discussing the best open source text editors available in 2023.

Open source text editors are software programs that are freely available and can be modified by users to fit their specific needs. Using open source text editors has numerous benefits, including cost savings, flexibility, and a large community of users contributing to their development and support.

Graphical User Interface (GUI) Text Editors

GUI text editors provide a user-friendly interface with visual menus, buttons, and other interactive elements that make it easier for users to perform tasks.

Sublime Text

Sublime Text is a popular GUI text editor that has been around for over a decade. It offers a wide range of features that make it a powerful tool for programmers, including −

  • Multi-select and multiple cursors for editing multiple lines of code simultaneously

  • Syntax highlighting and code folding for improved readability

  • Plugins and packages for extending functionality

  • Customizable keyboard shortcuts for increased productivity


  • Fast and responsive, making it an efficient tool for large projects

  • Easy to use, with a clean and user-friendly interface

  • Customizable through a wide range of plugins and packages


  • The cost of the license for continued use after the trial period

  • Limited collaboration capabilities compared to some other text editors


Atom is another popular GUI text editor that is open source and free to use. It has a modern and sleek interface that is highly customizable and provides a range of features, including −

  • Built-in package manager for easy installation of plugins and packages

  • Multiple panes for simultaneous editing of multiple files

  • Intelligent autocomplete for increased productivity

  • Integrated Git control for version control


  • Highly customizable with a large library of plugins and themes

  • Developed by GitHub, ensuring a strong community of users and contributors

  • Built-in package manager makes it easy to install and manage plugins


  • Can be slow and resource-intensive for large projects

  • Some users have reported issues with stability and crashes

Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code is a free, open source GUI text editor developed by Microsoft. It offers a range of features designed to increase productivity, including −

  • IntelliSense, a smart code completion tool that suggests code snippets and function signatures

  • Built-in debugging tools for easier troubleshooting

  • Integration with Git and other version control systems

  • Built-in terminal for easy command line access


  • Fast and efficient, with a minimalistic design

  • Large library of plugins and extensions available through the built-in marketplace

  • Excellent debugging and testing tools for easier troubleshooting


  • Can be overwhelming for beginners due to the large number of features and options

  • Not as customizable as some other text editors

Command Line Interface (CLI) Text Editors

CLI text editors are operated entirely through the command line, offering more control and customization options for advanced users.


Vim is a highly customizable and versatile CLI text editor that has been around since the 1990s. It offers a range of features designed to increase productivity and efficiency, including −

  • Modal editing for faster navigation and editing

  • Built-in scripting language for advanced customization

  • Syntax highlighting and code folding for improved readability

  • Wide range of plugins and extensions for increased functionality


  • Fast and efficient, making it a powerful tool for large projects

  • Highly customizable with a range of plugins and extensions available

  • Modal editing allows for faster navigation and editing


  • Steep learning curve for beginners

  • Requires knowledge of commands and shortcuts to use effectively


Nano is a lightweight and easy-to-use CLI text editor that is a popular choice for beginners. It offers a range of features designed to make editing and navigation easier, including −

  • User-friendly interface with simple keyboard shortcuts

  • Syntax highlighting for improved readability

  • Built-in search and replace functionality

  • Integrated help system for easy access to documentation


  • Easy to use, with a simple and intuitive interface

  • Lightweight and fast, making it a great choice for small to medium-sized projects

  • Good documentation and help system for beginners


  • Limited customization options compared to some other text editors

  • Can be less efficient for large projects due to the lack of advanced features


Emacs is a highly customizable and versatile CLI text editor that has been around since the 1970s. It offers a range of features designed to increase productivity and efficiency, including −

  • Built-in scripting language for advanced customization

  • Syntax highlighting and code folding for improved readability

  • Wide range of plugins and extensions for increased functionality

  • Integrated help system with access to documentation and tutorials


  • Highly customizable with a wide range of plugins and extensions available

  • Efficient and powerful, making it a great tool for large projects

  • Integrated help system provides easy access to documentation and tutorials


  • Steep learning curve for beginners

  • Can be overwhelming for users due to the large number of features and customization options


In this article, we have discussed the best open source text editors available in 2023, including both GUI and CLI options. Ultimately, the best text editor for you will depend on your specific needs and preferences. It is recommended to try out a few different options before settling on one. Remember, the right text editor can make a big difference in your productivity and efficiency as a developer or programmer.

Updated on: 15-May-2023


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