Someswar Pal has Published 59 Articles

Creating Text Detector in Android using Firebase ML Kit

Someswar Pal

Someswar Pal

Updated on 05-Oct-2023 16:00:05


Introduction The Android Firebase ML Kit's text detection tool makes it easier to get text from an image, which helps apps like OCR, paper scanning, and augmented reality. This guide shows how to add a text analysis to Android apps. Setting up The Development Environment Set up an Android text ... Read More

Implementing PCA in Python with scikit-learn

Someswar Pal

Someswar Pal

Updated on 05-Oct-2023 15:57:13


Introduction Extraction of useful information from high-dimensional datasets is made easier by Principal component analysis, (PCA) a popular dimensionality reduction method. It does this by re-projecting data onto a different axis, where the highest variance can be captured. The complexity of the dataset is reduced while its basic structure is preserved ... Read More

Creating Language Translator in Android using Firebase ML Kit

Someswar Pal

Someswar Pal

Updated on 05-Oct-2023 15:38:22


Introduction In today’s advanced civilization, language translation is important for communication. For ease, Android apps are used for the purpose as its handy and can be carried anywhere. Users can type or speak in these apps and choose the required language and the apps do the same for the users. ... Read More

How to Create a Chatbot in Android with BrainShop API?

Someswar Pal

Someswar Pal

Updated on 05-Oct-2023 15:36:47


Introduction We can considerably modernize the user's wits by implementing a chatbot and connecting it with an Android application. This enables for increasingly engaging engagement with the program, which simplifies surfing and obtaining information. In this tutorial, we'll squint at how to create an Android chatbot with the BrainShop API. ... Read More

Data Pre-Processing with Sklearn using Standard and Minmax scaler

Someswar Pal

Someswar Pal

Updated on 05-Oct-2023 15:33:43


Introduction Data pre-processing is required for producing trustworthy analytical results. Data preparation includes eliminating duplicates, identifying and fixing outliers, normalizing measurements, and filing away categories of information. Popular for its ability to scale features, handle missing data, and encode categorical variables, the Python-based Sklearn toolkit is an essential resource for pre-processing ... Read More

Interactive Charts using Pywedge package in machine learning

Someswar Pal

Someswar Pal

Updated on 29-Sep-2023 12:34:57


Introduction In machine learning, Pywedge is a powerful library for creating dynamic graphs. Here is a rundown of what you can do with Pywedge and some of its features. In addition, the benefits of using Pywedge for interactive charting are highlighted, such as the program's ease of use and its ... Read More

Categorical Encoding with CatBoost Encoder in Machine Learning

Someswar Pal

Someswar Pal

Updated on 29-Sep-2023 12:30:15


Introduction What is Categorical Model? In machine learning models, categorical variables are essential because of the insights they bring. Categorical variables, however, require numerical inputs and present their own set of problems. Categorical encoding is the method through which categorical variables are converted into a form that can be read ... Read More

What is Tpot AutoML in machine learning?

Someswar Pal

Someswar Pal

Updated on 29-Sep-2023 12:24:13


Automating the best machine learning pipelines has become extremely important for data scientists. TPOT (Tree-based Pipeline Optimization Tool) is an (excellent/very unusual) machine learning library that eliminates the need for manual and time-using/eating/drinking tasks like feature engineering, computer code-related selection, and hyperparameter tuning. Some key Points of TPOT are as ... Read More

Understanding Eye Tracking Metrics in Machine Learning

Someswar Pal

Someswar Pal

Updated on 29-Sep-2023 12:14:48


Introduction Measuring and analyzing eye movement data can teach us a great deal about how individuals focus on and interpret visual input. In this article, we will explore the concepts and applications of eye tracking, as well as how it assists researchers in determining where people's attention is focused when ... Read More

What is Numpy Gradient in Descent Optimizer of Neural Networks?

Someswar Pal

Someswar Pal

Updated on 29-Sep-2023 12:04:48


Understanding Neural Networks In the context of neural networks, the goal is to find the optimal set of weights and biases that minimize the difference between the predicted outputs of the network and the true outputs. Optimization Gradient descent optimization works by iteratively updating the network parameters in the opposite ... Read More
