Pranav Bhardwaj has Published 430 Articles

How to stay safe when sharing a file online?

Pranav Bhardwaj

Pranav Bhardwaj

Updated on 17-Aug-2021 07:00:33


How many of you go to your friend's houses to give them the files they need? I guess 1 out of 1000 and that too if that friend lives nearby. Most of us these days don't share any file, be it documents/pictures, in physical form. We transfer them through the ... Read More

What is Cyberbullying?

Pranav Bhardwaj

Pranav Bhardwaj

Updated on 17-Aug-2021 06:58:11


Cyberbullying is a kind of bullying that occurs online through devices and systems. It can happen via emails, text messages, phone calls, social media apps, or some websites. It includes humiliating someone or causing them embarrassment by sharing something private about them which no one else knows through one of ... Read More

Can a Mobile Phone Battery Track You?

Pranav Bhardwaj

Pranav Bhardwaj

Updated on 17-Aug-2021 06:56:22


One of the studies held at the Stanford University found that, yes, Android phones can be tracked even when their GPS and WiFi are not enabled by analyzing their power-use over time. It works on a simple rule that “A cellphone uses more power, the more away it is from ... Read More

How to Remove CSRSS.exe Trojan?

Pranav Bhardwaj

Pranav Bhardwaj

Updated on 17-Aug-2021 06:53:18


CSRSS.exe stands for client-server runtime subsystem executable file, which is one of the legitimate windows OS processes that handles most of the graphical instruction sets of the windows OS. But as it is a widespread and known process, many attackers take advantage of this and release their infected malicious Trojan ... Read More

Tips to Secure Your Identity Online

Pranav Bhardwaj

Pranav Bhardwaj

Updated on 17-Aug-2021 06:50:10


We live in a world where identity threats are more dangerous than any road thefts. If someone steals your wallet, they will only be able to get money, but if someone hacks your system, your whole life with what you do and where you go will be in front of ... Read More

Why is it important to create a Data Backup?

Pranav Bhardwaj

Pranav Bhardwaj

Updated on 17-Aug-2021 06:46:35


We all who use computers and mobiles regularly have this unpleasant experience of losing some essential data. It is in such cases the concept of data backup comes in handy. Backing up your data is so important that we have an entire day dedicated to it; many might not know ... Read More

How to Securely Set Up Your Home WiFi Router?

Pranav Bhardwaj

Pranav Bhardwaj

Updated on 17-Aug-2021 06:42:56


Every one of us uses Wireless Internet or WiFi, but how many of us would have ever thought that it also opens a door for risks from hackers, scammers, or identity thieves, or even a few malwares.An unsecured WiFi router could be a jackpot for hackers to access your private ... Read More

How to remove Crypto Virus?

Pranav Bhardwaj

Pranav Bhardwaj

Updated on 17-Aug-2021 06:40:53


Ransomware viruses are malicious software and are generally designed to block access to a computer system until some amount of money is paid. The makers of this software are earning a lot of money from this.Crypto-ransomware is one such type of harmful program that encrypts files stored on a computer ... Read More

How do Firewalls prevent computer viruses?

Pranav Bhardwaj

Pranav Bhardwaj

Updated on 17-Aug-2021 06:39:03


Firewalls are filters that keep that lousy thing out and only allow good things to come in. it works based on the inclusive and exclusive parameters, allowing few types of communication inside while keeping others away. It is guided by an access control list with a particular set of rules ... Read More

What is a Fake Tech Support Scam?

Pranav Bhardwaj

Pranav Bhardwaj

Updated on 17-Aug-2021 06:37:53


Fake Tech Support is a group of people who pretend to be a support team for helping you in solving all the technical problems you have in your system. They want you to believe that you have some severe viruses in your computer, and they pretend like they will help ... Read More
