Kalyan Mishra has Published 64 Articles

Python - Variance of List

Kalyan Mishra

Kalyan Mishra

Updated on 06-Oct-2023 16:19:02


In this article we will learn about variance and how to calculate the variance of list. You may have encountered this problem of finding the variance particularly in data science. So in this article we will learn how to find the variance. Variance This tells us how the data is ... Read More

Python - Variable list slicing

Kalyan Mishra

Kalyan Mishra

Updated on 06-Oct-2023 16:18:18


In this article we will learn about variable list slicing. As you know List slicing is very useful and powerful feature of Python using which we can cut out some specific portions of any list quickly. Python provides us various techniques and methods for slicing and extracting the elements based ... Read More

Python - Uncommon elements in Lists of List

Kalyan Mishra

Kalyan Mishra

Updated on 06-Oct-2023 16:17:07


In this article we will learn about various methods using which we can find the uncommon element in the list of lists that means the element which is not present in the other list. When working with lists of lists in Python, it's common to encounter scenarios where you need ... Read More

Finding the Word Analogy from given words using Word2Vec embeddings

Kalyan Mishra

Kalyan Mishra

Updated on 06-Oct-2023 16:15:52


In this article we will learn about machine learning program which can find the word Analogy from the provided word. Take an example "Apple : fruit :: car :vehicle". In this analogy, "apple" and "car" are the two things being compared. "Fruit" and "vehicle" are the two categories that the ... Read More

Understanding the Interpretations of Histograms

Kalyan Mishra

Kalyan Mishra

Updated on 06-Oct-2023 16:15:12


In this article we will learn about histograms and we will see detailed view about histogram and its various types. We will also draw see implementation using python. Histogram Histogram provides us visual representation of data, it is used to shows bar chart for numerical data. We can visualize the ... Read More

Types Of Activation Functions in ANN

Kalyan Mishra

Kalyan Mishra

Updated on 06-Oct-2023 16:13:43


This article we will learn about ANN and its types. We will also see programs on different types of Activation. Before diving into the types let's get to know what ANN is. ANN Artificial neural network (ANN) is a branch of machine learning which performs computation by forming a structure ... Read More

Image Classification using Google\'s Teachable Machine

Kalyan Mishra

Kalyan Mishra

Updated on 06-Oct-2023 16:11:14


In this article you will learn about machine learning, image classification and how to use the googles teachable machine for training the models. Machine learning Machine learning is a subset of AI (artificial intelligence) which is used to develop the models and algorithms using which we can make our computers ... Read More

Role of Text to text Transfer Transformer in Data Augmentation

Kalyan Mishra

Kalyan Mishra

Updated on 06-Oct-2023 16:10:23


In this article we will learn about the role of Text to text Transfer Transformer technique in Data Augmentation and how we can use this technique to improve the NLP model. In the current tech scenario Natural Language Processing has observed very rapid advancement in data augmentation field. Data Augmentation ... Read More

Python - Uneven Sized Matrix Column Product

Kalyan Mishra

Kalyan Mishra

Updated on 06-Oct-2023 16:08:31


In this article we will learn about various methods using which we can find products of uneven size matrix columns. Working with matrices is very common for fields like data analysis, machine learning, so there can be situations where we have to find the matrix column product which can be ... Read More

Queue.LIFOQueue vs Collections.Deque in Python

Kalyan Mishra

Kalyan Mishra

Updated on 03-Oct-2023 16:03:16


In this article we will learn about Queue.LIFOQueue vs Collections.Deque in Python programming language. When we need to manage our data using the last in first out method then we can use these data structures. But to choose one of them we need to know about their functionalities and ... Read More
