Bitopi Kaashyap has Published 691 Articles

Net National Product

Bitopi Kaashyap

Bitopi Kaashyap

Updated on 19-Jan-2024 15:21:12


What is Net National Product (NNP)? The net national product refers to the total market value of finished goods and services that are produced by both domestic and foreign citizens of a nation. The calculation is usually done for a term of one year. So, when we talk about NNP ... Read More

Bengal and Zamindars

Bitopi Kaashyap

Bitopi Kaashyap

Updated on 18-Jan-2024 16:11:42


Introduction Zamindari system was introduced in 1793 - an important year for India as an agreement was fixed related to the land revenue between the company and the Zamindars. Zamindari system was first established in Bengal, Bihar and Odisha and then spread to Madras as well as Varanasi. Cornwallis was ... Read More

Buddha and His Teachings

Bitopi Kaashyap

Bitopi Kaashyap

Updated on 18-Jan-2024 16:09:42


Introduction Lord Buddha was born to a family that was considered to be noble in the society. The class was Kshatriya that used to lead a life full of materialism and endless luxury. The father of Lord Gautama Buddha was King Subbodhana Tharu and his mother was Queen Maya. ... Read More


Bitopi Kaashyap

Bitopi Kaashyap

Updated on 18-Jan-2024 16:07:02


Introduction Buddhism is a religion founded by Lord Buddha on the teachings that explain the intermediary point of life. This is a point that stands between self-indulgence and self- deprivation. The teaching given by Buddha is known as the Noble Eight-Fold Path shows the way humanity is able to achieve ... Read More

Buddhist Councils & Buddhist Texts

Bitopi Kaashyap

Bitopi Kaashyap

Updated on 18-Jan-2024 15:44:29


Introduction Buddhist Councils are simply assemblies set up by the Buddhist communities and monks post the demise of Gautama Buddha. These assemblies are established to recite the Buddhist texts and literature. This Indian religion cum philosophy is a set of beliefs that is continuously refined and evolving through practice ... Read More

Central Asian Contacts and their Results

Bitopi Kaashyap

Bitopi Kaashyap

Updated on 18-Jan-2024 15:20:38


Introduction The Central Asian Contacts studies about several invasions of the Greeks, Shakas, Parthians, and Khushans. The invasion by Mongols was considered one of the first central Asian contacts that results in the cultural renaissance in India. The contacts were established in 200 BCE and they became as massive as ... Read More

Decline of the Mauryan Empire

Bitopi Kaashyap

Bitopi Kaashyap

Updated on 18-Jan-2024 15:18:53


Introduction The Mauryan Empire was one of the significant empires in the Indian history. This empire was founded by Chandragupta Maurya with the help of his teacher Chanakya. He dethroned the last king of the Nanda Dynasty and sat on the throne of Magadh. The eastern part of Afghanistan, the ... Read More

Kanva Dynasty

Bitopi Kaashyap

Bitopi Kaashyap

Updated on 18-Jan-2024 15:16:47


Introduction Kanva Dynasty’s rules are called as Kanvayanas. The first king of the Kanva Dynasty, Vasudeva Kanva was from a Brahmin caste. He defeated the last king of the Shunga Dynasty, Devabhuti and built the Kanva Dynasty. This whole incident got scripted in Banabhatta’s Harshacharita and Harshacharita also mentioned the ... Read More

The North Indian Kingdoms – The Rajputs

Bitopi Kaashyap

Bitopi Kaashyap

Updated on 18-Jan-2024 15:12:30


Introduction Rajputs were the North Indian Kingdoms, one of the most powerful groups unfolded in Rajasthan. The medieval period of Indian History falls between the 8th to 18th century.The later medieval period continued from 12th to 18th century. The Rajputs became dominant in this era. The Rajput kingdom was led ... Read More

The Vijayanagar Empire (1336-1 672 A.D.)

Bitopi Kaashyap

Bitopi Kaashyap

Updated on 18-Jan-2024 15:08:13


Introduction The Vijayanagar Empire was founded in 1336 A.D and continued till 1646 A.D. The empire was under the ruling of Harihara and Bukka. At the end of the sultanate period, the territories that were the 1st to separate them from the Delhi sultanate were Multan and Bengal. Multan and ... Read More

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