Anurag Gummadi has Published 269 Articles

The Power of Social Media Contests and Giveaways

Anurag Gummadi

Anurag Gummadi

Updated on 14-Jul-2023 18:43:34


Contests and giveaways are one of the most effective ways to boost engagement on social media channels like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. These initiatives give followers an incentive to follow your accounts as well as increase reach by encouraging users to share content with their friends and family. Contests can ... Read More

The Impact of Voice Assistants on Digital Marketing

Anurag Gummadi

Anurag Gummadi

Updated on 14-Jul-2023 17:31:59


Voice search is a rapidly growing technology, with more and more people using it to find the information they need. As this trend increases, businesses must keep up-to-date on voice search optimization techniques in order to remain competitive Voice search requires an entirely different approach than traditional keyword optimization; instead ... Read More

The Benefits of Geotargeting in Local Digital Marketing

Anurag Gummadi

Anurag Gummadi

Updated on 14-Jul-2023 17:30:25


Geo targeting is a powerful tool in the digital marketer's arsenal. By using geo location services, you can target ads to customers who are within a certain geographic area. This allows advertisers to reach their desired audience efficiently and cost-effectively. Geo targeting has many benefits including increased brand awareness, improved ... Read More

Mastering Google Analytics for Data-Driven Decision Making

Anurag Gummadi

Anurag Gummadi

Updated on 14-Jul-2023 17:28:39


While success in business doesn’t always require a mastery of the most modern technology, it is hard to go far without understanding the basics. Google Analytics can be used as an important tool to understand customer behavior online. By tracking website visits and user interactions with web pages, businesses can ... Read More

How to Future-Proof Your Brand?

Anurag Gummadi

Anurag Gummadi

Updated on 14-Jul-2023 17:27:35


The world is changing faster than ever before and organizations have to be ready to react quickly in order to succeed. Agility, the ability to respond rapidly and accurately to new conditions, is essential for businesses of all sizes. To stay ahead of competitors, companies need an agile mindset that ... Read More

Building Trust and Credibility Online

Anurag Gummadi

Anurag Gummadi

Updated on 14-Jul-2023 17:25:57


Establishing an Authentic Online Presence has become an increasingly important part of how businesses promote themselves. In today's world, potential customers look online to learn more about a business or brand before investing in their services and products. A strong online presence can help to set you apart from the ... Read More

The Power of Visualization in Project Planning and Execution

Anurag Gummadi

Anurag Gummadi

Updated on 14-Jul-2023 15:46:00


Project planning and execution are crucial for project success. It requires an understanding of complex relationships between tasks, resources, and timelines. Visualization can be a powerful tool to aid in that process by making it easier to illustrate the underlying structure of a project. Visualization allows us to quickly absorb ... Read More

The Future of Virtual Project Management

Anurag Gummadi

Anurag Gummadi

Updated on 14-Jul-2023 15:45:03


Virtual project management is a rapidly growing field, as more and more companies are discovering the benefits of handling their projects virtually. By utilizing technology correctly, businesses can reach unprecedented levels of collaboration and efficiency with virtual teams that span the world. Virtual project managers excel at navigating complex communications ... Read More

The Art of Project Prioritization: Making Tough Decisions

Anurag Gummadi

Anurag Gummadi

Updated on 14-Jul-2023 15:42:59


Project prioritization is a key skill for any successful project management team. It involves determining which projects need the most attention and resources and making sure those projects are completed in a timely manner. In this article, we will discuss the basics of project prioritization and how to use ... Read More

Sustainable Project Management: Balancing People, Planet, and Profit

Anurag Gummadi

Anurag Gummadi

Updated on 14-Jul-2023 15:42:04


Sustainable project management is a set of processes, practices, and frameworks that ensure the success of projects while promoting sustainability. It takes into consideration all aspects of a project’s life cycle from start to finish, including economic feasibility and environmental impact. In order for a project to be successful ... Read More
