SAP Expert has Published 132 Articles

Viewing license details on SAP HANA system

SAP Expert

SAP Expert

Updated on 12-Mar-2020 10:23:21


You can use M_LICENSES System View which is used to provide the information on all of the licenses that are installed on this system.

Maximum Column name length in SAP HANA

SAP Expert

SAP Expert

Updated on 12-Mar-2020 10:17:03


Maximum column name length supported in a table in SAP HANA is 127 chars.

Maximum table count in a schema in SAP HANA

SAP Expert

SAP Expert

Updated on 12-Mar-2020 10:11:37


In SAP HANA, a maximum number of tables in a schema are 131072. To create a table, you have to right click on Schema name → New Table

Different types of Calculation views in SAP HANA

SAP Expert

SAP Expert

Updated on 12-Mar-2020 10:08:22


In SAP HANA, you can create a Graphical Calculation view or SQL script based view. The graphical view is easy to develop and you don’t require to be an expert in SQL scripting.When you create a Calculation View, we get an option which type of view we want to create. ... Read More

Using an Analytic Privilege for specific time in SAP HANA

SAP Expert

SAP Expert

Updated on 12-Mar-2020 08:18:46


Yes, when an Analytic Privilege is defined you have an option of using it for a specific time period. You have an option of defining Privilege validity where you can pass validity details.You can also opt for SQL Editor or Dynamic where you can pass different validity conditions. When you ... Read More

Using different Projection options in Calculation view in SAP HANA

SAP Expert

SAP Expert

Updated on 12-Mar-2020 08:13:11


When you set data category as CUBE, the default node is aggregation. When you set data category as Dimension, default node is Projection.You can change the Default node by selecting Star Join checkbox.When you finish selection for data category, you get a default node under Scenario pane. Check the below ... Read More

Checking Compression ratio of a table in SAP HANA

SAP Expert

SAP Expert

Updated on 06-Mar-2020 06:10:25


To check the Compression ratio for a table, you can navigate to Table Definition. Go to Runtime Information.To see Compression Ratio, go to Columns tab. You can see the compression ratio in the Main Size Compression Ratio [%] column.

Checking data disk, log disk and Trace disk in SAP HANA

SAP Expert

SAP Expert

Updated on 06-Mar-2020 05:36:24


In SAP HANA Studio, you can use System Monitor to view details of your SAP HANA system at a glance. It tells about Data Disk, Log disk, Trace Disk, Alerts on resource usage with priority.To open System Monitor, select HANA system in System pane and click on the icon as ... Read More

Consuming Graphical calculation view via SDA

SAP Expert

SAP Expert

Updated on 06-Mar-2020 05:24:38


Note that you can create Graphical Calculation Views using SMART Data access tables and you can also push aggregations to remote database.For more details, you can refer this blog to Smart Data Access: The power of Smart Data Access (SDA) with SAP HANA SP08 More

SQL statement to create a Restricted user in SAP HANA

SAP Expert

SAP Expert

Updated on 27-Feb-2020 10:36:12


It is very simple. You can create a Restricted user with below query −CREATE [RESTRICTED] USER    []    [ ]    [ ]    [ ]    [ ]    [ ]    []In above SQL query, you have to pass following parameters −Specifies a database user in ... Read More

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