Monica Mona has Published 85 Articles

How to sort Java array elements in ascending order?

Monica Mona

Monica Mona

Updated on 19-Feb-2020 10:44:56


To sort an array in Java, you need to compare each element of the array to all the remaining elements and verify whether it is greater if so swap them.One solution to do so you need to use two loops (nested) where the inner loop starts with i+1 (where i ... Read More

What is length in Java Arrays?

Monica Mona

Monica Mona

Updated on 19-Feb-2020 10:41:06


Length is a filed in java, it gives the total number of the elements in a Java array. The length of an array is defined after the array was created.Integer[] myArray = {23, 93, 56, 92, 39}; System.out.println(myArray.length);

How many ways can get the instance of a Class class in Java?

Monica Mona

Monica Mona

Updated on 18-Feb-2020 09:59:52


You can create an object of the class named Class in two ways −Using new keyword as −Class obj = new Class();Using the forName() method of the class named Class.Class obj = Class.forName("DemoTest");

Making an SAP ABAP program to wait

Monica Mona

Monica Mona

Updated on 18-Feb-2020 05:40:07

1K+ Views

You can use WAIT to hold the program for few seconds. Here is the syntaxSyntaxWAIT UP TO 36 SECONDSHowever, you need to be careful about using it. WAIT does an implicit commit. So you need to be sure that the commit does not corrupt the database. It also releases the ... Read More

Can we create multiple database in SAP HANA system?

Monica Mona

Monica Mona

Updated on 17-Feb-2020 08:16:55


In SAP HANA, you don’t have a concept of creating multiple databases in one container. To create a separate container for your database objects, you can create the schema in HANA db.To create a schema, you can use below SQL query −CREATE SCHEMA schema nameYou can also define as ... Read More

What is the use of Custom Extractor in SAP R/3 system?

Monica Mona

Monica Mona

Updated on 17-Feb-2020 06:10:15


In order to extract data from tables, you need to follow steps:Create a View of the required table from where the data needs to be extracted or view over multiple joined tablesNavigate to Transaction SE11 and Select option 'View'. It will ask for a name, name it something like 'View_TableName'.Select ... Read More

Fetch fields from table or structure in ABAP SAP

Monica Mona

Monica Mona

Updated on 14-Feb-2020 10:07:18

2K+ Views

If you need to identify the fields and number of fields in a structure, then you should use runtime type services. Using runtime type services makes more sense in this case as if we have some data in our environment, then it’s not ideal to call database for fetching the ... Read More

Declare dynamically in SAP ABAP

Monica Mona

Monica Mona

Updated on 14-Feb-2020 08:25:23


I think for your implementation, you can declare an internal table in a dynamic manner.DATA:  tbl_TEST TYPE REF TO DATA. FIELD-SYMBOLS: < tbl_TEST > TYPE STANDARD TABLE CREATE DATA tbl_TEST TYPE (Received_Type) ASSIGN tbl_TEST TYPE ->* to < tbl_TEST TYPE >

How can we find out the current transaction mode in MySQL?

Monica Mona

Monica Mona

Updated on 14-Feb-2020 06:10:57


We can run “SELECT @@AUTOCOMMIT” command to check the current transaction mode.mysql> Select @@AUTOCOMMIT; +--------------------+ | @@AUTOCOMMIT       | +--------------------+ |       1            | +--------------------+ 1 row in set (0.05 sec) mysql> SET AUTOCOMMIT = 0; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) mysql> Select @@AUTOCOMMIT; +--------------------+ | @@AUTOCOMMIT       | +--------------------+ |         0          | +--------------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec)

How to declare a variable in C++?

Monica Mona

Monica Mona

Updated on 11-Feb-2020 08:01:15


In C++, declaration and definition are often confused. A declaration means (in C) that you are telling the compiler about type, size and in case of function declaration, type and size of its parameters of any variable, or user-defined type or function in your program. No space is reserved in ... Read More
