Found 1005 Articles for Legal Studies

Presumption of Innocence

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 16-Oct-2023 15:14:52


Every individual who is accused of a crime is presumed innocent until and unless they are proven guilty, according to the presumption of innocence legal concept. The prosecution is required by law to prove its case with strong evidence to the fact-finder (a judge or jury). The accused is cleared of the accusations if the prosecution is unable to establish their veracity. On the contrary, a system where guilt is presumed is wrong. The presumption of innocence is a legal privilege of the accused in a criminal trial under various legal systems and in many nations. In accordance ... Read More

NALSA and Related Issues

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 16-Oct-2023 15:09:35


In accordance with Article 39A of the Indian Constitution, everyone is guaranteed access to justice and is entitled to free legal representation. The Legal Services Authorities Act was passed in 1987 in order to provide a standard national system for giving competent legal advice and representation to the most vulnerable members of society. The National Legal Services Authority (NALSA) was established to provide rules and guidelines for the provision of legal services, assess the effectiveness of legal aid programmes, and supervise their implementation. What does the term NALSA Exactly Define? Under the Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987, the National Legal ... Read More

Meaning and Scope of Memorandum of Association

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 16-Oct-2023 15:07:51


The entire detail of a company’s structure is present in Memorandum of Association (MoA). MoA is a public document, and anyone can get it by paying the prescribed fees to the Registrar. A company is formed generally for a commercial purpose. For incorporating a company one of the fundamental documents that is required to be submitted is the MoA. It contains details like operations, delegation of duties, policies, etc. What is Memorandum of Association (MoA)? MoA is the legal document that contains the rules and regulations that defines powers of the company and the way to deal with the ... Read More

Litigation: Definitions and Meaning

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 16-Oct-2023 15:04:52


There are many different types of issues that can be litigated in India, including civil disputes, criminal cases, tax problems, and intellectual property disputes. In most cases, litigation starts when one party files a lawsuit in court, giving the other party the chance to reply. The adversarial litigation model underpins the Indian legal system, in which the court hears the arguments and evidence of each party. Outside of the judicial system, some disagreements may be resolved through mediation or arbitration. What is Litigation? Litigation is the process of resolving any disputes between two or more parties through the ... Read More

Law of Moses

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 16-Oct-2023 15:00:13


The Torah, the first five books of the Bible, is known as the Law of Moses. It alludes to the more than 600 commandments and laws included in the Torah's second through fifth books. The Law of Moses is based on the Ten Commandments, of which Deuteronomy and Leviticus are considered to be the two most important. The phrase "Law of Moses" first appears after Moses's passing, when Joshua had it plastered into stones and recited it out to the people. What is the meaning of the Law of Moses? The exact definition of the Law of Moses can ... Read More

Jury Trial: Meaning and Scope

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 16-Oct-2023 14:57:55


In many common law court systems, major criminal cases are tried by jury. On the basis of prejudice, jury trials have been eliminated in the majority of common law countries in Asia. Numerous civil law nations have also introduced juries or lay judges into their criminal justice systems. In other parts of the world, actual civil jury trials are nearly nonexistent. Even when a bench trial is considered in a given case, the usage of jury trials, which developed under common law systems rather than civil law systems, has had a significant influence on the character of American ... Read More

International Relations: Definition and Meaning

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 16-Oct-2023 14:52:49


International Relations are the complex connections that exist between all of the world's independent states. According to Aristotle, since humans are social animals by nature, no state can afford to exist in isolation. Political science's field of international relations focuses on the analysis of interstate relations, nation-state foreign policies, and the institutions and systems that enable interstate interaction. The study of international relations covers a wide range of topics, including globalisation, human rights, economic development, intervention, regional and global peace and security, international organisations, nuclear proliferation, international financial relations, and international trade relations. What is the Meaning of ... Read More

Dispute Redressal for Weaker Section

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 13-Oct-2023 12:49:12


The caste system, which has existed in India for close to seven decades, serves as the foundation for its social structure. The disadvantaged, or weaker segments, have experienced numerous marginalisations and exclusions as a result of this unequal power structure. Through affirmative action and reservations, the Constitution has sought to level the playing field, but it has only succeeded in producing an elite group that is educated, upwardly mobile, aggressive, and politically aware. What is the meaning of the Weaker Section? The phrase "weaker section" describes a group of people who are less developed than other groups of people ... Read More

Difference Between State and Nation

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 13-Oct-2023 12:47:24


It took a long time for the modern nation state to develop as a political system. Humans once lived in groups called communities that adhered to a set of norms and laws. Political communities were created as a result of this common existence, and the State eventually emerged. The State was originally extremely simple in its organisation, but it has changed and expanded into the contemporary complicated system through time. What is the Meaning of the State? A state is a region that is seen as an organised political community with a single head of state. A state's ... Read More

Difference Between Indian Constitution and the US Constitution

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 13-Oct-2023 12:46:06


Two of the most important nations in the world are among the 25 federal nations, which collectively account for 40% of the world's population. The oldest and biggest democracies in the world, respectively, are America and India. America established itself as a federal republic in 1798, whereas India did so in 1950, becoming a Socialist, Sovereign, Secular, Democratic and Republic. Each country has a number of lesser states that are linked together to form a union with a powerful central authority, giving both countries dominion status. What is the meaning of the Indian Constitution? On 26 January 1950, the ... Read More
