Found 1005 Articles for Legal Studies

Central Vigilance Commission: Role and Functions

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 13-Dec-2022 16:39:21


The Central Vigilance Commission, the top institutional vigilance authority in India, is independent of all executive bodies. As a component of the Indian Central Government, it is in charge of overseeing all vigilance operations. The CVC also suggests that the Central Government organize, carry out, and modify its vigilance efforts. To achieve efficiency and the effectiveness of the workforce with regard to a certain organization, vigilance involves taking timely and transparent administrative action. Objectives On the basis of the Committee for the Prevention of Corruption's recommendations, led by Shri K Santhanam, the Government of India established the Central Vigilance Commission ... Read More

Canon Law: Meaning and Features

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 13-Dec-2022 16:35:24


The domains of philosophy, theology, and law dedicated to providing a theoretical foundation for canon law as a legal framework and as real law are philosophy, theology, and fundamental theory. The complex of legal rules and customs that govern canon law is known as its jurisprudence. The domains of philosophy, theology, and law dedicated to providing a theoretical foundation for canon law as a legal framework and as real law are philosophy, theology, and fundamental theory. The complex of legal rules and customs that govern canon law is known as its jurisprudence. According to the adage "Rome locuta est, causa ... Read More

Arbitration in India: Meaning and Scope

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 13-Dec-2022 17:03:40

5K+ Views

The Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 codified, strengthened, and authorized the earlier arbitration−related laws in India, including the Foreign Awards Act, 1961; the Arbitration Act, 1940; and the Arbitration Act, 1937. The UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration and the UNCITRAL Conciliation Rules serve as additional sources of authority for this law. It consolidates and oversees the legislation governing domestic arbitration, arbitration for business disputes, and the recognition and execution of foreign arbitral rulings. Additionally, it outlines the conciliation−related laws. What is Arbitration? Arbitration is an alternative mode of dispute resolution, which usually formed outside the court. Under such ... Read More

Admiralty Law: Meaning and Significance

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 13-Dec-2022 16:43:13


With growing businesses and international trade and commerce, the cargo movement through water has increased multiple times. Soon such movements and the conduct of export−import businesses through water became the interest of lawyers, as such transactions need some defined law that can maintain harmony and promote smooth movements. And, in the case of any dispute, it can be resolved based on previously decided terms and conditions (i.e. through arbitration). What is Admiralty Law? Admiralty law is made up of the regulations controlling the practises and processes of admiralty courts. Likewise, admiralty law may also apply to some operations that relate ... Read More

Administrative Law: Meaning and Significance

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 13-Dec-2022 16:41:27

6K+ Views

For the good governance and smooth functioning to deliver good service to entire country, there are many administrative bodies. The major functions of these administrative body to maintain law and order and promote welfare in the society. However, to maintain harmony among these administrative bodies, their works must be defined clearly and also it has to be controlled and regulated. For such control and regulations, administrative law came into existence. What is Administrative law? A branch of public law, administrative law majorly deals with the formation and decision−making of such administrative units of government. These administrative branches are basically agencies ... Read More
