Found 766 Articles for JQuery

How to create Linked Unordered listviews using jQuery Mobile?

Aayush Mohan Sinha
Updated on 13-Apr-2023 15:47:26


It is imperative to craft a website that is receptive to user interactions and highly convenient to use. A pivotal element in accomplishing this is by presenting data in a lucid and structured form. Linked unordered lists are one means of accomplishing this goal, as they can be a powerful technique to showcase a substantial volume of information on a web page while still ensuring smooth navigation. In this article, we shall scrutinize the creation of interrelated unsorted listviews with the aid of jQuery Mobile - a highly potent and versatile framework that is utilized for the development of mobile-responsive ... Read More

How to Create Left Positioning Icon Using jQuery Mobile?

Aayush Mohan Sinha
Updated on 13-Apr-2023 15:46:02


Fashioning a flawless user interface is an indispensable facet of present-day web design. A user-friendly arrangement that fosters effortless traversal is a prerequisite for any website, and this is where jQuery Mobile emerges as an invaluable resource. By virtue of its numerous and sundry user interface components and widgets, jQuery Mobile streamlines the task of fashioning mobile-friendly web pages. Among these widgets is the icon for left positioning, which is frequently employed as a graphic symbol for a navigation drawer or slide-out menu. In this exposition, we shall delve into the art of developing an icon that is positioned to ... Read More

How to create Left arrow icon using jQuery Mobile?

Aayush Mohan Sinha
Updated on 13-Apr-2023 15:07:32


In the realm of cybernetic evolution, pictographs perform an indispensable function in enhancing user interfaces with greater perceptibility and ease of use. Amidst the abundance of ideograms, the sinister arrow serves as a ubiquitous tool for the purpose of navigation. If you aim to append this indispensable pictogram to your site or app, jQuery Mobile proposes an expedient and propitious approach. The present document will lead you through the gradual procedure of contriving a left-facing arrow emblem using jQuery Mobile, commencing with configuring the setting to altering the outlook of the icon. Therefore, let us plunge into the realm of ... Read More

How to select all even/odd rows in a table using jQuery?

Tarun Singh
Updated on 13-Apr-2023 14:22:11


Working with tables is a very common task when it comes to developing web applications. And sometimes we may need to select a specific row from a table. Let’s say we want all the even or odd rows, but how to do that? In this article, we will see how to select all even/odd rows in a table with jQuery. Approaches to select all even/odd rows in the table To select all even rows in a table using jQuery, we have different approaches to achieve this task. Below we have discussed the three approaches that are commonly used in ... Read More

How ajax works? Difference between AngularJS and jQuery

Tarun Singh
Updated on 13-Apr-2023 13:55:43


Ajax which stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML is a set of techniques used in web development that allow the web pages to update the data without refreshing the entire web page. It can load and display data dynamically and respond to user input simultaneously giving a seamless user experience. With the help of this technique, the data can be sent and retrieved from the server asynchronously. The essential components used while implementing Ajax consist XMLHttpRequest (XHR) object − The XHR object sends HTTP requests to the server and receives responses. Server-side script − processes the data and returns ... Read More

How to create a pop-up div on mouse over and stay when click using jQuery

Aman Gupta
Updated on 11-Apr-2023 15:51:28

3K+ Views

Overview The pop-up div can be created with the help of HTML, CSS and the functioning of which can be done with the help of ‘Javascript’ library ‘jQuery’. To make the mouseover and stay functionality to the div jQuery has a built in pre defined function. The two functions which are mainly used in this task are − mouseover − This function triggers when the mouse is over the selected element. mouseout − This function triggers when the mouse leaves the are of the selected element for mouse over. Algorithm Step 1 − Create a ... Read More

How to create Mini sized selects using jQuery Mobile

Aman Gupta
Updated on 11-Apr-2023 15:37:22


Overview The jQuery provides the attributes with value by which the dropdown list is created without adding the external styling to the element. The mini sized selects with the help of jQuery mobile can also be created by setting the “data-mini” value as true. The dropdown list is created which helps to select the options from the list of given options. Syntax The simple HTML selects syntax is used in this to create a list − Content Delivery Network (CDN) Links The given below links are used to ... Read More

How to create a Mini Button using jQuery Mobile

Aman Gupta
Updated on 11-Apr-2023 15:44:14


Overview The jQuery comes up with certain classes by defining those classes in the anchor element, input tag or in a button tag we can create a mini button. The jQuery mobile has its own styling with their classes so there is only need to link the Content Delivery Network (CDN) link with the web page in which we are building the mini button. There are certain class by which we can create the button in jQuery mobile they are − ui-btn − This class creates a jQuery mobile button, by defining this class in an element the ... Read More

How to create Home icon using jQuery Mobile

Aman Gupta
Updated on 11-Apr-2023 14:23:12


Overview The home icon can be created from the jQuery mobile icons library. This home icon is useful in the navbar area of a web page for navigation to the home page. So the home icon gives an attractive look to the navbar of the webpage. To create a home icon the jQuery mobile icons library has predefined classes which can be used to create a home icon. These classes can be defined in any element as class name and the home icon will be created for that particular element in which the classes are defined. Approach To ... Read More

How to create Grid icon using jQuery Mobile

Aman Gupta
Updated on 11-Apr-2023 14:04:28


Overview The Grid icon in any web application can also be developed using jQuery Mobile, as the jQuery mobile icon library provides the benefit of many icons. So to create the jQuery Grid icon there are some pre-built classes by the jQuery icon library that can be used to create the grid icon. As we define the class name for any element in the bootstrap to create a component the same as it is we have to define the class in the HTML element which will create a grid icon. Approach To create a clickable grid icon button ... Read More
