How to Create Left Positioning Icon Using jQuery Mobile?

Fashioning a flawless user interface is an indispensable facet of present-day web design. A user-friendly arrangement that fosters effortless traversal is a prerequisite for any website, and this is where jQuery Mobile emerges as an invaluable resource. By virtue of its numerous and sundry user interface components and widgets, jQuery Mobile streamlines the task of fashioning mobile-friendly web pages. Among these widgets is the icon for left positioning, which is frequently employed as a graphic symbol for a navigation drawer or slide-out menu. In this exposition, we shall delve into the art of developing an icon that is positioned to the left using jQuery Mobile, examining the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript intricacies that underpin the whole process. By the close of this article, you will possess a firm comprehension of the techniques needed to establish a navigation system that is tailored for mobile devices and is both aesthetically pleasing and practical.

Getting Started With jQuery Mobile

Before we dive into the process of creating a flip toggle switch, you need to make sure you have the jQuery Mobile library included in your project. You can download it from the official website or include it from a CDN.


data-icon Attribute


The data-icon attribute in jQuery Mobile is used to specify the icon to display on a button or other UI element. It grants you the ability to append optical hints to your handheld cyberspace software, amplifying its user-accessibility and innate lucidity. The data-icon characteristic is a constituent of the jQuery Mobile infrastructure, and it upholds a broad gamut of pictographs to opt from.

data-iconpos Attribute


In jQuery Mobile, the data-iconpos attribute is used to position an icon in relation to text on a button, link, or list item. The data-iconpos attribute is typically used in combination with the data-icon attribute, which specifies the icon to be used.

data-theme Attribute


In the realm of jQuery Mobile, data-theme is an attribute that can be embedded in HTML and utilized to define the theme or color scheme of an array of UI elements, ranging from buttons to headers and list items. As a rule of thumb, the data-theme attribute is assigned a single letter, for instance, "a", "b", "c", and the like, that corresponds to a prearranged set of colors within jQuery Mobile's CSS system.


The ensuing are the measures that one needs to pursue to construct a left positioning icon utilizing jQuery Mobile −

  • In order to commence, spawn a novel HTML file and append the mandatory CSS and JavaScript files. To harness the benefits of jQuery Mobile, it is imperative to combine the primary jQuery library and the jQuery Mobile library in your HTML document, along with a CSS file that includes the icon collection. One has the option to procure these files and cache them on their own server or leverage a Content Delivery Network (CDN) to fetch them from a remote server.

  • Lay the groundwork for your jQuery Mobile web page by creating a <div> element that bears the data-role="page" attribute, which will serve as the fundamental framework. Next, form additional <div> elements to function as the apex, central, and base sections of the page. In the content area, it is also feasible to embed any other requisite HTML components such as written words, graphical representations, or format components.

  • Augment the content section of your page by incorporating a button component with the data-role="button" attribute. Furthermore, you have the option of specifying the textual content that will be displayed on the button, such as "Back" or "Next".

  • Employ the data-icon attribute to append an icon to the button. This attribute requires a value that correlates with the name of an icon in the icon set CSS file. In order to add a left-pointing arrow icon, you can specify the value "arrow-l".

  • Employ the data-iconpos attribute to set the placement of the icon to the left of the button text. The attribute should have a value of "left", denoting that the icon should be positioned on the left-hand side of the button.

  • Preserve the alterations made to your HTML file and launch it in a web browser to evaluate your code. You will perceive an emblem that displays an arrow pointing towards the left of the text situated on the left side of a button. Upon interacting with the button, you can either activate a reaction or steer to another page within your mobile web application.


The following is the complete code which we are going to look at in this example −

<!DOCTYPE html>
   <title>How to create Left positioning icon using jQuery Mobile?</title>
   <script src=""></script>
   <link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
   <script src=""></script>
   <h4>How to create Left positioning icon using jQuery Mobile?</h4>
   <div data-role="page">
      <div data-role="header">
         <h1>Left-positioned Icon Example</h1>
      <div data-role="content">
         <a href="#" data-role="button" data-icon="arrow-l" data-iconpos="left">Back</a>
      <div data-role="footer">
         <h4>Footer content goes here</h4>


To conclude, jQuery Mobile's innate collection of icons and data characteristics allows for a hassle-free approach to integrating left-aligned icons into your mobile web applications. By simply implementing a few lines of HTML code, you can produce buttons, links, and other user interface elements with prominent arrow icons that not only amplify user experience but also provide lucid visual clues. Through the instructions provided within this piece of literature, you can expeditiously and effortlessly integrate icons with left positioning to your jQuery Mobile projects. Whether you're a well-seasoned web developer or a neophyte, jQuery Mobile's collection of icons is an influential resource that can help you construct visually stunning, mobile-friendly user interfaces.

Updated on: 13-Apr-2023


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