Found 47 Articles for Environmental Science

Organizations for Environmental Protection

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 14-Nov-2023 09:35:28


Introduction Environmental protection is one of the most critical priorities in front of humans in the present time. Humans need to repair the environment and keep it clean and resourceful for the coming generations. However, doing this may not be possible for just an individual. Therefore, organizations that aim to protect the environment are essential. There are many organizations in India that aim to protect the environment. However, their range of duties and services is different from one another. Here are some top environmental protection organizations working in India. Environmental Protection Organizations in India CHINTAN CHINTAN is ... Read More

Loss of Species Diversity

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 14-Nov-2023 09:40:14


Introduction Loss of species diversity is also known as loss of biodiversity. Biodiversity is the total number of genes, species, or organisms of a given species within a given geographic area. Loss of biodiversity is a concern because the loss leads to the extinction of many species. This, in turn, leads to an imbalance in the ecosystem where the loss of biodiversity occurs. Biodiversity loss is often considered as a loss of species richness in a given geographic area. However, the term species richness associated with biodiversity loss does not consider the long−term effects of the loss of ... Read More

Invasive Species

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 14-Nov-2023 09:45:14


Introduction What are Invasive Species? Invasive species are species that are not native or indigenous to an ecosystem. They harm the ecosystem economically and environmentally. Many invasive species are introduced to an ecosystem while many others find their way to a new location accidentally. The invasive species often do not have predators that would kill them in the non−native area and they grow to so large in numbers that they threaten other species in the region. All non−native species of living beings are not invasive though. There are many plants and crops in the world that are cultivated ... Read More

India’s Wealth in Biodiversity

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 14-Nov-2023 09:56:53


Introduction India is a rich nation in terms of animal and plant species. The country is also one of the most diverse in the world which has biodiversity intricately linked to its sociocultural practices. Many animals and plant species are considered holy and worshipped in India. As a result, there are many practices in Indian societies that make India a wealthy nation in terms of biodiversity. India has about 10% of the world’s species whereas the land area of the country is only 2.4%. Therefore, the country is considered a megadiverse nation in terms of biodiversity in form. India ... Read More


Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 14-Nov-2023 10:00:21


Introduction− What are E-wastes? Nowadays, almost everyone has at least one electronic item at home that is either unused or out of order. These parts of electronic items constitute e−wastes. Cords and plugs of electronic items are included as e−wastes. Common sources of e−wastes are televisions, computers, mobile phones, and any type of home appliance items, such as air conditioners and children’s toys. As toxic materials from electronics mix with water and soil, they may pollute the environment too. In this article, we discuss what is e−waste, how they are produced, how they are dumped in landfills, how it can ... Read More

Environmental Plasticity and Heterophylly

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 14-Nov-2023 10:05:03


Introduction Plant species may respond to variations in environmental conditions. Many plant species can alter their leaf morphology in response to changes in environmental conditions. This phenomenon is known as heterophylly and it is widespread among land plants. In many cases, heterophylly is an adaptive mechanism that permits plants to respond to environmental heterogeneity. Recently, many studies and research have been done to investigate the occurrence of heterophylly in various plants. Many studies have found that heterophylly in plants is a result of the action of phytohormones. Plasticity is the manner in which plants follow various pathways in response ... Read More

Natural Eutrophication

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 14-Nov-2023 10:20:15


Introduction Eutrophication refers to the process of mixing excess nutrients with a water body resulting in the overgrowth of plant life. The plants that are considered here are algae and plankton. In the process of natural eutrophication, soil rich in nutrients gets mixed with water bodies via sewers or due to flooding and this presents the plants that depend on the available nutrients an opportunity to grow heavily. This is a problematic situation because the growth of algae and plankton occurs so heavily that sunlight cannot reach the bed of the water bodies and as oxygen is absorbed by dead ... Read More

Causes of Biodiversity Losses

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 14-Nov-2023 10:23:35


Introduction- What is Biodiversity Loss? Loss of biodiversity or biodiversity loss refers to declining biodiversity within a species, a chosen geographic area, an ecosystem, or Earth as a whole. Biodiversity refers to the number of genes, and individual organisms within a given species, species, and biological communities within a defined geographic area, that ranges from the tiniest ecosystem to the global biosphere. Biodiversity loss is a term used to mean the decline in the number, genetic variations, and variety of species, and various biological communities in a given area. Such a loss in the variety of life and ecosystem ... Read More

Biotic Potential

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 14-Nov-2023 10:26:07


What is Biotic Potential? Biotic potential is the highest reproductive capacity of a living being under given environmental conditions. It is obtained when the birth rate is the highest and the mortality rate is the lowest of a species. There are some primary factors that influence the biotic potential. These factors include rate of reproduction and litter size. The litter size is the number of organisms produced at one birth. The capacity to maximize reproductive capacity under ideal environmental conditions is known as biotic potential. To determine the biotic potential there should be no shortage in food supply ... Read More

Biological Magnification (Biomagnification)

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 14-Nov-2023 10:35:48


Introduction Chemicals are necessary for living beings to live a disease-free and healthy life. But, when non-essential chemicals enter and accumulate in the body of living organisms, it can be harmful to them. Biomagnification refers to a condition where the chemical concentration in the body of a living being extends too much. The path of chemicals entering the body of living beings is often via the food web and the level of concentration increases with the increase of successive trophic levels. Biomagnification refers to this increase of chemical concentration in the body of living organisms via the food web. ... Read More
