Organizations for Environmental Protection


Environmental protection is one of the most critical priorities in front of humans in the present time. Humans need to repair the environment and keep it clean and resourceful for the coming generations. However, doing this may not be possible for just an individual. Therefore, organizations that aim to protect the environment are essential.

There are many organizations in India that aim to protect the environment. However, their range of duties and services is different from one another. Here are some top environmental protection organizations working in India.

Environmental Protection Organizations in India


CHINTAN is probably the most impactful environmental organization in India that primarily focuses on responsible consumption of resources so that no burden is left behind for the coming generations. The mission of the organization is to diminish waste generation and unsustainable consumption. The organization partners with various communities to reach its goal. The focus of the organization is on poor and marginalized societies and it holds various programs to make them aware of the environment apant. CHINTAN also works with various other NGOs for the improvement of poor women and children to provide environmental justice to underprivileged communities around India.

Greenpeace India

Spread across 55 countries globally, Greenpeace International is one of the most renowned environmental and social improvement organizations in the world. Greenpeace India, like its international allies, works in four main focal points which are:

  • Stopping climate change

  • Preserving the oceans

  • Making agriculture sustainable, and

  • Prevention of nuclear catastrophes.

The organization aims to build a greener and more peaceful planet by applying creative techniques that improve the quality of the environment. Greenpeace international avoids funding from government and corporate organizations so that it can work freely without any interference from active intruders in the process of environmental justice.

Greenpeace is funded by Indian contributors (60%), from the Netherlands (38%), and the climate world foundations (1%) from the US.

Help Delhi Breathe

Founded in 2015, Help Delhi Breathe is a non−profit organization that works to make dangerously polluted Delhi’s air cleaner by spreading information and joining hands with the capital’s citizens together. It has been observed that as the air pollution levels reach unprecedented heights, Delhi becomes one of the most polluted cities in the world, making the air of the city so polluted that schools are shut down for days in order to save children from being exposed to the polluted air directly. Such crises are the reasons for founding the HDB initiative.

The initiative aims to make residents of Delhi aware by holding various programs and trying to find a permanent solution to it by taking a cumulative approach. HDB organizes numerous campaigns which are aimed to bring the citizens onto a common platform to seek a permanent solution to the air pollution problem in Delhi.

Air pollution in Delhi is a result of the emission of burnt fossil fuel that contains various gases such as carbon dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, and sulfur dioxide which are also the gases responsible for climate change.

HDB aims to provide accurate information about the problem, minimize the problem via the use of clean public transport and increase the use of renewable resources like solar energy.

Clean Air Asia, India

Another international organization of repute that has branches in China and the Philippines, Clean Air Asia works in 30 cities in India to counter the Air pollution menace that makes the city air hazardous for the citizens. The organization has been present in India since 2008 and it has been able to mark its presence palpably.

Clean Air Asia focuses on Cities like Delhi, where the air pollution levels are too high which makes the Air Quality Index go abnormally higher at peak seasons. The organization works with a host of governments and NGOs to spread awareness about air pollutants and their harmful effects.

The range of work of Clean Air Asia is similar to those of Help Delhi Breathe. The only difference is that HDB is an organization that is centered in Delhi while Clean Air Asia works in 30 cities in total in India.

Wildlife Protection Society of India (WPCI)

The Wildlife Protection Society of India (WPSI) is an organization that works to eradicate wildlife crises in India. It was established in 1994 by former wildlife photographer and filmmaker Belinda Wright. The organization is one of the most renowned organizations for environmental protection in India now.

WPSI works with a host of governmental organizations to stop the increasing poaching and trade of wildlife objects. For example, the organization focuses to minimize the trafficking of tigers which goes on a large scale in India, threatening the existence of the tigers. WPSI works to preserve these animals from traffickers and poachers to help tigers remain safe and secure.

WPSI has recently engaged in human−animal conflicts as well as research on wildlife subjects. The organization works with many environmentalists to commence research on wildlife topics. The aim of the organization now is to build cooperation among wild animals and human beings apart from promoting peaceful co−existence.

Toxics Link

Toxics Link is an organization that aims to free nature from toxins. The organization’s main activity includes gathering information and poisoning and then finding a solution to the problem. Moreover, the organization also shares information about poisoning with the public to make them aware of the situation. For example, the organization may seek clean, healthy, and sustainable initiatives for water pollution issues in the case of rivers like Yamuna.

Toxics Link is also renowned for its events being held to nurture young environmentalists, such as film festivals, mass media, and educational programs. The organization is considered one of the most valuable NGOs that offer insight into the poisoning of resources in India and abroad.

Some major areas of focus of the organization include the following:

  • Chemical and Health – Chemicals in products, mercury in products, mercury in Healthcare, lead in paints, food safety, pesticides, and POPs (persistent organic pollutants).

  • Waste and Sustainability – Biomedical waste, Ewaste, hazardous waste, solar waste, municipal waste, and plastic waste.

  • Green Initiative – Delhi Ridge, Yamuna Elbe, Yamuna Manifesto.


We should support organizations for environmental protection because their activities impact human beings positively. By their nature of work, these organizations build a better envisionment for everyone. Therefore, we must learn more about them and support them so that a positive change can be made in society regarding environmental justice.

Frequently Asked Questions

Qns 1. In how many countries does Greenpeace operate?

Ans. Greenpeace operates in 55 countries globally. It does not accept government and corporate funding to remain independent and free in its operation.

Qns 2. Which organization works in the Yamuna manifesto to check the poison levels in the Yamina river?

Ans. Toxics Link works to check the poison levels of river Yamuna through its Yamuna manifesto.

Qns 3. Who founded the Wildlife Protection Society of India (WPSI)?

Ans. The Wildlife Protection Society of India (WPSI) was established in 1994 by former wildlife photographer and filmmaker Belinda Wright.

Updated on: 14-Nov-2023


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