Found 28 Articles for Elements of the Periodic Table


Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 24-Apr-2024 16:07:36


Introduction Promethium exists in the group off-block element bears the characteristics of the lanthanide group. The metal form of promethium is rare and that is the reason it does not have well-known physical and chemical properties. The salt form of this element consists of red or pink colour. The electronic configuration of this element is $\mathrm{[Xe]4f^{5}6s^{2}}$ as well as having 61 atoms. About promethium Promethium is called a chemical element bears the symbol of Pm. The number of atoms within this element is 61 and atomic mass is 145 g/mol. This element was invented by the famous scientist Mariinsky in ... Read More


Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 24-Apr-2024 17:01:09


Introduction Iodine has been used in a variety of ways since the dawn of time when humans first began cooking food on flame. Iodine is among the necessary elements that humans require to live, & human bodies can produce it by themselves. As a result, we must rely on diet to make up for Iodine deficiency. As a govt. rule, unless it has been introduced during food manufacturing to keep it fresh and ready to consume for an extended time, there is only a trace quantity of iodine that may be present in food products. The proton number of ... Read More


Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 22-Apr-2024 12:20:33


Introduction Fluorine is a relatively recent element. Minerals containing fluorine were used sparingly in antiquity. Early scientist Georgius Agricola initially discussed the economic application of fluorite, the mineral that is the source of fluorine, in the context of smelting in the 16th century. The term "fluorite" (and subsequently "fluorine") is a creation of Agricola. The late 18th century saw the discovery of hydrofluoric acid. Early in the 19th century, it was realised that fluorine, like chlorine, was a bonded element within compounds. It was discovered that fluorite is calcium fluoride. Fluorine has resisted attempts to separate it due to its ... Read More


Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 18-Apr-2024 16:20:44


Introduction Flerovium is denoted or represented by the symbol (𝐹𝑙), with the atomic number equal to 114. This element is superheavy or, one of the heaviest elements in the periodic table. It is also an extremely radioactive material or element. This element was discovered in the year 1998, in the research centre of Russia. This element is found in group number 14 and period number 7 which means it lies in the p-block. The Electronic configuration for the flerovium is $\mathrm{[Rn]\:5f^{14}\:6d^{10}\:7s^{2}\:7p^{2}}$. It is a member (found in) of the carbon (𝐶) group, and it is the bulky element in that ... Read More


Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 22-Mar-2024 12:25:13


Introduction In terms of the development of chemistry, germanium was discovered very recently. Natural germanium derivatives tend to be water-insoluble, like aluminium and silicon, and so have low oral toxicity. Some copper ores and sphalerite zinc ores are used as the primary sources of germanium for extraction. Transistors and other electronic devices employ the semiconductor element germanium. In the past, germanium was the only material used for the first ten years of semiconductor electronics. What is Germanium? Germanium is an element in the periodic table that is listed in the periodic table's 4th period and 14th group. Germanium has ... Read More

Is Silicon a Metal

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 20-Mar-2024 11:59:23


Introduction A crystalline structure with a blue-grey metallic sheen, silicon is hard and brittle. In the periodic table, it corresponds to group 14; carbon is well above it, and germanium, tin, lead, and flerovium are well below it. Despite being the eighth greatest frequent element on the planet in terms of mass, silicon infrequently appears in the crust of the Earth as a pure element. The majority of silicon used in industry is not separated, and the natural minerals are frequently very lightly processed. What is Silicon? The chemical element silicon has an atomic number of 14 and ... Read More


Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 18-Mar-2024 12:05:51


Introduction Krypton is an element present along with the noble gases in the periodic table with the symbol Kr. It is an important element in the p block with the atomic number 36. The discovery of elements continued to be very important in chemistry. The extraction of argon gas from air is one of the important discoveries made by scientists. The discovery of argon made scientists think about the existence of a group of elements with similar properties as argon. They even say that some other elements may be hidden in the argon gas. Therefore, liquefaction and evaporation lead ... Read More


Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 15-Mar-2024 11:26:42


Introduction Bh is a man-made element that has been particularly hard to research, due to its incredibly short half-life. However, it had been found in 1981 through bombarding Bi-209 with Cr-54 at the Laboratory for Heavy Ion Studies in Germany, it wasn't until 2000 that such an expert panel was capable of manufacturing huge adequate amounts of the element to study its chemical characteristics. The heavier isotopes decompose the slowest, with the maximum observed time barely exceeding 60 seconds. Such an element's minimal stability reduces the permeability beyond the fundamental scientific studies. Bohrium could have been named after Danish scientist ... Read More


Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 14-Mar-2024 16:31:59


Introduction Chromium is a hard metal with the appearance of a silver-grey colour. The Chromium electronic configuration is generally provided as $\mathrm{Ar\:3d^{5}\:4s^{1}}$. The Chromium electronic configuration is mainly explained with the help of a half-filled d orbital which is mainly responsible to offer stability. Cr oxidation state is trivalent that is very essential for human beings. The nutrient can be found in variable traces of human insulin, lipid metabolism, fatty acids as well as blood sugar. What is Chromium? Chromium refers to a lustrous which has a higher melting point. Ferrochromium alloy is generally produced commercially with the help of ... Read More


Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 14-Mar-2024 13:27:59


Introduction Iron is uncommon in the Earth's crust in its metallic state and is mostly deposited by meteorites. Clean iron plates are flawless and mirror-like silver-grey. However, iron often forms brown to black moist iron oxides, sometimes termed rust, when combined with oxygen and water. Chemically, iron's two most frequent oxidation states are iron(II) and iron(III). Iron has several characteristics in common with additional transition metals. It makes up a large portion of both the exterior and interior cores of the planet and is, by weight, the second highest prevalent element after oxygen. What is Iron? The simplest widespread ... Read More
