Found 28 Articles for Elements of the Periodic Table


Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 13-Mar-2024 13:34:03


Introduction 'Technetium is a radioactive element and has various radioactive isotopes as well which are thoroughly unstable except for the completely ionized state of 97Tc. This substance is synthetically produced in laboratories for various industrial applications. Naturally, this substance is mostly obtained from molybdenum ores. It is the lightest element containing all radioactive isotopes. What is technetium? Technetium is a chemical substance that is radioactive in nature. The atomic number of this element is 43 and is represented using the symbol Tc. All the isotopes of this element are known to be radioactive out of which technetium-99 is the ... Read More


Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 13-Mar-2024 13:45:52


Introduction Tellurium is very significant as well as more prevalent all over the universe compared to the earth. A material processes a flame with a greenish-blue colour if it is burned in the direct light of the sun. The appearance of this molecule is a little toxic and it is metalloid with silver-white colour. This molecule is brittle and closely related to sulphur as well as selenium. All these three elements are referred to as chalcogen. What is Tellurium”? Tellurium refers to a significant chemical molecule with the chemical identity of Te and the “atomic number” of this molecule ... Read More


Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 13-Mar-2024 13:53:18


Tantalum was discovered by Anders G. Ekeberg (1802), and he discovered this metal in Uppsala, Sweden, in the minerals tantalite from Finland and yttrotantalite from Sweden. Later English chemist William Wollaston declined his discovery. Not only that, but he also claimed that it was another kind of material known as the niobium, in the year 1903; the tantalum was refined by other chemist named, Werner Von Bolton. What is Tantalum? The term Tantalum is derived from a Greek mythological character, named Tantalos, who was one of the villains. In 1903, Werner Von Bolton gave this name because it was ... Read More


Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 13-Mar-2024 13:07:14


Introduction Hassium is denoted or represented by the chemical symbol Hs, and it has an atomic number equal to 108. It is highly (extremely) radioactive. Its most (more) stable isotope exists or has a half-life of approximately 10 (s) seconds. Hassium is one of the superheavy elements. This element can be produced (generated) in a laboratory (lab) but only in very small quantities by the fusion process of heavy nuclei with the lighter ones. There are no natural occurrences of this element. This element is a d-block element found in the 7th period and 8th group. Electronic configuration ... Read More


Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 08-Mar-2024 14:07:42


Introduction Element is a chemical species that contains only one type of atom, and they have characteristics, physical and chemical properties. Elements are also discovered by human beings by extracting them from the earth and by artificial synthesis. Dysprosium is also one such element with characteristic properties like other elements. Dysprosium was discovered by Paul-Émile Lecoq in 1886. The name d ysprosium is derived from the word 'dysprositos', a Greek word that means rare. Pure Dysprosium was obtained after the discovery of ion-exchange chromatography by Frank Spedding in 1950. And now the extraction of such rare earth elements is done ... Read More


Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 08-Mar-2024 13:59:02


Introduction Dubnium is a D-Block, Period 7, Group 5 element. Dubnium has [Rn]5𝑓146𝑑3 7𝑠2 electron configuration and has 2, 8, 18, 32, 32, 11, 2 electrons in each of its shells. Although its exact appearance is uncertain, dubnium is supposed to be metallic grey or silvery white. The element is poorly understood and has no known applications. Because dubnium is a manufactured element, it cannot be found in the natural world. What is Dubnium? Dubnium is an atomic number 105 chemical element with the symbol Db. Dubnium is a solid at room temperature and is categorised as a transition ... Read More


Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 04-Mar-2024 15:44:07


Introduction “Strontium” is a chemical element that is symbolised by “Sr” and it has an “atomic number 38”. An “alkali earth metal” has a unique “silver white-yellowish” appearance. It is quite strongly chemically reactive. It is naturally non-radioactive and it creates a “dark oxide layer” upon exposure to the air. Physically and chemically, this element is quite similar to “calcium and barium” What is “Strontium”? “Strontium” mostly exists naturally in “rocks coal and oil” as a “non-radioactive element”. 99% of “strontium” is found in the bones of human body. It exists in the form of four stable isotopes in ... Read More


Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 04-Mar-2024 15:49:53


Introduction Einsteinium-253, which has a half-life of 20.5 days, was created after several uranium atoms captured numerous neutrons and underwent a sequence of capture and decay steps. Since 𝐸𝑠 is artificial, neither does it exist in nature nor on the earth's surface. It is created in small amounts through thermonuclear bomb explosions or artificially induced spontaneous transmutations of specific radioactive elements. On 1 November 1952, the thermonuclear explosion, which occurred on a Pacific atoll, left behind debris that contained the element Einsteinium. A neighbouring atoll's fallout material was shipped to Berkeley, California, for analysis. Stanley Thompson, Gregory Choppin, Albert Ghiorso, ... Read More


Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 15-Feb-2024 10:56:53


Introduction A synthetic element is called darmstadtium. Mendeleev foresaw it and gave it the name eka-platinum, which was later changed to element 110. It was created in 1994 at the German GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research by Peter Armbruster and Gottfried Munzenberg. Its symbol is Ds. Nickel $\mathrm{(Ni)}$ isotope blasted lead $\mathrm{(Pb)}$ isotope, resulting in the production of one atom of the isotope $\mathrm{(Ds)\:-\:269}$. Nine atoms of $\mathrm{Ds\:-271}$ were produced by bombarding $\mathrm{Ni}$ ions using the same technique. The element was given the name Darmstadt after the German city where it was found. Facts about Darmstadtium ... Read More


Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 07-Feb-2024 12:04:51


Introduction Copernicium was discovered in 1996 by researchers supervised by Sigurd Hofmann at the Heavy Ion Research Lab in Darmstadt, Germany. Copernicium element has an atomic no. 112 with the sign Cn. This is a man-made element that is exceedingly radioactive. Within the periodic table, Cn belongs to such d-block, 7th period, as well as group 12 of elements. At ordinary temp as well as pressure, it stays mostly in gas form. Its radioactive element's electron arrangement is Rn 5f14 6d10 7s2. The above element's identified isotopes have all been radioactive as well as have extremely small half-lives. The ... Read More
