Found 54 Articles for Customs and Traditions

Difference between Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 30-Nov-2022 12:27:09

2K+ Views

You've probably heard of the law of supply and demand, which holds that a higher price leads to lower demand, while a lower price leads to more demand. The "law of supply and demand" describes this phenomenon. Whether or not your background is in economics, you have likely come across this rule. Supply and demand analysis can provide light on the connection between consumer needs and corporate offerings. This means that any discrepancy between the two has an effect on commodity prices in the market. Despite their independence from one another, aggregate demand and supply define equilibrium when plotted together. ... Read More

Is spilling salt believed to be a bad omen and bring bad luck?

Suman Nanda
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:25

1K+ Views

Spilling salt brings bad luck. It is one of those very common superstitions that we learn about when we’re kids and then propagate it once our next generation comes along. There are a few known origins of this superstition, and two of those origins are famous.Origin of the MythThe first origin comes from centuries ago. It was a time when salt used to be very costly. It was more valuable than other spices available at that time. So spilling even a little bit of salt was a big wastage of money. Wasting money was considered very bad luck in that ... Read More

What is the origin of superstition in Britain that seeing a hearse is the sign of imminent death?

Suman Nanda
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:25

3K+ Views

Born centuries ago, this is a superstition that reeks of the fear of fate. We all know that we are going to die someday, but we keep that truth hidden deep within our hearts. We spend each day of our lives doing what we can to live happily. But a hearse is a reminder that all our days are numbered. This is why seeing a hearse is considered to be very bad luck. Most superstitions are born in the same way; we always connect luck with things that affect our subconscious minds.Origin of the MythIn the olden days when a ... Read More

What is the number 7 considered to be lucky in Britain?

Suman Nanda
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:25


This is a superstition which has been known to man since prehistoric times. It is very common and is followed throughout every corner of the globe. The number 7 is something which is woven into our history and throughout our illustrious past, we can find many instances of this number popping up.The number 7 is so significant because in some form or another it is linked to our day to day lives. Read on to find why number 7 is one of the most beloved integers and why it is considered lucky.Biblical OriginsThe story starts from Bible and the Book ... Read More

Why do the people of Britain believe in the superstition that Friday, the 13th is unlucky?

Suman Nanda
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:25


All the ominous concepts surrounding Friday the 13th has become more than popular not only in Britain and the western countries but all over the world. Where did such a belief originate from that a particular date and day of the week are to be considered unlucky. Let's see the reason behind it:Origin of SuperstitionThis common belief is known to have its origin in western superstition itself. Friday the 13th specifically refers to that occurrence when the 13th day of a month falls on a Friday to the Georgian calendar. This is supposed to happen at least once in a ... Read More

What is the origin of the superstition that opening an umbrella indoors will bring bad luck?

Suman Nanda
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:25


The superstition that opening an umbrella indoors will bring bad luck has been going on for centuries. Finding the exact origin of a superstition is not really easy because people start believing them from their childhood and no one really asks where it came from. Still, if you are interested in knowing where this superstition originated then read on.The OriginThe origin of the umbrella superstition is disputed, there are many known instances of its birth, but only two of these origin-stories have got some validity. Both of these origins are supported by a number of historical facts and evidence. However, ... Read More

What is the origin of superstition in Britain that finding a penny on the floor is a lucky sign?

Suman Nanda
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:25


Luck is a strange thing that we believe in. Its existence is completely abstract but we can feel it working around us every day. So, it is natural that a number of superstitions are based on this construct of luck. One very prominent superstition among those is that finding a penny on the floor is a lucky sign. People from many countries believe in this superstition and its origin can be traced back to a few different stories.Origin of the SuperstitionThe first known origin came from the fact that centuries ago, people used to believe that metal was a gift ... Read More

What is the origin of superstition in Britain that burning ears mean you are being talked about?

Suman Nanda
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:25

3K+ Views

As superstitions go, this is one which is followed almost in every country of the world. This superstition states that if anyone of your ears is burning or itching then someone is talking about you behind your back. Again, as with almost all superstitions, the origin of this one is also disputed by many, but still, the majority agrees about one origin.Old Roman SayingIn the old Roman Empire, there was a saying that if your ears are itching then someone is talking about you in your absence. That is thought to be the root of this superstition. Even in the ... Read More

Why is a black cat crossing your path while going out consider as a bad sign?

Suman Nanda
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:25


Black cats have been popular in folklore. How different myths treat them, varies from culture to culture. What is the origin of such a superstition that a black cat is a bad omen and if it happens to cross your path, you are going to having a bad day?Western MythsWestern myths look upon black cats as the bearers of bad will and as symbols of evil omens. Black cats are often taken as the equivalent of evil witches practicing malicious black magic. This again originates from the belief that witches were shapeshifters and that they often assumed the shape of black ... Read More

What are the different types of stoves used in India to cook food?

Tejas Charukula
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:25


Lighting up a stove is very simple. What does it take after all to light up a stove? All you have to do is add the fuel and light up the fuel and then stove does its work. Ever since the stove has been invented, the inventors and researchers have created many new versions of the stoves that can be used for different multifunctional purposes.You can say that technology has improved so much that anything nowadays can be burned as fuel to produce heat. If you want a solid fuel then you can use wood, if a liquid fuel is ... Read More
