Found 110 Articles for Bitcoin

What is Crypto Asset Management?

Riddhi Sultania
Updated on 12-Dec-2022 16:36:24


Introduction Crypto asset management is a variety of investments that involve cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. As these virtual currencies continue to grow in popularity and value, so do their investors. However, with this rise in popularity and value comes a broad spectrum of potential investors. While some people buy cryptocurrencies as investments or use them, others want to get into crypto asset management. It can be for different reasons, such as investing in something new, exploring a way to make additional income, or even protecting their digital assets. The first thing you should do before getting into crypto ... Read More

What does NFT mean in Blockchain?

Riddhi Sultania
Updated on 12-Dec-2022 16:33:03


Consider purchasing a piece of digital artwork digitally and receiving a distinct coin/token that certifies your ownership of the article. Isn't that surreal? With NFTs around, that's possible now. Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are blockchain-based cryptographic assets. They carry globally unique identification codes and store specific information. They cannot be transferred or swapped like cryptocurrencies. It contrasts with fungible tokens, such as cryptocurrencies, which are equivalent to one another. Thus, making it easy to be used as a medium for economic transactions. Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) or non-fungible tokens are built using the same coding for digital currency like bitcoin or Ethereum. ... Read More

Which concepts should be understood on Blockchain?

Riddhi Sultania
Updated on 13-Dec-2022 12:20:56


Introduction Various concepts are associated with the understanding and working of blockchain networks. These concepts help us understand various processes related to blockchains and other related things. To evaluate the value of blockchain technology in various businesses, these firms need to learn and put these concepts into practice. Using smart contracts, blockchain networks have carried out various transactions and stored the related information safely. No alteration or deletion is possible by any other person or group save for the authority that deals with it. What is the need to understand the concepts of Blockchain? The learning of theory helps in ... Read More

What Charts should Crypto investors use?

Riddhi Sultania
Updated on 12-Dec-2022 16:17:02


Introduction This article puts together some charts for crypto investors to look at when investing in cryptocurrency. It is crucial to remember that this is just the initializing stage, and there is a lot to do. There are eight charts to look at and pick one cryptocurrency per the requirement. Charts which crypto investors should use The first chart shows the daily percentage change of Bitcoin in US Dollars, which is different from the price of Bitcoin in US Dollars because of changes in the BTC/USD exchange rate over time and shifts caused by news events. The price can ... Read More

What is the future of NFT trends?

Riddhi Sultania
Updated on 12-Dec-2022 16:15:13


When NFTs were put on the market, it was a big step forward for the virtual economy. NFTs are a unique asset that has caught the attention of wealthy investors, high-level business leaders, collectors, and other people who value scarcity. Over 200, 000 people trade NFTs every month, and new companies based on tokens are constantly popping up. The NFT boom will cause the market to grow similarly, and Research and Markets say that this growth will continue until 2030. Why are people willing to pay more for NFTs, and what drives their meteoric rise? Future of NFT Trends The ... Read More

What are the Types of NFTs you need to know about?

Riddhi Sultania
Updated on 12-Dec-2022 16:05:08


What are NFTs? The ERC-721 standard was the precursor to NFTs. The ERC-721 smart contract standard, created by some of the same individuals who created the ERC-20 smart contract, outlines the minimal interface—ownership information, security, and metadata—needed for the trading and distributing of gaming tokens. The ERC-1155 standard expands on the idea by batching many non-fungible token types into a single contract and lowering the transaction and storage costs necessary for NFTs. NFTs have a variety of potential applications. For instance, they are the perfect means of digitally representing tangible things like real estate and art. NFTs, based on blockchains, ... Read More

Top 10 Cryptocurrency influencers you should be following

Riddhi Sultania
Updated on 12-Dec-2022 15:55:06


Many people are eager to get their hands on cryptocurrency now that it has gained popularity. Many media covers articles describing what cryptocurrencies are, how they function, and the most recent market developments, but they may be lacking in key information. Investors and others considering jumping on the cryptocurrency bandwagon should thank the internet for giving them access to views and viewpoints from industry leaders and crypto pioneers. Top 10 cryptocurrency influencers For individuals interested in learning more about the cryptocurrency business, we have listed several influencers that include in-depth analyses of the sector. Nicolas Merten, Nicolas Merten a YouTube ... Read More

How Smart contracts changing the way we trust people?

Riddhi Sultania
Updated on 12-Dec-2022 15:51:50


A smart contract: What is it? According to Wikipedia, the negotiation or performance of a contract can be digitally facilitated, verified, or enforced using a smart contract. Smart contracts enable the execution of reliable transactions without the involvement of third parties. These transactions can be tracked and cannot be reversed. A smart contract is described in greater detail here. Nearly all contracts in the social structure we now have are predicated on an assumption of trust. For example, both a landlord and a victim anticipate that a tenant will pay their rent by the terms of their lease, and both ... Read More

Is Blockchain the future? Or is it just a fad?

Riddhi Sultania
Updated on 12-Dec-2022 18:09:34


Introduction Blockchain is one of the most important things that has helped establish the digital industry. Things are carried out easier and better with the help of blockchains. They are a complete revolution that has drastically changed the world of transactions, payments, and cryptocurrency. Providing many benefits, they are within reach of common people. They can easily use it for their purposes, making it more popular. Blockchains are a secure network that links many computers together to transmit information safely and faster. What is a Blockchain? Blockchain refers to the digital system that helps record all customer transactions and exchanges. ... Read More

India’s Top 10 best NFT Marketplaces

Riddhi Sultania
Updated on 12-Dec-2022 18:08:35


The peer-to-peer NFT Marketplace is a platform for the virtual economy. This enables artists to display and advertise their works of art as digital tokens, and purchasers and investors can acquire those jpegs as an asset. It is very similar to making an online purchase using your electronic wallet. The artist has several options after establishing the potential value of this non-fungible token (NFT), including listing the NFT at a fixed price or conducting an auction in which the winner receives the NFT. NFT marketplaces can be divided into two categories: open-type and exclusive-type. The exclusive-type NFT marketplace exclusively trades ... Read More
