Found 940 Articles for SEO

How to Create a Small Business Marketing Plan in 8 Steps?

Shivam Jadoun
Updated on 24-Jul-2023 10:28:45


Social media is a great way for businesses to establish their brand identity and connect with their target customers. It's also free to create and maintain a presence. One of the most important factors that businesses need to consider when it comes to using social media is the creation of a marketing plan. This document will help establish goals and how to utilize the platform. Having a plan will allow you to take a more focused and organized approach when it comes to building a social media presence. One of the most critical factors that any agency should consider when ... Read More

Is AI Content Helping or Hurting Your Website?

Shivam Jadoun
Updated on 24-Jul-2023 10:29:50


There are a lot of new AI tools that are being used to create content, and they can help you create a variety of different types of content, such as blogs and social media posts. However, are these tools actually helping us? Everyone is debating whether or not artificial intelligence-generated content will improve my website's search engine ranking. Is it a fatal blow to the industry after all the tools are fully accurate? Absolutely, it will ruin your website. Google has made it clear that it doesn't allow the use of automated tools to produce content that is focused on ... Read More

The Benefits of Geotargeting in Local Digital Marketing

Anurag Gummadi
Updated on 14-Jul-2023 17:30:25


Geo targeting is a powerful tool in the digital marketer's arsenal. By using geo location services, you can target ads to customers who are within a certain geographic area. This allows advertisers to reach their desired audience efficiently and cost-effectively. Geo targeting has many benefits including increased brand awareness, improved customer engagement, and better conversion rates for online campaigns. In addition, businesses can use geo location data to enhance offline campaigns by better understanding the needs of their local markets. With all of these advantages many to come moving forward in this article, it’s no wonder that geo targeting is ... Read More

The Impact of Voice Assistants on Digital Marketing

Anurag Gummadi
Updated on 14-Jul-2023 17:31:59


Voice search is a rapidly growing technology, with more and more people using it to find the information they need. As this trend increases, businesses must keep up-to-date on voice search optimization techniques in order to remain competitive Voice search requires an entirely different approach than traditional keyword optimization; instead of focusing on individual keywords, marketers must adapt their strategies to cater to phrases that users would likely use while speaking rather than typing queries into a search engine. Additionally, optimizing content for long tail keywords—like longer phrases that are less commonly used—can help increase click-through rates and attract relevant ... Read More

Fatman Evolutionary Model in Social Networks

Rohan Singh
Updated on 10-Jul-2023 14:12:15


The Fatman model is a model that explains how social media grows and changes over time. Social Media has become an integral part of everyone’s life. Researchers are constantly trying to understand the social media growth and behavior associated with it. In this article, we will understand the Fatman model and its significance in social media network Analysis. Fatman Model The Fatman model was first introduced by Alain Barrat, Marc Barthélemy, and Alessandro Vespignani in a paper published in 2004. Fatman's model says that the growth of social networks is influenced by two main factors − Preferential Attachment ... Read More

Surfer SEO Alternatives

Shirjeel Yunus
Updated on 03-Aug-2023 16:21:34


What is Surfer SEO? Surfer SEO tool has been developed for writers and content managers for the automation of SEO workflow. This helps in getting a good rank for the content. The aim of this tool is to provide SEO to small businesses, freelancers, and big organizations. Surfer SEO tool includes keyword research and quality content creation which should be ranked easily and liked by the users. Cost of Surfer SEO Surfer SEO has four plans and the pricing of each of them can be found in the table below: Plan Price Lite $19 per month ... Read More Alternatives

Shirjeel Yunus
Updated on 20-Jun-2023 14:48:41


What is is a content writing assistant which you can use to write SEO-optimized content. The tool helps you to find the right keywords which will be beneficial; for your article. This tool will help you in saving a lot of your time There is an answer engine in the tool which can predict the needs of your customers. SEO content can be developed on the basis of the results of your queries. Cost of has three plans and their prices can be found in the table below &minnus; Plan Price Solo ... Read More

Why should you add breadcrumb menus?

Hillol Modak
Updated on 01-Jun-2023 12:36:19


Breadcrumbs are a type of navigational component. The name is derived from an old Brothers Grimm story whereby children leave bread crumbs in the forest to discover their way back home. Breadcrumbs perform a similar role on a web page: they assist visitors in knowing where they're at and, if required, let them return to the prior site part. What Are the Different Types of Breadcrumbs? Breadcrumbs are classified into three categories, each with its unique function. Determine what breadcrumbs will work most effectively for the website before implementing them. Hierarchy-Based Breadcrumbs The most typical sort of breadcrumbs ... Read More

Robots Meta Tag & X-Robots-Tag: Everything You Need to Know

Hillol Modak
Updated on 01-Jun-2023 12:29:13


The Robots Meta Tag and X-Robots-Tag are two commonly utilized HTML labels that enlightening to look motor crawlers and other web robots. These labels can control how your web pages are recorded and shown in look comes about. What is Robot Meta tag? The Robots Meta Tag is an HTML tag that gives information to look motor crawlers and other web robots almost how to record and show a web page. It is set within the segment of an HTML page and can be utilized to control the behaviour of look motor crawlers. The tag comprises two qualities: "title" and ... Read More

Faceted Navigation: Best Practices for SEO

Hillol Modak
Updated on 01-Jun-2023 12:23:09


What is Faceted Navigation? Faceted navigation (or faceted search) is a style of routing that may be seen on the category/archive sections of websites with many entries. Its goal is to make it easier for consumers to locate the items they're seeking by providing numerous filtering depending on listing criteria. A lot of individuals describe faceted navigation as 'filters.' This style of navigating can be typically found in the grouping sections of: Online stores. Job sites. Websites for travel and booking. However, it is also widespread on several huge websites. What Are the Benefits of Using Faceted Search? ... Read More
