Faceted Navigation: Best Practices for SEO

What is Faceted Navigation?

Faceted navigation (or faceted search) is a style of routing that may be seen on the category/archive sections of websites with many entries. Its goal is to make it easier for consumers to locate the items they're seeking by providing numerous filtering depending on listing criteria.

A lot of individuals describe faceted navigation as 'filters.'

This style of navigating can be typically found in the grouping sections of:

  • Online stores.

  • Job sites.

  • Websites for travel and booking.

However, it is also widespread on several huge websites.

What Are the Benefits of Using Faceted Search?

For several reasons, it would be best to utilize faceted navigation on your web page. The most significant ones are given below:

  • Faceted searching helps visitors restrict their search results by making it more straightforward for them to locate what they've been looking for and can enhance web interaction.

  • Visitors can filter their outcomes by the name of the brand or kind of product characteristics. Consequently, users may quickly discover what they're looking for rather than scrolling through a slew of useless items that don't quite match what they were looking for.

  • It is also helpful for those still determining what they are searching for. Visitors may quickly locate what they are looking for if they understand what constitutes a genre.

  • Faceted searching enhances the user experience by assisting users in finding more suitable objects and services in a shorter period of time.

  • Faceted searching lets you present a wide choice of items and commodities with their information.

What SEO problems can faceted navigation cause?

According to experts, faceted navigation is frequently incompatible with search.

Because facets generate several URLs from the same URL.

This generates four major SEO issues:

  • The same material exists on the website due to different revisions of the identical page. Numerous elements have little or no effect on the website's information. For instance, a price sorting option may provide multiple pages containing the same goods in an alternate sequence.

  • Internal links will weaken link equity as they will be shared over numerous URLs. There might be thousands of different variations of a website to link to rather than just one. This is problematic because, rather than one page benefiting from all connections to it, a few of these links lead to duplication.

  • Crawl waste occurs when Google spends effort on duplicated pages and needs to crawl your important pages.

  • Crawl traps exist because, in numerous cases, faceted navigating might result in an almost infinite number of combinations of your main URLs. This is a crawl trap since automated systems become caught when crawling specific URLs.

Several SEOs may claim that faceted navigation is a simple approach to constructing pages for long-tail search terms with tiny but distinct search intentions. However, you should periodically check to see whether there is any search intention for the subject.

How to audit your faceted navigation for SEO


the index is a policy that may be specified using a meta tag or an HTTP responses header and is utilized to prohibit material from being indexed by search engine spiders that comply with the index rule, like Google. Whenever Googlebot searches the website and retrieves a tag or header, Google will remove it from Google Search listings altogether, no matter if other websites connect to it.

When you lack root privileges on the server, utilizing the index enables you to manage access to the website on a page-by-page approach.

What is canonicalization?

Canonicalization is determining an item of material's representative -canonical- URL. As a result, a canonical URL represents the URL of a page chosen by Google as being most typical of a duplicated group of runners. This procedure, also known as deduplication, allows Google to present a single instance of potentially identifying information in the results it displays for searches.

There are several causes why a website might contain duplicate information:

  • Regional variants: for instance, an item of information available through separate URLs but fundamentally identical information in the same language for the United States and the United Kingdom.

  • Device versions, such as a page having mobile versions as well as a desktop version

  • Protocol variations, such as a site's HTTP and HTTPS versions

  • Site capabilities include the outcomes of the category page's filters and screening functions.

  • Variants that occur by chance: for instance, the trial version of the website is mistakenly left open to crawlers.

The same material on a website is typical and does not violate Google's spamming standards. Nevertheless, keeping identical information available via many URLs can lead to a poor user encounter, making tracking whether your material performs in search engine results more challenging.


The critical advantage of utilizing AJAX to handle faceted navigational concerns is that no new URL is produced when a visitor views a page and picks a filter.

A JavaScript-based client side handles the entire procedure. There is no requirement for an internet server.

To guarantee that this strategy is effective, a crawl route must be available to the specific sites that need to be ranked.

The HTML5 historical API's pushState function and server setup that replies to these calls with HTML generated client-side can assist guarantee that AJAX can perform its wonders and maintain SEO in good shape.

What is Google search console?

Google Search Console is a service assistance is free supplied by Google which enables you to monitor, maintain, and control the visibility of your website in the results of search engines. Although you are not necessary to sign into the Search Console in order to get listed in Google Search outcomes, it can assist you in understanding and improving how Google sees your online activity.

Several activities are supported via services and tools available in Searching Console:

  • Ensure that Google can find and crawl the web page.

  • Address sorting difficulties and insist on re-indexing new or changed material.

  • View Google Search traffic information for the website, such as the amount of times your site appears in Google Search, the search keywords which showcase the page, the frequency with which searchers travel about during these queries, and much.

  • Receive alerts when Google discovers searching, unwanted mail, or other issues with your website.

  • Let others know you of sites that link to yours.

  • Address AMP, mobile availability, and other Search issues.


While faceted navigating might improve user experience, it can bring a slew of issues for SEO. Identical content, squandered crawl money, and diminished link ownership can all lead to severe problems for a website. It is critical to plan and apply the options to prevent many issues involving faceted navigation.

Updated on: 01-Jun-2023


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