Robots Meta Tag & X-Robots-Tag: Everything You Need to Know

The Robots Meta Tag and X-Robots-Tag are two commonly utilized HTML labels that enlightening to look motor crawlers and other web robots. These labels can control how your web pages are recorded and shown in look comes about.

What is Robot Meta tag?

The Robots Meta Tag is an HTML tag that gives information to look motor crawlers and other web robots almost how to record and show a web page. It is set within the segment of an HTML page and can be utilized to control the behaviour of look motor crawlers.

The tag comprises two qualities: "title" and "substance." The "title" quality indicates the sort of instruction, and the "substance" property gives the esteem for that instruction. Here are a few common enlightening that can be utilized with the Robots Meta Tag:

  • "index": This instruction permits look motor crawlers to record the page and show it in look results.

  • "index": This instruction tells look motor crawlers not to fill the page, and it won't appear in look results.

  • "follow": This instruction permits look motor crawlers to take after the joins on the page and fill the connected pages.

  • "nofollow": This instruction tells look motor crawlers not to take after the joins on the page, and they will not be indexed.

  • "no archive": This instruction tells look motors not to show a cached form of the page.

  • "snippet": This instruction tells you to look at motors, not to show a piece of the page substance in look comes about.

To utilize the Robots Meta Tag, you would like to include it in the segment of your HTML code like this.

Example of Robot Meta Tag

   <meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow">
   <title>Page title</title> 

Within the illustration over, the Robots Meta Tag is utilized to educate look motor crawlers not to record the page or take after any joins on the page.

The Robots Meta Tag could be a capable device for controlling how to look motors list and show your web pages, but it should be utilized cautiously. Make doubt you get the suggestions of each instruction sometime recently you employed it on your site.

Application of Robot Meta Tag

The Robots Meta Tag can be connected to personal web pages to control how to look motor crawlers record and show them in look comes about. Here are a few common utilize cases for the Robots Meta Tag:

  • Blocking look motors from ordering pages: If you've got runners on your location that does not have to be recorded by look engines, you'll utilize the "no list" instruction inside the Robots Meta Tag. Usually frequently commonly used for pages that contain the same substance, such as printer-friendly pages or pages with parameterized URLs.

  • Controlling which pages are indexed: By default, look motors will endeavor to fill all pages on your site. In any case, you'll need to exclude certain pages from ordering, such as pages with low-quality or obsolete substance. You'll utilize the Robots Meta Tag to indicate which pages should be collected and which ought not.

  • Preventing look motors from taking after joins: Utilize the "no take after" command within the Robots Meta Tag if a few of your website's pages do not need look motors to take after joins from them. They are commonly utilized for pages connecting to outside websites or counting user-generated substance.

Covering up specific compounds from see happens. Utilize the "nosnippet" command within the Robots Meta Tag in case your site has the substance you do not need to be shown in look comes about and ordinarily connected to pages with touchy or private data.

It's vital to remember that the Robots Meta Tag should be utilized carefully since disgraceful utilization can antagonistically influence your website's see motor rankings. Sometime recently, including the Robots Meta Tag to your site, you ought to, without particular counsel, an SEO pro or imply to look at motor documentation.

What is X-Robot Tag?

The X-Robots-Tag is an HTTP reaction header that permits site proprietors to communicate detailed information to web robots that slither their pages. It is comparable to the Robots Meta Tag but is sent as an HTTP header instead of being included within the HTML code of a page.

The X-Robots-Tag header can control how to look motors and other web robots interact with personal pages or records on a website. It gives more granular control than the Robots Meta Tag and can be used to supply extra information.

The X-Robots-Tag header can be utilized to set an assortment of enlightening for web robots, including:

  • "index": This instruction tells web robots not to list the page or file.

  • "nofollow": This instruction tells web robots not to take after any joins on the page or file.

  • "no archive": This instruction tells web robots not to show a cached adaptation of the page or file.

  • "snippet": This instruction tells web robots not to show a scrap of the page or record substance in look results.

  • "noimageindex": This instruction tells web robots not to file pictures on the page.

Example of X-Robot Tag

To utilize the X-Robots-Tag header, you wish to include it in the HTTP reaction for the page or record. Here is an illustration of how to use the title to educate web robots not to record a page:

X-Robots-Tag: noindex

The X-Robots-Tag header can be a capable device for controlling how to look motors, and other web robots are connected to your site. It should be utilized cautiously and with other SEO best hones to guarantee that it does not adversely affect your website's look motor rankings.


In conclusion, the Robots Meta Tag and X-Robots-Tag are effective apparatuses for controlling how to look at motors and other web robots associated with your site. These labels permit you to indicate which pages should be recorded, which should be taken after, and which substance should be shown in what look comes about. In any case, off-base utilization of these labels can affect your website's look motor rankings. It's critical to utilize these labels cautiously and with other SEO best hones to guarantee that your site is appropriately optimized for look motors.

Updated on: 01-Jun-2023


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