Found 7 Articles for Graph

Application Of Linear Graphs

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 16-Apr-2024 13:27:24


Introduction The applications of linear graphs are widely seen in day-to-day life. Graphs in the form of a straight line Ax+By+C=0 are called Linear graphs. In the standard form of line equation, A and B are coefficients, x and y are variables and C are a constant. In simple terms, a linear graph is a representation of the relationship between two or more variables. By plotting the variables of the equation or say the points x, y, z, etc., on a graph we get a straight line. The applications of linear graphs are widely seen in analysing and ... Read More

Pictograph and Interpretation of a Pictograph

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 20-Mar-2024 11:30:21


Introduction Pictographs are graphs used to represent data using symbols and images associated with the data. Pictographs are a way of expressing data using images. Each image of the icon represents a specific number. That is, the icon uses images and symbols to convey information about the data provided. Pictograms need to be used very carefully and are very convenient to use, but they can also misinterpret the data. When drawing a pictogram, the data is most often interpreted visually and should look visually correct. You can easily interpret your data using various image representations of your data, such as ... Read More

yEd Graph Editor Alternatives

Shirjeel Yunus
Updated on 01-Aug-2023 11:26:34


What is yEd Graph Editor? yEd Graph Editor is an application which can be used for creating different kinds of diagrams. You can use the tool to create diagrams manually or import them from other sources to create them. Large data sets can be easily arranged because of advanced algorithms. The tool is available for free and is compatible with Windows, Linux, Unix, and MacOS. Price Plans of yEd Graph Editor yEd Graph editor can be used for free. There is no need to make any payment for using its features. Why yEd Graph Editor Alternatives? Adding a ... Read More

NoSQL Data Architecture Patterns

Mithlesh Upadhyay
Updated on 18-May-2023 18:23:52

3K+ Views

An architecture pattern is a way of organizing data in a logical and structured manner. So, it can be stored and accessed efficiently. NoSQL databases are different from traditional relational databases. Because Tables are not used to store data in it. It uses document-oriented, key-value or graph formats. It makes them more flexible. NoSQL databases can handle a wide variety of data types and sizes. It is suitable for big data applications. It can also provide faster performance than traditional relational databases. It is therefore ideal for applications that require real-time data processing. Architecture Patterns of NoSQL There are given ... Read More

Neo4j Query Cypher Language

Mithlesh Upadhyay
Updated on 18-May-2023 18:32:10


Neo4j database is one of the most popular choices in graph databases. One of the reasons for this is its powerful query language, Cypher. Neo4j has developed its own query language called Cypher, which differs from SQL in that it operates on nodes rather than tables, rows, and columns. Its syntax is similar to SQL. But it is better suited for working with graph data. This is because Neo4j is a graph database that stores data in nodes and relationships. It can be visualized in a graph format rather than the traditional table format. In this article, we will discuss ... Read More

MySQL Recursive CTE (Common Table Expressions)

Mithlesh Upadhyay
Updated on 18-May-2023 18:33:23

2K+ Views

MySQL Recursive CTE allows users to write queries that involve recursive operations. Recursive CTE is an expression that is defined recursively. It is useful in hierarchical data, graph traversals, data aggregation, and data reporting. In this article, we will discuss Recursive CTE with its syntax and examples. Introduction Common Table Expression (CTE) is a way to give a name to the temporary result sets generated by each query in MySQL. The WITH clause is used to define a CTE, and multiple CTEs can be defined in a single statement using this clause. However, a CTE can only reference other CTEs ... Read More

Minimum Bottleneck Spanning tree(MBST)

Tapas Kumar Ghosh
Updated on 10-May-2023 15:22:16


The Minimum Bottleneck Spanning tree is an undirected graph whose highest weight is considered as minimum as possible. Let’s take an example to understand the Minimum Bottleneck Spanning tree. In Figure I, we observe that there are three possible ways of spanning trees that have the common edge 2 and it means there is no other tree having a bottleneck value less than 2. Therefore, all these trees verify as Minimum Bottleneck Spanning trees. How we can say that the MST is MBST? There are the following points to understand the MST to be MBST − MBST ... Read More
