AMP - A Vi/Vim Inspired Text Editor for Linux Terminal

If you're a Linux user and love using Vim or Vi as your text editor, you'll love AMP. AMP is a Vi/Vim inspired text editor for Linux terminal. AMP is an open-source and easy-to-use text editor that runs in terminal, allowing you to edit files quickly and efficiently.

AMP stands for "Another Microscopic Editor," and it lives up to its name by being a small and lightweight text editor. It's perfect for those who prefer command-line tools and love speed and efficiency of Vi/Vim.

In this article, we'll explore AMP, its features, and how to use it.

Installing AMP

AMP can be installed on most Linux distributions using package manager. To install AMP on Ubuntu, Debian, or any Ubuntu-based distribution, use following command −

sudo apt-get install amp

For Arch Linux, use following command −

sudo pacman -S amp

For other distributions, please check official AMP website for installation instructions.

Getting started with AMP

To launch AMP, open terminal and type following command −

amp filename

This command will open specified file in AMP. If file doesn't exist, AMP will create a new one with specified name.

AMP's user interface is similar to Vim's. bottom of screen displays current mode, and cursor is indicated by a blinking block. current line and column are also displayed in bottom left corner of screen.

Modes in AMP

Like Vim, AMP has two modes: command mode and insert mode. In command mode, you can navigate through file, search for text, and execute commands. In insert mode, you can type and edit text.

To switch between modes, press "Esc" key to enter command mode, and press "i" key to enter insert mode. When you're in insert mode, you can type and edit text. When you're in command mode, you can navigate through file and execute commands.

Navigation in AMP

AMP allows you to navigate through file quickly and efficiently. Here are some navigation commands −

  • Use arrow keys to move up, down, left, or right.

  • Use "j" and "k" keys to move up and down one line at a time.

  • Use "h" and "l" keys to move left and right one character at a time.

  • Use "w" and "b" keys to move forward and backward one word at a time.

  • Use "gg" command to move to top of file.

  • Use "G" command to move to bottom of file.

  • Use ":" command to execute a command.

Searching in AMP

AMP allows you to search for text in file quickly and efficiently. Here are some search commands −

  • Use "/" command to search forward for a word.

  • Use "?" command to search backward for a word.

  • Use "n" command to move to next occurrence of search term.

  • Use "N" command to move to previous occurrence of search term.

Editing in AMP

AMP allows you to edit text quickly and efficiently. Here are some editing commands −

  • Use "i" key to enter insert mode and start typing.

  • Use "a" key to enter insert mode and start typing after cursor.

  • Use "o" key to create a new line below current line and enter insert mode.

  • Use "O" key to create a new line above current line and enter insert mode.

  • Use "x" key to delete character under cursor.

  • Use "dd" command to delete current line.

Use the Saving and quitting in AMP

To save your changes and exit AMP, use following command −


This command will save your changes and quit AMP. If you don't want to save your changes, use following command −


This command will quit AMP without saving your changes.

Customizing AMP

AMP can be customized to suit your needs. You can create a configuration file to define your preferences and key bindings. configuration file is located in your home directory and is called ".amprc". Here are some examples of how you can customize AMP −

To change background color, add following line to your .amprc file −

set background=dark

To map a key to a command, add following line to your .amprc file −

map <F2> :wq<CR>

This will map F2 key to ":wq" command.

To change font size, add following line to your .amprc file −

set fontsize=14

Additional features of AMP

AMP has some additional features that make it stand out from other text editors. Here are some of these features −

Multiple windows

AMP allows you to open multiple windows within same terminal. You can split window vertically or horizontally and work on multiple files at same time. To split window, use following commands −


This will split window horizontally.


This will split window vertically.


AMP allows you to record and play back macros. This is useful when you need to perform a repetitive task on multiple lines or files. To record a macro, use following command −


This will start recording macro into specified register. To stop recording, press "q" key again. To play back macro, use following command −


This will play back macro from specified register.

Plugin support

AMP has a plugin system that allows you to extend its functionality. There are several plugins available for AMP, such as a plugin for file navigation, a plugin for code completion, and a plugin for syntax highlighting.

Easy to learn

AMP is easy to learn if you're familiar with Vi/Vim. Most of commands and key bindings are same as Vi/Vim, so you don't need to learn a new set of commands.

Fast and efficient

AMP is a fast and efficient text editor. It's lightweight and doesn't require a lot of system resources. You can edit large files without any lag or delay.

AMP's limitations

While AMP is a great text editor, it does have some limitations. Here are some of limitations −

Steep learning curve

While AMP is easy to learn if you're familiar with Vi/Vim, it has a steep learning curve for new users. If you're not familiar with Vi/Vim, it may take some time to get used to commands and key bindings.

No graphical interface

AMP runs in terminal, so it doesn't have a graphical interface. This may be a limitation for users who prefer graphical interfaces.

Limited features

While AMP has many features, it's not as feature-rich as some of other text editors. It doesn't have advanced features like code folding or multiple cursors.

Lack of community support

AMP is a relatively new text editor, so it doesn't have a large community like other text editors. This may be a limitation if you need help with an issue.

Comparison to other text editors

When choosing a text editor, it's important to consider features and limitations of different options. Here's how AMP compares to other popular text editors −

  • Vi/Vim − AMP is based on Vi/Vim, so it has a similar interface and command structure. However, Vi/Vim has a larger community and more plugins available, so it may be a better choice for some users.

  • Nano − Nano is another lightweight text editor that's popular on Linux. While Nano has a simpler interface than AMP, it doesn't have as many features. AMP is a better choice for users who need more advanced editing capabilities.

  • Emacs − Emacs is a powerful text editor with a large community and many plugins available. While Emacs has a steeper learning curve than AMP, it's a more feature-rich text editor.

  • Sublime Text − Sublime Text is a popular text editor that's available on multiple platforms. While Sublime Text has more advanced features than AMP, it's not open source, and free version has limited features.


AMP is a great text editor for those who prefer command-line tools and love speed and efficiency of Vi/Vim. It's easy to use, lightweight, and customizable. With AMP, you can quickly and efficiently edit text files in terminal. If you're a Linux user, give AMP a try, and see how it can improve your workflow.

Updated on: 20-Apr-2023


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