Using Vim Registers on Linux


Vim is a powerful text editor widely used on Linux systems. One of the features that makes Vim so powerful is its support for registers. registers are essentially notes that allow you to quickly and easily store and retrieve text. In this article, we will discuss the basics of using registers in Vim in detail, including how to copy and paste text using registers, how to display register contents, and how to manipulate register contents. We'll also look at some advanced uses of registers and examples to help you understand how to use them effectively.

Understanding Registers

Before we dive into using registries, it's important to understand what they are and how they work. In Vim, there are several register types, including −

  • The Unnamed Registers − This is the default register used when copying and pasting text.

  • Named Registers − These are registers that you can name and use for specific tasks.

  • The Black Hole Register − This log is used to remove text without saving it to a log.

  • The Expression Register − This register is used to evaluate expressions.

To copy text in a register, you can use the "y" command followed by the move command which specifies the text you want to copy. For example, to copy a line, you would use the "yy" command. To copy from the cursor position to the end of the line, you would use the "y$" command.

To paste text from a register, you can use the "p" command. For example, to paste the last text you copied, you would use the "p" command.

View the Contents of the Registers

To view the contents of a registry, you can use the ":reg" command. The contents of all logs will be displayed, including the unnamed log, named logs, and black hole log.

You can also view the contents of a specific registry by using the ":reg" command followed by the registry name. For example, to view the contents of register "a", use the ":reg a" command.

Manipulation of the Contents of the Registers

Once text is stored in a register, it can be manipulated in various ways. A common operation is to add text to a register. This can be done using the ":let" command. For example, to add the text "Hello" to register "a", you would use the command ":let @a .= 'Hello'".

You can also remove the contents of a register using the ":unlet" command followed by the name of the register. For example, to remove the contents of the "a" register, use the ":unlet @a" command.

Advanced use of Registers

There are several advanced uses of registers that you can use to improve your workflow in Vim. One of the most useful is to use named registers. Named registers allow you to store text in a specific register by name, making it easy to retrieve later. For example, you can use the ":let @a = 'Hello World'" command to store the text "Hello World" in the "a" register. You can then retrieve this text later using the ":let @a" command

Another advanced use of logs is to use the black hole log. Black hole logging is used to remove text without saving it to a log. This can be useful when you want to delete text, but don't want to save it for later use. For example, you can use the ":delete_" command to delete text and store it in the black hole log.

You can also use the expression log to evaluate expressions. This can be useful when you need to perform calculations or manipulate text in a specific way. For example, you can use the ":let @=2+2" command to evaluate the expression "2+2" and store the result in the expression log.


Let's look at some examples of how to use registers in Vim.

  • Copy and paste text using registers −
    • To copy a line of text, move the cursor to the beginning of the line and use the "yy" command.

    • To paste text, move the cursor to the position where you want to paste the text and use the "p" command.

  • View the contents of the registers −
    • To see the contents of all registers use the ":reg" command

    • To view the contents of a specific registry, use the command ":reg [registry name]"

  • Manipulate the contents of the registers −
    • To add text to a register, use the command ":let @[register name].= '[text]'"

    • To remove the contents of a register, use the command ":unlet @[register name]"

  • Advanced use of registers −
    • To store text in a named register, use the command ":let @[register name] = '[text]'"

    • To remove the text and save it in the black hole log, use the ":delete_" command

    • To evaluate an expression and store it in the expression log, use the command ":let @= [expression]"


Registers are a powerful VIM functionality that allows you to archive and remember the text quickly and simply. By understanding how to use registers, it is possible to optimize the workflow and be more efficient when you work with the text in Vim. With knowledge of how to copy and paste text using logs, view log content, manipulate log content, and use advanced log usage, you'll soon be able to use this feature like a pro. With a little practice, you'll be able to use registers to improve your productivity and efficiency when working with text in Vim.

Updated on: 20-Jan-2023


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