Age Calculator using Python Tkinter

An Age Calculator is a handy tool that allows users to determine their age based on their date of birth. By inputting the date, it provides the number of days, months, and years since their birth, giving a precise measure of their journey through time.

Python, known for its simplicity and versatility, serves as the programming language of choice for our Age Calculator. Alongside Python, we will be utilizing Tkinter, a popular GUI (Graphical User Interface) library, to create an intuitive and interactive user interface for our application.


Before we dive into building our Age Calculator using Python Tkinter, let's go over the prerequisites to ensure you have everything you need to follow along with the tutorial smoothly.

Python Installation

Ensure that Python is installed on your system. Tkinter is included in the standard library of Python, so you don't need to install it separately. However, make sure you have Python version 3.6 or above installed. You can check your Python version by opening a terminal or command prompt and running the following command −

python --version

If you don't have Python installed or need to update to a newer version, you can download it from the official Python website ( and follow the installation instructions specific to your operating system.

Basic Programming Knowledge

While this tutorial aims to be beginner-friendly, having a basic understanding of Python programming concepts will be helpful. Familiarity with topics such as variables, functions, data types, and control flow will make it easier to follow the implementation steps and understand the code logic. If you are new to Python, don't worry! Python has a gentle learning curve, and this tutorial can be a great starting point for your journey into Python GUI development.

By ensuring that you have Python installed and a basic understanding of Python programming, you will be well-equipped to follow along with the tutorial and build your own Age Calculator using Python Tkinter.

Setting Up the Environment

Before we dive into building our Age Calculator, we need to ensure that we have the necessary environment set up. In this section, we will cover the steps to install the Tkinter library and verify its installation.

Installing Tkinter

Tkinter comes pre-installed with Python on most systems. However, if you don't have it installed or need to update it, you can install it using the following command 

pip install tkinter

This command will use pip, the Python package installer, to download and install Tkinter on your system. Depending on your system configuration, you may need administrative privileges to execute this command successfully.

Verifying the Installation

Once the installation is complete, you can verify it by opening a Python shell or interactive interpreter and importing the Tkinter module. Launch your terminal or command prompt and enter the following command 


This will open the Python interactive shell. Now, import the Tkinter module by executing the following command 

import tkinter

If the import statement executes without any errors, it indicates that Tkinter is installed correctly. You can exit the Python interactive shell by typing exit() or pressing Ctrl + Z followed by Enter.

With Tkinter installed and verified, we have our environment ready to start building our Age Calculator. In the next section, we will delve into the actual implementation of the application, step by step.

Creating the Age Calculator Application

Now that we have our environment set up, it's time to dive into the exciting part – creating our Age Calculator application using Python Tkinter. In this section, we will cover the step-by-step process of building the application.

1. Importing Required Libraries

To begin, let's open a new Python file in your preferred code editor and import the necessary libraries – Tkinter and datetime. These libraries will enable us to create the graphical user interface and perform date calculations.

import tkinter as tk
from datetime import date

We import tkinter using the tk alias to make it easier to reference the library throughout our code. The date module from the datetime library will help us work with dates.

2. Creating the Tkinter Application

Next, we will create the main Tkinter application and set up the main window for our Age Calculator.

# Create the Tkinter application
app = tk.Tk()
app.title("Age Calculator")

Here, we create an instance of the Tkinter Tk class, which represents the main window of our application. We also set the title of the window to "Age Calculator" using the title() method.

3. Adding GUI Elements

With our application created, let's move on to adding the necessary GUI elements such as labels, entry fields, and buttons to make our Age Calculator interactive.

# Create and position the GUI elements
label_date = tk.Label(app, text="Enter your date of birth (YYYY-MM-DD):")

entry_date = tk.Entry(app)

button_calculate = tk.Button(app, text="Calculate Age", command=calculate_age)

label_result = tk.Label(app, text="")

Here's a breakdown of the elements we're creating −

  • label_date  A label widget to prompt the user to enter their date of birth.

  • entry_date  An entry widget where the user can input their date of birth.

  • button_calculate  A button widget that triggers the calculate_age() function when clicked.

  • label_result  A label widget that will display the calculated age.

  • We use the pack() method to position these elements within the application's window.

4. Defining the Calculate Age Function

The core functionality of our Age Calculator lies in the calculate_age() function. This function will be executed when the "Calculate Age" button is clicked.

def calculate_age():
    # Get the entered date of birth from the entry field
    dob = entry_date.get()

    # Calculate the age based on the current date
    current_date =
    dob_date = date.fromisoformat(dob)
    age = current_date - dob_date

    # Display the calculated age in days
    label_result.config(text=f"You are {age.days} days old.")

Inside the calculate_age() function, we retrieve the entered date of birth from the entry field using the get() method. We then calculate the age by subtracting the date of birth from the current date. The result is stored in the age variable. Finally, we update the text of the label_result widget using the config() method, displaying the calculated age in days.

5. Running the Application

We're almost there! To run our Age Calculator application, we need to add a few lines of code at the end of our script.

# Run the Tkinter event loop

The mainloop() method is a crucial component of Tkinter applications. It initiates the event loop, which waits for user interactions and keeps the application responsive.


By following along, you have gained insights into building a basic yet functional GUI application using Python Tkinter. You've learned how to leverage Tkinter's capabilities to create an interactive user interface, capture user input, perform calculations, and display the results.

Updated on: 14-Aug-2023


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