Basic calculator program using C#

To create a calculator program in C#, you need to use Web Forms. Under that create buttons from 1-9, addition, subtraction, multiplication, etc.

Let us see the code for addition, subtraction, and multiplication. Firstly, we have declared two variables −

static float x, y;

Now, we will see how to set codes for calculation on individual button click: Our result textbox is tbResult since we have used Windows Form as well to display the calculator −

protected void add_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
   x = Convert.ToInt32(tbResult.Text);
   tbResult.Text = "";
   y = '+';
   tbResult.Text += y;
protected void sub_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
   x = Convert.ToInt32(tbResult.Text);
   tbResult.Text = "";
   y = '-';
   tbResult.Text += y;
protected void mul_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
   x = Convert.ToInt32(tbResult.Text);
   tbResult.Text = "";
   y = '*';
   tbResult.Text += y;

The following is the equal button code −

protected void eql_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
   z = Convert.ToInt32(tbResult.Text);
   tbResult.Text = "";
   if (y == '/') {
      p = x / z;
      tbResult.Text += p;
      x = d;
   } else if (y == '+') {
      p = x + z;
      tbResult.Text += p;
      a = d;
   } else if (y == '-') {
      p = x - z;
      tbResult.Text += p;
      x = p;
   } else {
      p = x * z;
      tbResult.Text += p;
      x = p;

Updated on: 19-Jun-2020


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