25 Most Used Firefox Add-ons to Improve Productivity in Linux

Firefox is a popular web browser used by millions of people worldwide. One of reasons for its popularity is its vast array of add-ons, which can enhance productivity and improve user experience. In this article, we will explore 25 most used Firefox add-ons to improve productivity in Linux.

uBlock Origin

The first add-on on our list is uBlock Origin, an open-source ad-blocker that is highly effective at blocking ads and trackers. uBlock Origin uses a minimal amount of system resources and is customizable, allowing users to whitelist specific websites or block certain types of content.


LastPass is a password manager that can store and autofill passwords for different websites. It also offers secure notes, form filling, and two-factor authentication. With LastPass, users can have strong and unique passwords for each website, without need to remember them all.


NoScript is a security add-on that blocks JavaScript, Java, and other executable content by default. Users can whitelist trusted websites, and NoScript will block any content from untrusted sites, preventing malicious code from executing on user's system.

HTTPS Everywhere

HTTPS Everywhere is an add-on that forces websites to use HTTPS, which provides an encrypted connection between user and website. This add-on can prevent attackers from intercepting sensitive information, such as passwords or credit card numbers.

Tab Mix Plus

Tab Mix Plus is a tab management add-on that provides additional features for managing tabs, such as duplicating tabs, locking tabs, and saving tab sets. Users can also customize tab behavior, such as opening new tabs next to current one.


Vimium is a productivity add-on that allows users to navigate web using keyboard shortcuts, similar to Vim text editor. With Vimium, users can scroll, click links, and navigate pages without using a mouse.

Tree Style Tab

Tree Style Tab is a tab management add-on that displays tabs in a tree-like structure on side of browser window. Users can group tabs and collapse or expand tree, making it easier to manage a large number of tabs.

Dark Reader

Dark Reader is a theme add-on that applies a dark theme to websites, reducing eye strain and improving readability in low-light conditions. Users can also customize color scheme and brightness to their liking.

Session Manager

Session Manager is a session management add-on that saves and restores sessions, including tabs, windows, and form data. Users can also set up automatic backups and recovery in case of a browser crash or system failure.


FoxyProxy is a proxy management add-on that allows users to switch between different proxy servers or VPNs. Users can set up rules for which websites use which proxy, and FoxyProxy can also be configured to switch automatically based on network conditions.

Video DownloadHelper

Video DownloadHelper is a media download add-on that allows users to download videos and audio from websites. This add-on supports a wide range of websites and formats, and can also convert media files to different formats.


Greasemonkey is a userscript management add-on that allows users to customize behavior of websites using JavaScript. Users can install or create their own scripts, which can modify page content, add functionality, or automate tasks.


Tampermonkey is another userscript management add-on that supports a wide range of scripts, including those created for Greasemonkey. Tampermonkey also includes features such as script synchronization and backup, as well as a script editor for creating new scripts.


DownThemAll! is a download manager add-on that can download multiple files simultaneously, with ability to pause and resume downloads. This add-on also includes features such as file renaming and sorting, as well as filters and mass downloading.

Tab Session Manager

Tab Session Manager is a session management add-on that specifically focuses on managing tabs. Users can save and restore tab sessions, as well as set up automatic backups and recovery. This add-on also includes features such as duplicate detection and merging of multiple sessions.


AutoPagerize is a productivity add-on that automatically loads next page of content when user reaches end of a page. This can be especially useful for websites that split articles or content into multiple pages, as it eliminates need to manually click through each page.

Dictionary Anywhere

Dictionary Anywhere is a language add-on that allows users to look up definitions and translations of words by double-clicking on them. This add-on supports multiple languages and can use different dictionaries, including online and offline ones.

Tab Center Reborn

Tab Center Reborn is another tab management add-on that displays tabs in a vertical sidebar on side of browser window. Users can also customize tab behavior, such as pinning tabs and opening new tabs next to current one.

Copy Link Text

Copy Link Text is a productivity add-on that allows users to copy text of a hyperlink, rather than just URL. This can be useful for referencing or sharing specific pieces of information, such as article titles or author names.

Privacy Badger

Privacy Badger is a privacy add-on that blocks trackers and other third-party content, while still allowing useful content to load. This add-on learns from user behavior and adapts to block new trackers as they are encountered.

Multi-Account Containers

Multi-Account Containers is a container management add-on that allows users to separate websites into different containers, each with its own set of cookies, cache, and other data. This can improve privacy and security, as well as allow users to use multiple accounts on same website.


OneTab is a tab management add-on that consolidates all open tabs into a single list, reducing clutter and system resource usage. Users can also save and restore tab groups, and export or import tabs to and from other devices.


Grepper is a productivity add-on that allows users to search for code snippets and solutions to programming problems, using a crowdsourced database. This add-on supports multiple programming languages and can also search for related questions and discussions.


Momentum is a theme add-on that replaces default new tab page with a personalized dashboard. This dashboard includes features such as a to-do list, a weather widget, and inspirational quotes, as well as customizable backgrounds and themes.


Pocket is a read-it-later add-on that allows users to save articles and other content to read later, either online or offline. This add-on also includes features such as tags and highlights, as well as personalized recommendations and curated content.


Tabliss is a theme add-on that replaces default new tab page with a customizable background image and clock, as well as inspirational quotes and widgets for weather and bookmarks. Users can also add their own widgets and customize layout and font of page.

LeechBlock NG

LeechBlock NG is a productivity add-on that allows users to block access to specific websites or categories of websites, either for a specified time period or permanently. This add-on can help users avoid distractions and improve focus and productivity.


Imagus is a media add-on that allows users to view images and videos by hovering over links, without having to click on them. This add-on can save time and eliminate need to open multiple tabs or windows to view media content.


Firefox add-ons can greatly improve productivity and user experience, and these 25 add-ons are some of most popular and useful ones available for Linux users. From ad-blockers to session managers, from tab management to productivity tools, these add-ons can help users customize their browsing experience to their specific needs and preferences. Try them out and see how they can enhance your productivity and enjoyment of web.

Updated on: 28-Mar-2023


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