20 Things to Do After Fresh Installation of Fedora 26 Workstation

Fedora 26 Workstation is an operating system built on Linux kernel, which provides users with a highly customizable, secure, and powerful computing experience. It is designed to cater to developers, system administrators, and users who want to leverage latest technologies and features. If you have just installed Fedora 26 Workstation, here are 20 things you can do to make most of your new installation.

Update Your System

After installing Fedora 26, first thing you should do is to update your system. To do this, open terminal and run command −

sudo dnf update

This command will update your system with latest packages and security patches.

Install Essential Package

Fedora 26 Workstation comes with a minimal set of packages installed by default. To get most out of your system, you should install some essential packages such as codecs, drivers, and multimedia software. Use following command to install these packages −

sudo dnf groupinstall "Multimedia Support" "Development Tools" "Fedora Workstation Productivity"

Install Additional Software

There are thousands of software packages available for Fedora 26 Workstation. You can install additional software using software center or command line. Some popular software packages include −

  • GIMP − An open-source image editor

  • VLC − A media player that plays almost any video or audio format

  • LibreOffice − A productivity suite that includes a word processor, spreadsheet, and presentation software

You can install these packages using following commands −

sudo dnf install gimp sudo dnf install vlc sudo dnf install libreoffice

Customize Your Desktop

Fedora 26 Workstation comes with GNOME desktop environment, which is highly customizable. You can change wallpaper, icons, themes, and fonts to make your desktop look unique. To customize your desktop, go to settings and select "Appearance."

Install GNOME Shell Extensions

GNOME Shell extensions provide additional functionality to desktop environment. You can install extensions to add new features, change layout, and improve productivity. Some popular extensions include −

  • Dash to Dock − Adds a dock to desktop for easy access to applications

  • TopIcons Plus − Displays system tray icons on top bar

  • User Themes − Allows you to use custom themes for desktop

You can install these extensions from GNOME extensions website or using following command −

sudo dnf install gnome-shell-extension-dash-to-dock gnome-shell-extension-topicons-plus gnome-shell-extension-user-theme

Enable RPM Fusion Repositories

RPM Fusion is a third-party repository that provides additional software packages not available in Fedora repositories. Enabling RPM Fusion will allow you to install proprietary software, such as Adobe Flash and Nvidia drivers. To enable RPM Fusion, follow instructions on RPM Fusion website.

Install a Different Desktop Environment

If you prefer a different desktop environment, such as KDE Plasma or Xfce, you can install it using following command −

sudo dnf groupinstall "KDE Plasma Workspaces" "Xfce Desktop"

Once installed, you can choose your preferred desktop environment from login screen.

Configure Firewall

Fedora 26 Workstation comes with a built-in firewall called firewalld. You should configure firewall to ensure that your system is secure. To open firewall configuration tool, go to settings and select "Firewall."

Install a Different Terminal Emulator

Default terminal emulator in Fedora 26 Workstation is GNOME Terminal. If you prefer a different terminal emulator, such as Terminator or Konsole, you can install it using following command −

sudo dnf install terminator konsole

Set up a Backup System

Backing up your data is essential to ensure that you don't lose important files in case of a system failure or data loss. Fedora 26 Workstation comes with Deja Dup backup tool installed by default. You can set up a backup system by launching Deja Dup from applications menu and following prompts.

Configure Power Settings

To conserve battery life or reduce power consumption, you should configure your power settings. You can adjust your power settings by going to settings and selecting "Power."

Install a Text Editor

Fedora 26 Workstation comes with gedit text editor installed by default. If you prefer a different text editor, such as Atom or Sublime Text, you can install it using following command −

sudo dnf install atom sublime-text

Set up a Virtual Environment

If you are a developer or want to test software in a clean environment, you can set up a virtual environment using tools like VirtualBox or Vagrant. These tools allow you to create and manage virtual machines on your system.

Configure Network Settings

You should configure your network settings to ensure that your system can connect to internet and other devices on your network. You can configure your network settings by going to settings and selecting "Network."

Install a Package Manager GUI

If you prefer a graphical interface for managing your packages, you can install a package manager GUI, such as DNFdragora or PackageKit. Use following command to install DNFdragora −

sudo dnf install dnfdragora

Set up a VPN

If you want to protect your online privacy or access restricted content, you can set up a VPN (virtual private network) on your system. There are several VPN clients available for Fedora 26 Workstation, such as OpenVPN and PPTP.

Install Development Tools

Fedora 26 Workstation is a popular choice for developers because it provides a rich set of development tools and libraries. You can install development tools using following command −

sudo dnf groupinstall "Development Tools"

Configure Your Printer

If you have a printer connected to your system, you should configure it to ensure that it is working properly. You can configure your printer by going to settings and selecting "Printers."

Install a Media Server

If you have a collection of media files, such as music or videos, you can set up a media server to stream them to other devices on your network. Popular media server software includes Plex and Emby.

Join Fedora Community

Fedora is an open-source community-driven project. By joining Fedora community, you can contribute to development of operating system, learn new skills, and connect with other users and developers. You can join Fedora community by visiting Fedora website and participating in forums and mailing lists.


Fedora 26 Workstation is a powerful operating system that provides users with a wide range of features and customization options. By following these 20 tips, you can make most of your new installation and enjoy a productive and secure computing experience. Whether you are a developer, system administrator, or casual user, Fedora 26 Workstation has something to offer.

Updated on: 28-Mar-2023


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