10 Best Linux Server Distributions of 2023

Linux is a popular operating system that has gained a lot of popularity in the world of servers. Many businesses and organizations have turned to Linux to run their servers as it offers various benefits such as reliability, security, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness. However, choosing the best Linux server distribution for your organization can be challenging as there are numerous options to choose from. In this article, we will explore some of the best Linux server distributions of 2023 that you can consider.

Ubuntu Server

Ubuntu Server is a popular Linux server distribution that has been around for many years. It is based on Debian and is designed to be easy to use, flexible, and secure. Ubuntu Server offers numerous features such as support for multiple architectures, cloud integration, and automated security updates. It is also easy to install and comes with a vast software library that makes it easy to install applications.

Ubuntu Server has gained popularity over the years due to its ease of use and flexibility. It is ideal for small to medium-sized businesses, developers, and individuals who want a reliable and stable Linux server distribution.


CentOS is another popular Linux server distribution that is widely used by businesses and organizations. It is based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) and is known for its stability, security, and reliability. CentOS is also free, which makes it an attractive option for businesses looking to cut costs.

CentOS offers various features such as long-term support, security updates, and compatibility with RHEL packages. It is also easy to install and comes with a minimal server installation that makes it easy to customize according to your needs.


Debian is a stable and secure Linux server distribution that has been around for many years. It is known for its reliability, security, and ease of use. Debian offers various features such as support for multiple architectures, automatic updates, and a vast software library.

Debian is ideal for businesses and organizations that require a stable and secure Linux server distribution. It is also easy to install and comes with various tools that make it easy to manage your server.

Fedora Server

Fedora Server is a popular Linux server distribution that is based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). It is designed to be fast, stable, and secure. Fedora Server offers various features such as support for multiple architectures, automatic updates, and compatibility with RHEL packages.

Fedora Server is ideal for businesses and organizations that require a fast and stable Linux server distribution. It is also easy to install and comes with various tools that make it easy to manage your server.


OpenSUSE is a stable and secure Linux server distribution that is designed to be easy to use and flexible. It offers various features such as support for multiple architectures, automatic updates, and a vast software library.

OpenSUSE is ideal for businesses and organizations that require a stable and secure Linux server distribution that is easy to use and flexible. It is also easy to install and comes with various tools that make it easy to manage your server.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)

Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) is a popular Linux server distribution that is widely used in the enterprise world. It is known for its stability, security, and reliability. RHEL offers various features such as long-term support, automatic updates, and compatibility with various enterprise applications.

RHEL is ideal for large enterprises that require a stable and secure Linux server distribution. It comes with various tools that make it easy to manage your server and offers excellent support and documentation.

Oracle Linux

Oracle Linux is another popular Linux server distribution that is widely used by businesses and organizations. It is based on RHEL and is known for its stability, security, and reliability. Oracle Linux offers various features such as long-term support, automatic updates, and compatibility with various enterprise applications.

Oracle Linux is ideal for businesses and organizations that require a stable and secure Linux server distribution that is optimized for running Oracle applications. It also comes with various tools that make it easy to manage your server.

Arch Linux

Arch Linux is a flexible and customizable Linux server distribution that is designed for advanced users. It offers various features such as rolling releases, a minimalist design, and compatibility with various architectures.

Arch Linux is ideal for advanced users and developers who want a flexible and customizable Linux server distribution. It is also lightweight and optimized for speed and performance.

Alpine Linux

Alpine Linux is a lightweight and secure Linux server distribution that is designed for running containers. It offers various features such as small size, a minimalist design, and compatibility with various architectures.

Alpine Linux is ideal for businesses and organizations that require a lightweight and secure Linux server distribution for running containers. It is also easy to install and comes with various tools that make it easy to manage your server.


ClearOS is a Linux server distribution that is designed for small businesses and organizations. It offers various features such as easy installation, a user-friendly interface, and compatibility with various applications.

ClearOS is ideal for small businesses and organizations that require a Linux server distribution that is easy to use and manage. It comes with various tools such as a web-based administration interface that makes it easy to manage your server.

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES)

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) is a popular Linux server distribution that is widely used by businesses and organizations. It is known for its stability, security, and reliability. SLES offers various features such as long-term support, automatic updates, and compatibility with various enterprise applications.

SLES is ideal for businesses and organizations that require a stable and secure Linux server distribution. It comes with various tools that make it easy to manage your server and offers excellent support and documentation.

Manjaro Linux

Manjaro Linux is a user-friendly Linux server distribution that is designed for ease of use and customization. It offers various features such as rolling releases, compatibility with various architectures, and a vast software library.

Manjaro Linux is ideal for small to medium-sized businesses, developers, and individuals who want a reliable and user-friendly Linux server distribution that can be customized according to their needs.

Gentoo Linux

Gentoo Linux is a flexible and customizable Linux server distribution that is designed for advanced users. It offers various features such as rolling releases, compatibility with various architectures, and a vast software library.

Gentoo Linux is ideal for advanced users and developers who want a flexible and customizable Linux server distribution that can be optimized for their specific needs. It is also lightweight and optimized for speed and performance.


Choosing the best Linux server distribution for your organization can be challenging. However, by considering factors such as stability, security, ease of use, and flexibility, you can narrow down your options. Ubuntu Server, CentOS, Debian, Fedora Server, and OpenSUSE are some of the best Linux server distributions of 2023 that you can consider. These distributions offer various features such as support for multiple architectures, automatic updates, and compatibility with various packages. They are also easy to install and come with various tools that make it easy to manage your server.

Updated on: 02-May-2023


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