Best Lightweight Linux Distributions For Older Computers

If you have an older computer lying around that's just not powerful enough to run modern software, you may think it's time to send it off to recycling center. But before you do, consider installing a lightweight Linux distribution. These operating systems are designed to run on older, less powerful machines and can breathe new life into your aging computer.

In this article, we'll take a look at some of best lightweight Linux distributions for older computers. We'll cover benefits of these operating systems, what to look for when choosing one, and some examples to help you get started.

Benefits of Lightweight Linux Distributions

Lightweight Linux distributions are designed to be lightweight on system resources, which means they consume less memory and processing power than mainstream operating systems like Windows or macOS. This makes them ideal for older computers with limited hardware specifications.

By using a lightweight Linux distribution, you can extend life of an older computer and save money by avoiding need to purchase a new machine. These operating systems also tend to be faster and more responsive than their bloated counterparts, which can be a refreshing change for users accustomed to sluggish performance.

What to Look for in a Lightweight Linux Distribution

When choosing a lightweight Linux distribution, there are several factors to consider. first is hardware requirements - you'll want to find a distribution that will run smoothly on your specific machine. Some distributions may require a more powerful CPU, more RAM, or a specific graphics card.

Another factor to consider is ease of use. If you're not familiar with Linux, you'll want to find a distribution with a user-friendly interface and plenty of documentation and support available. Finally, consider software that comes pre-installed with distribution - you'll want to make sure it includes applications you need for your specific use case.

Best Lightweight Linux Distributions

Puppy Linux

Puppy Linux is a lightweight Linux distribution designed to be run entirely from RAM, which means it can be booted from a USB drive or CD without needing to install it on your computer's hard drive. This makes it a great option for older computers with limited hard drive space. Puppy Linux is also extremely fast and responsive, even on older hardware.

Puppy Linux comes with a range of pre-installed software, including web browsers, email clients, and media players. It also has a simple and user-friendly interface that should be easy for Linux newcomers to navigate.


Lubuntu is a lightweight variant of popular Ubuntu Linux distribution. It's designed to be fast and responsive on older hardware while still providing access to vast library of software available in Ubuntu repositories.

Lubuntu's user interface is clean and simple, with a taskbar at bottom of screen and a menu for accessing installed applications. It also comes with a range of pre-installed software, including Firefox web browser, VLC media player, and LibreOffice suite of productivity tools.


Xubuntu is another lightweight variant of Ubuntu, but with a slightly different user interface. It uses Xfce desktop environment, which is designed to be fast and efficient while still providing a modern look and feel.

Xubuntu comes with a range of pre-installed software, including Thunar file manager, Firefox web browser, and GIMP image editor. It's also fully customizable, so you can tailor it to your specific needs.

Linux Lite

Linux Lite is a lightweight Linux distribution based on Ubuntu, but with a focus on ease of use for newcomers to Linux. It comes with a user-friendly interface that should be easy to navigate, even for those with no prior experience with Linux.

Linux Lite also comes with a range of pre-installed software, including Firefox web browser, VLC media player, and LibreOffice suite of productivity tools. It's also designed to be fast and efficient on older hardware, with low system requirements that make it suitable for use on computers with limited resources.

Bodhi Linux

Bodhi Linux is a lightweight Linux distribution that uses Enlightenment desktop environment. It's designed to be fast and responsive on older hardware while still providing a modern and visually appealing user interface.

Bodhi Linux comes with a range of pre-installed software, including Midori web browser, Terminology terminal emulator, and ePhoto image viewer. It also includes a number of customizable themes and settings, allowing you to tailor interface to your preferences.

Peppermint OS

Peppermint OS is a lightweight Linux distribution designed to be fast and efficient on older hardware. It uses LXDE desktop environment and comes with a range of pre-installed software, including Chromium web browser, VLC media player, and LibreOffice suite of productivity tools.

Peppermint OS also includes a number of cloud-based applications, allowing you to access your files and data from anywhere with an internet connection. This can be particularly useful for older computers with limited storage capacity.

MX Linux

MX Linux is a lightweight Linux distribution based on Debian, but with a focus on ease of use and low system requirements. It uses Xfce desktop environment and comes with a range of pre-installed software, including Firefox web browser, VLC media player, and LibreOffice suite of productivity tools.

MX Linux also includes a number of unique features, such as a system-wide ad blocker and a tool for managing AppImages, which are self-contained applications that can be run without needing to install them on your system.

AntiX Linux

AntiX Linux is a lightweight Linux distribution based on Debian, but with a focus on speed and efficiency. It uses IceWM desktop environment and comes with a range of pre-installed software, including Firefox web browser, VLC media player, and AbiWord word processor.

AntiX Linux is designed to be lightweight and flexible, making it a great option for older computers with limited resources. It also includes a number of tools for system maintenance and customization, allowing you to tailor distribution to your specific needs.


CrunchBang++ is a lightweight Linux distribution based on Debian, but with a unique user interface that's designed to be fast and efficient. It uses Openbox window manager and comes with a range of pre-installed software, including Midori web browser, VLC media player, and Gnumeric spreadsheet program.

CrunchBang++ is designed to be highly customizable, allowing you to tailor distribution to your specific needs. It's also extremely fast and responsive, making it a great option for older computers with limited resources.


Slax is a lightweight Linux distribution that's designed to be run entirely from a USB drive. It comes with a range of pre-installed software, including Firefox web browser, VLC media player, and GIMP image editor.

Slax is highly customizable, allowing you to add or remove software modules to create a distribution that meets your specific needs. It's also extremely lightweight, making it a great option for older computers with limited resources.


If you have an older computer that's struggling to run modern software, installing a lightweight Linux distribution could be perfect solution. These operating systems are designed to be fast and efficient on older hardware, and can extend life of your computer while saving you money.

When choosing a lightweight Linux distribution, consider hardware requirements, ease of use, and pre-installed software. Some great options to consider include Puppy Linux, Lubuntu, Xubuntu, Linux Lite, Bodhi Linux, Peppermint OS, and MX Linux. With so many options available, you're sure to find a distribution that meets your needs and breathes new life into your aging computer.

Updated on: 10-Apr-2023


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