10 Best Android Development Courses in 2023

Are you interested in Android development and want to learn how to create amazing mobile apps? Then, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll be exploring some of the best Android development courses available in 2023.

Android is the most popular mobile operating system, with over 2 billion active users worldwide. Therefore, it's no surprise that the demand for skilled Android developers is on the rise. Learning Android development can lead to a rewarding and lucrative career, as well as giving you the opportunity to create innovative mobile apps that can change the world.

So, without further ado, let’s dive into some of the best Android development courses for 2023.

The Complete Android Developer Course - Udemy

The Complete Android Developer Course is a comprehensive course designed for beginners who want to learn how to create professional Android apps. The course covers a wide range of topics, from basic Android concepts to advanced app development techniques.

The course is taught by Rob Percival, a renowned developer who has taught over 1 million students on Udemy. The course includes over 40 hours of video content, and you’ll learn how to build 14 different apps throughout the course.

Android Kotlin Development Masterclass - Udemy

If you’re interested in learning Kotlin, the modern programming language for Android development, then the Android Kotlin Development Masterclass is the perfect course for you. The course is designed for beginners who have no prior experience in Kotlin or Android development.

The course is taught by Tim Buchalka, a professional developer who has over 30 years of programming experience. The course includes over 40 hours of video content and covers all the essential topics in Kotlin and Android app development.

Android App Development Course - Coursera

The Android App Development Course on Coursera is a beginner-friendly course that teaches you how to create Android apps using Java programming language. The course is taught by instructors from Vanderbilt University, and it’s a part of the university's online computer science curriculum.

The course includes video lectures, quizzes, and hands-on programming assignments that will help you learn the basics of Android development. By the end of the course, you’ll have built several Android apps, including a photo-sharing app and a weather app.

Android Development for Beginners - Google

Android Development for Beginners is a free course offered by Google that teaches you how to build Android apps using Java programming language. The course is designed for beginners who have no prior experience in Android development.

The course includes video lectures, quizzes, and programming exercises that will teach you the essential concepts in Android development. By the end of the course, you’ll have built several Android apps, including a quiz app and a weather app.

Android Basics Nanodegree Program - Udacity

The Android Basics Nanodegree Program is a comprehensive course designed for beginners who want to learn how to create Android apps. The course is taught by instructors from Google, and it covers all the essential topics in Android app development.

The course includes video lectures, quizzes, and hands-on programming assignments that will help you learn how to build Android apps from scratch. By the end of the course, you’ll have built several Android apps, including a score keeper app and a music app.

Android Developer Nanodegree Program - Udacity

The Android Developer Nanodegree Program is an advanced course designed for experienced developers who want to take their Android development skills to the next level. The course is taught by instructors from Google, and it covers all the essential topics in Android app development, including Material Design, APIs, and app publishing.

The course includes video lectures, quizzes, and hands-on programming assignments that will help you build real-world Android apps. By the end of the course, you’ll have created several advanced Android apps, including a popular movie app and a news reader app.

Kotlin for Android: Beginner to Advanced - Udemy

Kotlin for Android: Beginner to Advanced is a comprehensive course designed for developers who want to learn Kotlin programming language for Android development. The course is taught by Paulo Dichone, a professional developer with over 10 years of experience in Android app development.

The course includes over 40 hours of video content, and you’ll learn how to create professional Android apps using Kotlin. You’ll also learn advanced topics, such as RxJava and Dagger 2, and how to integrate them into your Android apps.

Android Jetpack Masterclass - Udemy

The Android Jetpack Masterclass is a comprehensive course that teaches you how to use Jetpack, a suite of Android libraries designed to help you build high-quality Android apps. The course is taught by Mahmud Ridwan, a professional developer with over 7 years of experience in Android app development.

The course includes over 30 hours of video content, and you’ll learn how to use Jetpack components, such as Navigation, Paging, and LiveData, to create professional Android apps. You’ll also learn how to integrate Firebase into your apps and how to publish your apps to the Google Play Store.

Android Architecture Components - Udacity

Android Architecture Components is a free course offered by Udacity that teaches you how to use the Android Architecture Components to build robust and maintainable Android apps. The course is taught by instructors from Google, and it covers all the essential topics in Android app development, including ViewModel, LiveData, Room, and WorkManager.

The course includes video lectures, quizzes, and programming exercises that will teach you how to use the Architecture Components to create scalable Android apps. By the end of the course, you’ll have built a weather app using the Architecture Components.

Android Material Design Course - Udemy

The Android Material Design Course is a course designed to teach you how to use Material Design to create beautiful and intuitive Android apps. The course is taught by Paulo Dichone, a professional developer with over 10 years of experience in Android app development.

The course includes over 10 hours of video content and covers all the essential topics in Material Design, such as colors, typography, and layout. You'll learn how to use Material Design components to create beautiful and responsive Android apps.

Build a Simple Android App with Java - Codecademy

Build a Simple Android App with Java is a free course offered by Codecademy that teaches you how to create a simple Android app using Java programming language. The course is designed for beginners who have no prior experience in Android development.

The course includes video lectures, quizzes, and programming exercises that will teach you the essential concepts in Android development. By the end of the course, you'll have built a simple Android app that displays text and images.

Android Security and Permissions - Udemy

Android Security and Permissions is a course designed to teach you how to secure your Android apps and handle user permissions effectively. The course is taught by David Arcila, a professional developer with over 10 years of experience in Android app development.

The course includes over 7 hours of video content and covers all the essential topics in Android security, such as secure storage, network security, and user permissions. You'll learn how to use Android security APIs to secure your apps and how to handle user permissions effectively.

Master Android App Design - Udemy

Master Android App Design is a course designed to teach you how to create beautiful and intuitive Android app designs. The course is taught by Chiu-Ki Chan, a professional designer with over 10 years of experience in app design.

The course includes over 8 hours of video content and covers all the essential topics in Android app design, such as typography, colors, and layout. You'll learn how to use design patterns to create beautiful and intuitive Android app designs.


Learning Android development can be a rewarding and lucrative career choice. With the right training and education, you can become a skilled Android developer and create amazing mobile apps. The courses we’ve highlighted in this article are some of the best Android development courses available in 2023, and they’re perfect for beginners who want to learn how to create professional Android apps.

Updated on: 26-Feb-2024

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