UDDI API - find_business


The find_business function searches for businesses that match the specified criteria.

The response includes a root businessList element, and one businessInfo element for each matching company. If the UDDI operator returns only a partial list of matching results, the businessList element's truncated attribute will be set to true. If no matches are found, a businessList element with zero sub elements is returned.

Version 2.0 Syntax

<find_business generic = "2.0" [maxRows = "nn"] 
   xmlns = "urn:uddi-org:api_v2">
   [<name/> [<name/>]...]


maxRows − Optional attribute to specify the maximum number of rows to be returned; if maxRows is exceeded, the bindingDetail element's truncated attribute will be set to true.

findQualifiers − Optional element to override the default search functionality. For example, the find qualifier exactNameMatch will match exact business names.

name − The full or partial name of the business. UDDI 2.0 enables you to specify up to five business names.

discoveryURLs − Optional element to search by discovery URLs. If more than one discoveryURL is specified, the search is performed via a logical OR.

identifierBag − Optional element to search by identifier. If more than one identifier is specified, the search is performed via a logical OR.

categoryBag − Optional element to search by category. For example, you can search by NAICS codes. If more than one category is specified, the search is performed via a logical AND.

tModelBag − Optional element to search by tModel records. If more than one tModel is specified, the search is performed via a logical AND.

Error Returned

If any error occurs in processing this API call, a dispositionReport element will be returned to the caller within a SOAP Fault. The following error number information will be relevant:

E_invalidKeyPassed − It signifies that the uuid_key value passed did not match with any known serviceKey or tModelKey values. The error structure will signify which condition occurred first, and the invalid key will be indicated clearly in text.

E_unsupported − It signifies that one of the findQualifier values passed was invalid. The invalid qualifier will be indicated clearly in text.

E_tooManyOptions − It signifies that the implementation defined limit on the number of name arguments was exceeded.
