Framework7 - Overlay Picker Modal


Picker modal is used to pick some custom content, which is similar to a calender picker. The picker modal can be created by using the picker-modal class.

You can open and close the picker modal in two ways as specified in the following table −

S.No Type & Description
1 From HTML

You can open and close the picker modal by using classes and data attributes.

2 Using JavaScript

You can open and close the picker modal by using the JavaScript code.

Popup Events

S.No Event Target & Description
1 open

Picker Element

When you open an animation, this event will get fired.

2 opened

Picker Element

When the opening of an animation is completed, this event will get fired.

3 close

Picker Element

When you close an animation, this event will get fired.

4 closed

Picker Element

When the closing of an animation is completed, this event will get fired.

You can also create a dynamic picker modal by using it's HTML to App methods. Here is an example.
